PRESENT: Suellen Wilkinson, Mickey Thompson and Warren Nash

ALSO PRESENT: Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, Dave Duggins, Deputy Fire Chief Gadd, Paul Speights, Police Chief Knight, Krisjans Streips, Mary Ann Prestigiacomo, Roger Jeffers, David Hall, Joe Ham, Sherrie Holmes, Colonel Pennell and Vick Glotzbach

Ms. Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Item #1 Dave Duggins for Roger Baylor, New Albany Bank Street Brew House re:

Mr. Duggins stated that Mr. Baylor has been a valued partner of Live@Five and he told Mr. Baylor that he would bring this to the board for him. He stated that on Sunday, July 22nd Mr. Baylor would like permission to use the riverfront for their 25 year anniversary of their businesses. He added that it would be a daylong event and Mr. Baylor will be handling all of the permitting.

Mr. Nash motioned to approve the request for the riverfront for Roger Baylor on July 22nd, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #2Mark Boone re: Roadblock request at State and Elm June 30th to raise money for 12 Year Old All Star Little League 812-981-3950

Mr. Boone stated that if possible he would also like to represent Lisa Chandler who is on the agenda for a similar request. He stated that he would like to have the roadblock to raise money for district and state tournament entry fees.

Mr. Nash asked if they know all of the rules.

Mr. Boone stated that they did this last year at the same corner and the parents will be doing the actual roadblock and the kids will be on the sidewalk and in the grass areaholding signs.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the roadblock at State and Elm for June 30th, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #3Vicki Glotzbach/Roger Jeffers re: Old Farmer’s Market on August 4th from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Softball Benefit for Hoosier Burn Camp

Deputy Fire Chief Gadd explained that ABATE came to themwanting to involve the Fire Department in this event to raise money for the Hoosier Burn Camp. He stated that they are going to have a softball tournament at the other field and have rides and games for the kids at Billy Herman Park. He added that they have a band that has donated their time and would like to play at the shelter at the old farmer’s market.

Mr. Nash asked what is ABATE.

Deputy Fire Chief Gadd stated that it is a nonprofit organization and explained that they lobby for motorcycle safety. He added that they just did a ride a couple of months ago and the board approved it.

Mr. moved to approve the request of Roger Jeffers to use the old farmer’s market for the softball benefit on August 4th for the Hoosier Burn Camp, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #4 - Irv Stumler re: Weeds and grass on public right-of-way and use of the old farmers market lot.

Mr. Stumler stated that he wanted to follow up on what Mr. Jeffers requested. He stated that they are going need parking and the front of the lot is okay but the back needs to be smoothed out for parking and wanted to know if the street department could finish cleaning out the stuff that has been dumped there. He explained the Mr. Jeffers told him that he could take a grader behind his tractor and smooth it out if the remainder of the stuff that has been dumped there is removed. He also suggested that someone be the booking agent for the site and promote it. He said that he didn’t know if there is charge on using the space and recommended that there not be.

Ms. Wilkinson stated that they don’t charge for the use of the riverfront so she doesn’t feel there will be charge for the use of the market. She also stated that the city clerk’s office would be the place for people to contact because they will have to come before the board for approval. She also suggested putting a sign up at the market that says “Available for Public Use” and putting it on the website.

Mr. Stumler stated that he thinks that there needs to be a “No Dumping” sign in the middle of the lot and state that there is a fine if you do dump.

Ms. Wilkinson asked who would have a sign like that they could put up.

Mr. Thompson stated that the street department would have them.

Mr. Stumler also mentioned that the some of the rights-of-way such as the bump outs on State Street need to be weeded and maintained. He asked if there is any requirement that a property owner cut his grass all the way to the curb including the right-of-way property. He thinks that if there isn’t, an ordinance or something needs to be because he sees some homes and businesses take care of their strip of land right by the building but they don’t take care of it between the sidewalk and the curb.

Ms. Wilkinson stated that city council would be the place to go for that and they could possibly amend whatever ordinance is now in place.

Item #5 - Scott Wood re: Local roads and streets

Ms. Glotzbach stated that this item should be on tabled items and she put it on the agenda in error.

Item #6 - Stephanie Brown with Vivint Security re: Solicitors permit 801-376-9899

Ms. Brown introduced Mr. Wilcox and stated that he is their company’s attorney.

Mr. Wilcox stated that they were present to request a solicitor’s permit for Vivint to go door to door and sell their product.

Ms. Wilkinson stated that the board has never approved any home security or any door to door solicitation of that kind of equipmentin the three years that she has been on the board because there have been issues in the past.

Mr. Nash moved to deny the request of Stephanie Brown with Vivint Security for a solicitor’s permit, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #7 - Indiana American Water re: Street Cuts at 2046 Wren Drive, 1529 Chartres Street, 1504 Market Street, and 909 Silver Street.

Mr. Thompson stated that they have all been done because they were emergencies.

Ms. Wilkinson asked if they are responsibly putting things back.

Mr. Thompson replied that the council is working on a right-of-way management program.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the street cuts for Indiana American Water at Wren Drive, Chartres Street, Market Street and Silver Street, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #8 - Vicki Glotzbach for the Token Club re: Handicap parking request

Ms. Glotzbach stated that the Token Club is requested a handicap parking spot in front of their building because the parking lot behind them has a lot of potholes and they are afraid that a handicap person is going to get hurt.

Ms. Wilkinson asked who owns that parking lot.

Mr. Thompson stated that he can find out and asked Mr. Speights to go out and look at it and get back with him.

Mr. Speights stated that he would go out sometime today to look at it.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the handicap parking spot at the Token Club subject to the Street Commissioner’s and Traffic Division’s approval, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #9 - Brie Flemming re: roadblock at Spring & Silver for Panther Cross Country June 23 and July 7.

Ms. Flemming requested the roadblock for Spring and Silver on June 23rd and July 7th to raise money for the lower income runners to get shoes, pay for physicals that they have to have and any other costs needed.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the roadblock at Silver and Spring on June 23rd and July 7th, for Panther Cross Country, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #10 - Lisa Chandler re: roadblock request at Silver & Spring on August 4 for New Albany 8 Year Old All Stars Baseball 812-944-9443

Mr. Nash moved to approve the roadblock request at Silver and Spring on August 4th, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Item #11 - John Rosenbarger re: Charlestown Road and Beechwood Avenue Intersection Improvements – American Structurepoint Contract

Ms. Holmes stated that this item needs to be postponed until next week.

Item #12 - John Rosenbarger re: Mt. Tabor Road (Grant Line Rd. to Charlestown Rd.)- BLN design fee for Temporary Landslide Repair

Ms. Holmes stated that the slope and landslide repairs have been completed. She added that this is basically an additional survey in the amount of $3,300.00. She stated that the geotechnical work in the amount of $5,500.00 has been completed.

Ms. Wilkinson asked when the process will be complete.

Ms. Holmes replied a couple of months.

Mr. Thompson stated that there has been a sign put up and some barricades as well.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the $3,300.00 survey for BLN for Mt. Tabor Road, Mr. Nash second, all voted in favor.

Ms. Holmes stated that the board needs to accept quotesfor sidewalk repairsfor a section of Main Street and asked the board if they could have a special meeting.

Ms. Wilkinson stated that they would have a special meeting on Friday, June 22nd at 10:00 a.m.


Mr. Lee, Vectren,was present to request a street cut on State Street for Wesley Commons. He added that it is only one cut in the street. He also requested a street cut at 615 Mt. Tabor Road at the railroad crossing.

Ms. Wilkinson asked Mr. Thompson if he had any comments on this.

Mr. Thompson replied that it is for the new development that is underway and they have already done the sewer cut and now they need to do the gas cut.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the street cut requests from Vectren on State Street and Mt. Tabor Road, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Ms. Griffith requested permission to have a 5K raceon June 30th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for the Independence Run to start at the riverfront and end at the farmer’s market. She stated that there will be four locations that would need to be barricaded. She presented a map to the board and explained the route.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the closure of 6th Street, Bank Street and a portion of Main Street for the Independence 5K Run on June 30th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Mr. Nash second, all voted in favor.


Item #1 - Street lights on Scribner Drive

Mr. Thompson stated that he doesn’t see how we can get anymore lights put in because of the way they are spaced but will check it at night to make sure that all of the lights are working and if any aren’t he will contact Duke Energy.


Mr. Nash asked if the Grant Line Road work is going okay.

Mr. Thompson stated that it is going well andstated that Mr. Rosenbarger has pictures where they set the new track down. He added that they are on schedule right now.

Mr. Nash stated that he thought the notifications to the businesses went really well because he received two emails from two different ones saying that the road was going to be closed but they would be open and told how to get there.

Mr. Thompson presented the board with a Change Order from MAC Construction for $3,276.06. He stated that on last year’s appropriation for paving, they didn’t have time to finish so the money was encumbered this year when they started back. He also stated that there was a stipulation in the contract that allowed for a liquid increase because of the price of oil.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the Change Order from MAC Construction for a price increase in oil for the asphalt based off of INDOT’s specification in the amount of $3,276.06, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.

Mr. Thompson stated that he has a request from Muir Manor for another stop sign at the alley behind them that has a “T” in it. He stated that he met with Major Whitlow and he thinks that it would help with their issues if there was another stop sign put in. He wants to meet with Mr. Speights there to see what he thinks.

Ms. Wilkinson stated that this item will go on the agenda for next week.

Mr. Hall requested theapproval to return on Friday, June 22nd to the 400 block of Bank Street for Live@Five.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the closure of Bank Street between Spring and Elm for Live@Five on Friday, June 22nd, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.



Ms. Wilkinson stated that there was a bit of discussion among city council members at a work session on June 7ththat they are perhaps looking at having the council take over the approval of claims from the Board of Works or at least have a member or two serve on the board. She stated that in the minutes there was also some discussion of when the Boards of Works approved the hiring of two firefighters last December and that the Board of Works didn’t have a clue how they were going to pay them. She stated that is not true. She also stated that the board does take its job seriously and they do look at the claims seriously. She stated that they do ask questions of the controller when they have them and she is now giving them a copy of the budget to actual by department and most of the departments seem to be managing their budgets fairly well. She stated that the Board of Works is serious about its business and they hope to continue to be able to do that barring any unforeseen activity with the city council with a change in ordinance removing the approval of claims from the board. She also stated that it was said in the work session that they do not bid jobs out and she doesn’t recall that they ever approved anything that wasn’t bid as it was supposed to be bid.

Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that a lot of those come through the Redevelopment Commission and the commission takes the bids.

Ms. Wilkinson added that there are city council members on the Redevelopment Commission.

Mr. Nash asked about the $103,395.00special pay for Mr. Lee Miller.

Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that this was called a reverse drop and it was paid out of PERF and we will be reimbursed at the end of the year. She added that this went before the City Council and it was unanimously approved.

Ms. Wilkinson asked if the Bicentennial Park was completed.

Ms. Prestigiacomo replied that there were different phases and this time the schematic drawings were completed. She also stated that there was a design development fee and that is why they are at different phases. She also went over the budget to actual with the board.

Ms. Wilkinson asked how the conversation is going with the software providers and asked if she is still looking at others.

Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that she received a proposal and because we have been a long-time existing customer, they are not going to charge us a licensing fee but they are charging for quite a bit of labor because they will have people on a daily basis sitting with our people and they will also be training the department heads. She added that the claims will start at the department level where they get put in and will get approvals each step of the way.

Ms. Wilkinson asked that once the system is up and running, would it be possible for a City Council Member to view the claim and see who it was to and what it was for.

Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that she doesn’t know that level of system but she does know that she can post reports that they can access.

Ms. Wilkinson asked if the department heads come to her for help in recording their claims and withquestions as towhat line items they should come out of.

Ms. Prestigiacomo replied that once this is streamlined, there are a lot of line items that print out that don’t have an appropriation so they will get a lot of that cleaned up to where it won’t even be available for them to put it in the wrong thing. She also stated that the department heads are very good at bringing things to her attention when things are put in the wrong place and then she fixes it. She added that the budget to actual gets distributed every month to the department heads and they check them and if they see something strange then they bring it to her.

Mr. Nash asked about the Unsafe Building Fund and stated that they are at 113% of their budget and asked if they will go to Council to get that replenished.

Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that they just approved $150,000.00 for that fund.

Ms. Wilkinson asked about the Rainy Day Fund.

Ms. Prestigiacomo stated that at the beginning of the year there was nothing appropriated out of it but that is where the Unsafe Building Fund is getting their appropriation. She also stated that there are three funds which are EDIT, Riverboat and Rainy Day whose funds are pulled from when the council does an additional. She added that we’ve not gotten any Rainy Day money since 2010 and that other municipalities are not receivingit either.