Proposal Name / Class schedule conflicts
Brief Description
(one or two sentences) / Acquire software that allows review of the number of conflicts students encounter when attempting to enroll in classes and reduce these conflicts through improved scheduling.
Years on Priority List
(5 points) / 0
What will be achieved?
(10 Points) / Improve student access to classes by reducing conflicts in scheduling across all divisions. Improve the efficiency of classroom usage.
Justification: Why should this be done?
(20 points) / There is currently no means to review the college class schedule or determine the level of difficulty students have in creating a class schedule without overlaps. By having information on where conflicts occur, classes can be scheduled to minimize overlaps. An added benefit will be to improve classroom usage.
College Goals and/or Objective(s) & Student Learning.
(30 points) / “Ensure that student’s earliest experiences with the College are positive, nurturing, and focused on student learning and academic success.” Increasing the ease with which students are able to set up a desirable schedule of classes enhances their first impressions of the college and encourages continued their enrollment.
“Use technology to expand opportunities for student learning and student services.” The ability to analyze and reduce class conflicts for students enhances their opportunities to optimize learning and achievement.
“Achieve targeted growth through an integrated enrollment management process.” Improving the efficiency of the class schedule and room usage increases the likelihood that students will enroll in more units and may increase FTES. It improves efficiency by reducing pressure on marketing and recruiting of additional students.
Does this proposal fulfill a mandate? / No
Does this proposal address a safety issue? / No
Will this proposal benefit other areas of the college? / It may decrease the need to recruit new students. By showing efficiency use of classroom space our ability to acquire State funding for additional classroom space may be enhanced.
Will this proposal impact or require accommodations from other areas? / No
How will your proposal be achieved? Action plan summary: include primary steps, timeline for implementation, and who is responsible. / What
· Purchase software to analyze schedule.
· Identify needed training to use software. / When
· As soon as funding is made available / Who
· Deans and schedulers
Assessment process: How will you determine that your proposal has been successful? / Compare the number of student schedules with conflicts before and after proposed analysis and improvement of the class schedule.
Resources Required: facilities, equipment, software, staff, etc. (include cost estimate) / Faculty: / Cost:
Facilities/other: Software purchase / $45,000 (estimate)
Costs after 1st year:
Comments of Dean or supervisor
Suggested Prioritization
(from division)
Contact Person: __Gari Browning Discipline/Area ____Instruction______
Dean: ______
Documentation of Justifications:
Increases in demand for tutorial services may be measured by the following increases over the last four years:
§ Tutors hired increased from 30 to 114 per semester
§ DSPS tutee assignments increased from 10 to 50 per semester
§ ACES tutee assignments increased from 3 to 15 per semester
§ EOPS tutee assignments increased from 4 to 12
§ Locations where tutoring services offered increased from 5 to 11
§ Tutoring currently supports students in the following divisions: Communications, Math & Science, Applied Science & Business, Health Sciences and ECE, Social Science & Arts
Student contact hours for 2006-07
53,423 contact hours for group tutoring
8,219 contact hours for 1 on 1 tutoring
61,533 total contact hours
(Note: Group tutoring averages 6.5 students per tutor per hour. One on one tutoring is reserved for special programs that require service above what is generally available to COD students.)
Each of our 114 tutors was recruited, hired, trained, scheduled, and evaluated. (We get about ¼ turnover in tutors each year.) We must track work hours, process payroll, and maintain employment status records for all tutors. Tutor schedules change constantly throughout each semester because 1.) many are students who often need to change work hours to maintain their own course work 2.) tutee schedules change so our tutors must change as well. All of this has to be tracked and recorded.
Tutees must enroll in the appropriate sections of ASC 100 so we can best track our services to different disciplines. We enroll over 6,000 tutees each year.
The numbers and details described above are cited not to give a comprehensive assessment of the need, but to provide a sense of the scope of tutoring operations. There are many other clerical and academic tasks involved in running an effective Tutoring Center.