Administrative Meeting
September 4, 2012
“The mission of the District Leadership Team is to lead a dynamic system of academic excellence for all educational stakeholders by modeling expectations, providing quality support, assisting continuous improvement and collaboratively building a shared vision.”
Agenda Norms
Facilitator ----- Craig
Time Keeper ------Hank
Scribe ------Mary
Gate Keeper ---- Tamie/Brenda
Meeting Norms
Cell Phones
Side Conversations
Agenda Items
Admin Reports
Craig-Teacher Evaluation Training/Walk through training-September 12th26th in Albuquerque. Mary will get everyone registered as soon as information comes into Craig.
Loren-Enrollment numbers (reviewed below)
-Staff numbers-due to enrollment being up the district will add teachers and EA
Todd-He is ready for the game tonight. He talked about purchasing T-shirts for coaches. There is need for additional bus driver; job will be posted today. Alicia should work out new route. Todd and Alicia will be responsible for entering all purchase requisitions for the school athletics and not handled at a school level. He discussed fund raising and equities.
Carmen-September 21st is a Professional Development Day and she would like to do training for the school secretaries; input from principals was to do training in the morning at 9 a.m. to 12p.m. and location is to be determined. The audit is completed and it should go to the board in October. Todd Lindsay discussed the handling of athletics money and reviewed procedure.
Mike-The virus has been dealt with and most systems are up and running with exception of Success Maker. He discussed the Honeywell camera system; there is currently a problem that is being worked on. He stated that Honeywell wants us to downgrade our system because cameras are not Windows 7 compatible. There is a possibility of doing a patch of a couple of laptops to make this work for HSHS. The preference is a fix and not a patch. Loren, Kenny and Mike will contact Honeywell. The new copiers are here but right now are copier only capable, need some cabling work done and training. Teachers will soon be issued a code for making copies. Document Solutions will be scheduled once Mike has dealt with the virus issues and Success Maker. There was a discussion about Power School and grade book, teachers can only access from in-house not from home. Mike is working towards a solution.
Sue-She reviewed Parent Teachers Conference Schedule 3:30-7pm October 25th and 26th from 7:30-12pm. There is a Regional Special ED director meeting tomorrow in Cobre. Sped numbers: 1118 total students in district according to EASY IEP – 45-D level, 23-C level, 79-B level, and 59-A level which 18.26%. September 25-26 SPED Law (Albuquerque) and 27-28 State Sped Directors meetings (Albuquerque-Embassy Suites) with be held and she is planning to attend. They are hoping Pamela Engstrom will be here by that time.
Robert-He is working on Discovery and importing data. District Web Epps is due on Friday of this week. Robert provided a draft and he was looking for input on pages 9 & 10. There was a discussion on what information should be included and Robert was given go ahead to proceed in completing. September 21st is Professional Development Day-food?-discussion about having FFA or AG to do food for minimum cost to staff. Tamie will check to see if there is interest in this. There was a discussion about schedule for September 21st.
Tamie-had to leave meeting to tend to things at HSHS
Brenda-There has been people coming into the office looking for paperwork documenting student enrollment. Information cannot be released to someone other than parent or guardian. Student council election of officers is tomorrow, Friday the kids who aren’t officers can run for representatives. There is an IEP Friday at 9:30 and Brenda would like Craig or Loren to attend if at all possible. There is a volleyball game tomorrow and staff meeting at 3:30, Thursday football game, there will be a bench dedication Monday 10th at 2pm. Middle school and High School coordinated open houses on September 25th. New counselor is taking over SAT. There is district teacher SPED meeting at 3:30 on September 18th in the SPED Office. Enrollment: 302
Hank-He said that on September 10th there will be a bench dedication for Brittan Young. PTO meeting on September 11th, 12th-13th is picture day, SAT meeting 14th. Enrollment for TCES & SEC: 33 DD, 20Pre-K, 101 Kindergarten, 81-1st, 93-2nd, 85-3rd, 78-4th and 71-5th.
Candi-Bus evacuations will be done on the 10th. Will Title I cover fall intercession? It is not in the budget this year (Sept 24th-October 12th). Candi will be working the week of October 8th but gone the week of September 24th. Candi will be handling the bi-lingual reporting; there are upcoming changes. Enrollment: 129 total
+ ∆
-Lots of good information
-On task