Qualifying Training Course and Job Seeker Outcomes Job Aid
When placing a job seeker into a Qualifying Training Course (QTC), Job Services Australia (JSA) providers will need to enter the QTC placement into DEEWR’s IT System as an activity. This activity record may result in a Bonus being available if the job seeker takes up an Employment Related Activity which is directly related to a field of study of the QTC and all requirements for a Bonus are met.
Instructions / Notes /A job seeker commences a QTC and a JSA provider enters it in DEEWR’s IT System
A QTC must be a certificate two course or above and the job seeker must complete the course and attain the qualification.
The job seeker may have commenced the QTC before the job seeker’s current Period of Unemployment but the QTC must not have been completed before the job seeker’s current Period of Unemployment.
The QTC may have been both commenced and completed during the job seeker’s current Period of Unemployment but before the job seeker’s Commencement in Stream Services. / Documentary Evidence is required proving that the job seeker has attained the qualification. Please see the Documentary Evidence for Claims for Payments Guidelines for further information. If the Documentary Evidence is not available, a Bonus must not be claimed.
Recording a QTC in DEEWR’s IT System requirements
If a job seeker Commences Stream Services with the JSA provider and is currently studying a QTC in their current Period of Unemployment, the JSA provider must enter it immediately in the ‘Activity Placements’ screens in DEEWR’s IT System. However, when using the date of Commencement in Stream Services as the start date of the QTC activity, DEEWR’s IT System does not recognise any start dates prior to the Commencement date in Stream Services. This is the only circumstance that the actual start date not may be recorded. Please refer to Clause 88.5. The end date of the course will be the accurate end date as indicated by the Training Provider.
For the entry of a QTC where the job seeker has both commenced and completed it prior to the job seekers Commencement in Stream Services; the JSA provider will need to contact their Contract Manager to request entry of the course. Your Contract Manager’s assistance is only required for this particular circumstance. In this instance, a claim for any Bonus will require submission of a Special Claim. Free text will need to be entered in the Special Claim. The Job Seeker Outcome Fee will be available for claiming in DEEWR’s IT System in the usual way by submission of the Tax Invoice.
Failure to do this may result in the Bonus not being payable.
Further requirements for the QTC to result in a Job Seeker Outcome based on an Employment Related Activity with a Bonus for Directly Related Employment
There are specific timing requirements for the QTC to be considered for a Bonus. The job seeker must have:
· commenced the QTC before the Outcome Start Date of the Employment Related Activity; and
· completed the QTC before the end date of the 13 Week Period or before the end date of the 26 Week Period (which ever applies to the Job Seeker Outcome).
The job seeker must not have completed the QTC more than 12 months before the Outcome Start Date of the Employment Related Activity.
The job seeker’s QTC must be in a field of study that is directly related to the job seeker’s Employment Related Activity. Please refer to the Job Seeker Outcome Guidelines and the Claiming a Bonus Job Aid for further details. / Further recording requirements
The JSA provider will need to enter the QTC in the ‘Activity Placements’ screens prior to the entry of the Commencement Date of the Employment Related Activity into the ‘Vacancy’ screen of DEEWR’s IT System.
If this is completed accurately, DEEWR’s IT System will be able to check all the dates and a Bonus will be automatically available for eligible Job Seeker Outcomes.
If the QTC also meets the requirements for a Qualifying Education Course and the course has already been entered into the ‘Add Education Placement’ screen it will not be necessary to enter the QTC into the ‘Activity Placements’ screens as well. A QTC entered into any Activity Management screens will be checked by DEEWR’s IT System for a possible Bonus Fee.
The system will make a Job Seeker Outcome available based on the education and training related activity and a Job Seeker Outcome with Bonus based on the Directly Related Employment if all the requirements of Deed have been met.
Tax Invoice
If all the requirements for a Job Seeker Outcome based on an Employment Related Activity and a Directly Related Employment Bonus (based on the QTC) have been met, a Job Seeker Outcome Fee will be made available to claim in DEEWR’s IT System in the ‘available payments’ screen.
A Tax Invoice certification will appear on the screen when the JSA provider lodges a claim. The JSA provider must accept the certification details in order to submit the claim for payment. / If the Job Seeker Outcome Fee claim meets ALL Deed requirements, the JSA provider has ALL the required Documentary Evidence and the Bonus was based on the attainment of the QTC, the JSA provider may submit the Tax Invoice. The Job Seeker Outcome Fee and the Bonus Fee are submitted as two separate claims. The Job Seeker Outcome Fee must be claimed prior to the Bonus Fee.
Qualifying Training Course and Job Seeker Outcomes Job Aid Effective Date: 1 July 2012