It is an honor and privilege to represent BayPathCollege on the athletic field. All players are required to follow the team rules outlined below. Knowledge of the rules is highly recommended, as ignorance is no excuse. Failure to follow them will result in suspension from the team. A serious infraction will result in permanent removal from the team.


A. Cuts are the discretion of the coaching staff. These factors are considered in your selection: physical condition, knowledge of the game, determination, dedication, coachability, ability to fit into the team, technical skill, and speed.

B. You will be removed from the team for disciplinary reasons.

C. If you quit the team, it is your responsibility to notify the coaching staff immediately.


A. Practice is essential for success. You will always do your best and attend every practice.

B. You will be on time for practice.

C. Vacations, employment, etc. should end or arrangements should be made so that you can

attend games and practices.

D. The only excuse for missing practice or games is absence from school, you must notify

the coaching staff ahead of time by phone for any other circumstances.

E. Practice is held rain or shine unless otherwise noted by the coaching staff.


A. All injuries of any nature must be reported to the coach at the time they occur.

B. After the coaching staff has been notified, you must report the injury to the athletic trainer within 24 hours so the necessary paperwork and/or insurance claim forms may be completed. 413-565-1016.

C. If you see a physician for treatment of an injury, you will not be permitted to return to the team to practice or play until you present the coach/athletic trainer with a note

signed by the doctor stating that you are physically able to play.


A. Your schoolwork takes first priority. Always do your best to get good grades.

B. Stay out of trouble as it may interfere with your future on the team.

C. If you are assigned probation, you must come to practice and you will not play in the

subsequent games, thereby hurting the team.

D. The coaching staff will review the reasons for your transgressions and will decide on

probation or removal.

E. You are responsible for all equipment issued to you. The full replacement cost

will be charged for any equipment lost, damaged, or stolen.

F. A clear, sharp mind is needed to play athletics effectively. Smoking, drinking, or

abuse of drugs will result in serious consequences or removal from the team.

G.Use of alcohol and non-prescription drugs is to be refrained from. All laws pertaining to

them will be enforced.

H. Coaches, players, referees and spectators must be treated with respect at all times.

I. Proper equipment should be brought to all practices and games and worn during

these sessions.

J. All players are subject to ethical and moral ideals of sports.

I have read the attached rules and regulations and agree to comply with them

during the current season.

I understand the consequences of failure to comply with these rules and



Student's Signature Date


Coach's Signature Date