How to Publish JSP pages on Mac using Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a great tool for Mac – it allows you to publish your jsp, html, css, and other web files very easily with a drag and drop interface.

First time installation:

1.  Go here for a free download of the software -

2.  The software will download as a zip file.

·  Locate the zip file (should be in your downloads folder).

·  Double-click the file to extract the software.

·  Move the Cyberduck icon to your “Applications”.

Setting Up Publishing Profile as a Bookmark

1.  Open Cyberduck

2.  Click the Open Connection sign at the top left hand corner. This will bring up the following menu.

3.  Instead of FTP, choose SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) from the dropdown list.

4.  Enter “” as the server.

5.  Do not change the Port number.

6.  Enter your accessnet ID as the Username. This is the same username you use to log into TUPortal, or TuMail, i.e. tud01234.

7.  Enter the same password you use for TUPortal, Blackboard etc in the password field.

8.  Select the “Add to Keychain” checkbox so that you do not have to keep entering your password.

9.  Click the More Options arrow.

10.  If there is anything entered for the path, remove it from the textbox. Be sure all of the other drop-down lists have “Default” selected.

11.  Click Connect

12.  Your screen should resemble the following.

13.  Select the path dropdown – where it says “/home/TU/your accessnet”

14.  Choose the last item in the dropdown list. It should be just a single forward slash – “/”.

15.  Then you'll see some folders.

16.  Scroll down and click “var”.

17.  On the next page, click the folder “lib”.

18.  On the next page, click the folder “tomcat7”.

19.  On the next page, click the folder “webapps”.

20.  On the next page, find the folder that has your accessnet ID. It should resemble – “FA16_3344_youraccessnetID”. Once you’ve found it, double click it.

21.  This is where you will publish your files. You can do so by just dragging the files onto this screen. (The screen capture below is not from cyberduck, but it shows the source and destination folder names.) Do not publish WEB-INF.

22.  ATTN – to prevent from going through these steps again, you need to setup a bookmark.

a.  Click the Bookmark menu (near the apple symbol at the top left of your screen).

b.  Click New Bookmark.

c.  The following screen or will pop up.

23.  Close the menu by clicking the red X. Now you will see your connection on the bookmarks screen with the other defaults Cyberduck provides.

Routine Publishing

1.  Open Cyberduck.

2.  Double-click your bookmarked connection.

3.  You will be taken to your web folder for this class. It should resemble the screen below.

4.  To add a file to the page, simply drag it from your finder window onto this screen.

5.  Another window will pop-up to show the transfer. If all is successful, the window will appear as follows.

6.  To test if the file published successfully, open your web application in the browser.

7.  The link should be as follows:


8.  The things that would be different for you would be:

a.  “youraccessnet” should be your actual net Username, i.e. tud01234.

b.  “nameofthefile” should be the name of whichever file you published and want to test. In the image above, the file I published was “test.html”.

9.  Repeat this process until you have published all of your files.