Monday 28th January 2008, Kells Civic Offices


Cllr. L. McCormack.


Cllr. B. Reilly, Cllr. M. Gallagher, Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. J.V. Farrelly,

Cllr M. Lynch.

In Attendance:

Mr. B McGrath, Area Manager, Ms. C. Benson, Area Administrator, Ms E. Tunney A/Assistant Staff Officer, Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer, Ms Wendy Moffett, A/Senior Planner, Mr Alan Russell, Assistant Planner, Mr Richard Donagh, Assistant Engineer, Community and Enterprise.

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the Area Council meeting held on the 20th December 2007 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. Liz McCormack.

2. Reports

Housing Report

Ms. C. Benson, Area Administrator, submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Ms. C. Benson

  • Members want a report of the care taker programme on three monthly basis.
  • Why is this the first time we have seen Garda Checks on list?
  • When do we expect keys to be given for Drumcondrath?
  • What power does Housing Liason Officer have?

Roadwork’s Report

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer, submitted the Roads Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr. S. Carroll

  • Have we anyone available to do Flood Relief
  • Footpath at Carlanstown
  • Footpath at Drumbaragh
  • Any up-date on Gillstown
  • Any up-date on Castle Avenue
  • Kingscourt to Drumcondrath Road not gritted can it be included
  • NRA did they give any money for road maintenance for M3?
  • Programme on footpath notes prepared in 1999, 2000 can we get a look at this and update it.
  • Hedgecutting Notices sent out need to be followed up.

Sanitary Report

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer, submitted the Sanitary Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr. S. Carroll

  • Requesting an official from Infrastructure for next area meeting.
  1. Notice of Motion

“That Meath County Council make arrangements for the installation of speed ramps on Gardenrath Road, Kells” (Councillor Bryan Reilly).

Cllr B. Reilly informed members that Gardenrath Road has developed rapidly over the years with three new housing estates. Road is being used as a backway from the main road thus increasing volume of traffic. Residents are looking for some form of speed reduction methods on the road.

Proposed by Cllr. B. Reilly

Seconded by Cllr. M. Lynch

“That Meath County Council review its policy on the application of non-domestic water charges” (Cllr E Cassidy)

Proposed by Cllr. E. Cassidy

Seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly

“That Kells Area Council seek their respective apportionment of the €32 million funding available from the DOELG for the provision of Roads. (Cllr E Cassidy)

Proposed by Cllr. E. Cassidy

Seconded by Cllr. J. V. Farrelly

Cllr M Lynch supports the motion.

  1. Richard Dunne, Assistant Engineer, Community & Enterprise submitted details of St John’s Old Cemetery Restoration Group 2004 to the meeting.

Project Description:

It is proposed to purchase Saint John Old Church, Nobber. It is hoped that when using this church is purchased it can be used to house many valuable monuments bu using this building as a heritage and interpretive centre.

Richard Dunne informs members as part of the 2008 funding for Kells Area St John’s Old Cemetery he has no problems with recommending grant as per five conditions outlined.

The following issues as raised by Councillors were noted or responded to by Mr. R. Donagh, Assistant Engineer.

Cllr. E Cassidy

  • Michael Ludlow is interested in getting attached with project.
  • At least €300,000 is to be spent on it.

Proposed by Cllr. E. Cassidy

Seconded by Cllr. M. Gallagher

  1. To give consideration of two Part 8 Planning Applications.

Mr. A. Russell , Assistant Planner, presents two Part 8 Planning Files.

File No:P8 05008

Road Status: CR182

Location: Drumone

Proposed Development: Rural Cottage Application

Proposed by Cllr. M. Lynch

Seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly

File No:P8 07010

Location: Trohanny, Tierworker

Proposed Development: Rural Cottage Application

A. Russell wishes to add that their was no objection from Senior Executive Engineer during the consultation.

Proposed by Cllr. J.V. Farrelly

Seconded by Cllr. M. Gallagher

  • Mgr – informs members that Housing Department of Meath County Council wrote out to 3,600 people on housing list for an update on their current circumstances. Letters were sent out last Friday.
  • Cllr. L. McCormack informs members this is being widely advertised within the local community to get up to date details back to the Council.
  1. Any other Business
  • Cllr L. McCormack gave her congratulations to all involved in the seminar in the Headfort Arms on the Road Safety on Sunday the 27th January 2008.
  • Members looking for an indication on when works on the next roadworks programme will begin.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: ______

An Cathaoirleach

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Kells Town Council and Area Office, Unit S(C), Lloyd Business Park, Cavan Road, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: