Spring Term 2017
Year 2
Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome to Year 2,
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the break.
I have outlined the topics that we will be looking at during this term running up to Easter.
Spring Term 2017
This term the children will continue to build upontheir knowledge of key words. Your child will need to continue topractise the list of spellings each week. Every week the childrenwill participate in a guided reading activity and will be working on comprehension skills. We will be looking at traditional tales as well as those with a twist. The children will be developing their understanding of sentence structure and the use of adjectives and connectives within their writing. We will also be looking at poems.
Please encourage your child to read every day. Remember a little and often is the best way to develop a love for reading! Ask your child questions about what they are reading. Please ensure your child’s book is returned to school every day.
This term, the children will continue to develop their understanding of number. This will include counting in1’s, 2’s,3’s,5’s,10’s and 100’s, recognising odd and even numbers, understanding ordinal numbers. We will be looking at giving change. We will also be working on direction, time,estimating and weighing in grams and kilograms. Later in theterm we will be looking at data handling and 3D shape. Wewill also be focussing on problem solving this term. Your children will benefit from practising number bonds to 20 and the 2, 3, 5, 10 times tables at home.
Miss Summers will carry on taking the science lessons and will be looking at Movement and Plants and Animals. In movement we will be looking into how we move, how cars move and the forces which are then on the car; carrying out short investigations to find how different cars travel. In Plants and animals we will have an ongoing plant growing in class to see how it changes each week and look at the different parts of a plant.
The children will be using a programmabletoy. They will practise inputting instructions to make it move in various directions. We will also use ICT to support research work relating to our topic and use ICT games and activities to support work in other curriculum areas. We will also be looking at improving photographs using ICT.
We will be experimenting with different media, looking at design and architecture of buildings. We will also be looking at the artist Hundertwasser.
We will be looking at emotional health and wellbeing, therefore how to manage our feelings. Also look at the safety and dangers around drugs and alcohol and the importance in talking and who to talk to if we ever need to.
We will be looking at Sikhism as our different faith and then focusing on Easter.
Design Technology
We will see the children investigating wheels and axels and hopefully designing their own moving vehicle.
We will continue to have input from Ms Cotton our Music Specialist Teacher. This term we will start using the recorders.
P.EThe children will be developing their skills in games and dance.Please ensure that P.E kit is named and in school for the whole term. If your child has pierced ears please ensure that ear rings are removed on these days or plasters are provided to cover them.
We will be looking a different famous people including Braille and Florence Nightingale.
In Geography we will be looking at a contrasting locality. We will be comparing Chembakolli, in India, with Oswaldtwistle. Looking at physical and human characteristics.
Home Learning
The children will bring their reading books home every night and I ask that they read to an adult or older sibling every night. Homework activities will be sent home to reinforce your child’s learning. A date for the return of the task will be written on the top as this will depend on the type of activity given.
Each half term your child will be given a learning log, as part of this your child will be able to investigate the question through a medium of their choice, enhancing their independent learning. Further information will be sent out.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you. have any questions
Miss Seed Class Teacher
Mrs Higham Teaching Assistant