Put 4 AA batteries in the Lab Pro interface. Remove the batteries when done with the Lab Pro interface (the interface uses current whether we use it or not!).
Connect the LabPro interface to the measurement apparatus (e.g. a motion sensor, a force plate, an accelerometer…). Do so by plugging thecable of the measurement apparatus in one of the channels of Lab Pro (available on the side of the Lab Pro interface and labeled CH 1, CH 2, CH 3, and CH 4, or DIG/SONIC1 and DIG/SONIC2).
Slide the holder for the TI calculator on top of the LabPro interface. Put the TI calculator in the holder. Connect the TI calculator to the Lab Pro interface with the short black connector. It goes from the back of the Lab Pro interface to the TI plug labeled I/O (located on the back of the TI calculator).
Turn on the TI calculator. Press the APPS button. Start the program called “DataMate”
With the force plate:
Within DataMate, select 1: SETUP. Then press 3 to zero the force plate (select the corresponding channel of the force plate).
Return to SETUP, and select MODE: TIME GRAPH, and then 2: TIME GRAPH. Press 2 again to change the time settings. Enter time settings relevant for the duration of the experiment (a time interval of 0.01 s is good. Select the number of samples so that it gives you a long enough time. For instance, 500 samples at 0.01 gives you 5s of measurement).
Press 1 (OK) twice to return to the main screen
You are now ready to take measurements. Do so by pressing 2 (START). The TI will automatically graph your data at the end of the collection of samples. To return to the main screen from the graph, press Enter
Press 6 to quit. Your data is saved within the calculator (in the lists L1, L2, etc…). If you have connected the force plate to channel 1 of the interface, only L1 (time) and L2 (force plate measurements) are relevant.
Return to the lab to analyze your data with LoggerPro.
Remove the calculator from the holder. Remove the holder from the interface by pressing the two buttons on the side of the interface. Remove the 4 batteries from the interface.
Start LoggerPro on the computer. Connect the TI calculator to the computer with the TI cable (TI Graph Link). Plug the cable in the I/O plug of the calculatorand in a USB port on the computer. Within LoggerPro, click on import from TI device within the File menu. Select the lists that you want to import.