Mr. Smith’s Health Class Guidelines
Required Materials
* Single/Double Subject Notebook * Black or Blue Pen
* Pencil * Planner/Agenda
* Pocket Folder
* Text Book: Health
Time Period/Subject Covered
· Body Systems
· Personal Care
· Substance Abuse
· Social Health/Conflict Resolution
· Physical Activity/Nutrition/Body image
1. STUDENTS WILL RESPECT EVERYONE IN CLASS AT ALL TIMES! Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. (Detention, suspensions, referrals, etc.)
2. Students will follow all rules of the school as specified in the student handbook.
3. Students must bring materials to class everyday. You will not be allowed to go back to your locker for anything, and will be marked tardy if you need to)
4. Students will report to class on time. School policies of tardiness will be enforced.
5. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for the work that they missed.
6. Students absent on the day of a test/quiz will be expected to make up the test/quiz on the day they return, unless they have been absent for more than one day.
Students Grades will be comprised of the following:
1st and 2nd marking period Semester Grade
* Tests/Quizzes/Projects (Assessments are 75% of quarter grade)
Both are scored as 2X point total * 1st marking period 50%
* Homework (In-class/at home is 25% of quarter grade) * 2nd marking period 50%
---can be turned in late for ½ credit
* Homework and quizzes/ tests will be graded by a point based system. Most assignments will be between 10-20 points based on the number of questions/length. Students will not receive a letter grade for each assignment but can calculate it based on how many points they received and how many points were possible. (ex. 8/10 points = 80% B-)
15/20 points= 75% C )
* Extra Credit can be earned by typing an assignment where 3 additional points will be added to the overall score received.
*Mr Smith can be contacted at (586)825-2620 ext. 24202
(5th hour planning period for the 2017-18 school year)