Year 1Curriculum Overview: Spring 2
EnglishWhat are we learning in school?
Our English topic this half term is Traditional Stories. We will be reading different traditional tales and learning about their key features. The children will learn to retell traditional stories, identify key features and write a traditional tale.
What could you do at home?
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. This homework may be sent home in the homework folders, posted on the blog or be available on Purple Mash.
You will be expected to practise your weekly spellings, read your reading book daily, complete activities in your reading diary andcontribute to our class blog. You could also visit the library and read different Traditional Tales books! Use this website to look at more traditional tales: / Maths
What are we learning in school?
In Maths this half term we will be learning to solve problems about capacity, volume and time. The children will also be learning to develop their multiplication and division skills through practical work and solving sums and word problems. We will also be developing our knowledge of Fractions finding a quarter of a shape and quantity.
What could you do at home?
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning. This homework may be sent home in the homework folders, posted on the blog or be available on Purple Mash.
Play Year 1 Maths games on Education City or Skoolbo.
You could also practise your 2, 5 and 10 times table using Hit the Button.
What are we learning in school?
Our Science unit this half term is Using our Senses. We will be developing our knowledge of the human body and looking at our five senses. This will include, tasting different foods and flavours, touching different textures, smelling unfamiliar smells, listening to different sounds and looking at a variety of different everyday objects.
The children will learn to comment on things that they like and dislike and give reasons for choices that they make.
What could you do at home?
Use this link to research:
Why not visit the library and research the five different senses? What different tastes do you like? What are your favourite smells? What are your favourite things to look at? How do you use your different senses? / History
What are we learning in school?
Our Topic next half term is Toys. We will be learning all about toys from the past. In particularly the toys from the Victorian Period. We will be comparing toys from the past to toys that we play with today.
What could you do at home?
Make a poster showing all your toys at home.
Find out:
What was the most common toy in the Victorian times?
Your toys to the toys that you have learnt about.
During this topic we will have a visit from the Herbert Art Gallery. They will be coming to school to show the children a variety of toys from the past. During this visit the children will have the opportunity to play with different toys from the past.
PSHE:Our unit this half term is Choices. We will be learning about making choices.You will be set a piece of PSHE homework on the blog in Week 6.
Computing: Our Computing unit this half term is I am a story teller.. We will develop skills on the ipad tomakeour own books.
SMSC:Our SMSC unit this half term will be Worship in different religions. We will be looking at how different religions worship.