Agenda Item: 3
Chinese Taipei GHS Implementation Update
Purpose: Information
Submitted by: Chinese Taipei
/ 7thChemical Dialogue MeetingArequipa, Peru
22 May 2008
GHS Implementation Update
- GHS Enter into Force
In December 2007, Chinese Taipei Executive Yuan approved the effective date of December 31st 2008 for GHS implementation in workplace, environmental protection and public dangerous goods control. A transitional period from December 31st 2007 to December 31st 2008 is designed for industries to convert from current system (UNRTDG) to GHS. Chinese Taipei is continuing GHS implementation though a 3-year Inter-agencies Action Plan (FY 2006~2008). Latest update is available on
After two national inter-agencies coordination meetings were held in February and November 2007, GHS implementing schedules in workplace, environmental and fire protection have been determined. Competent authorities in transport, workplace, environmental protection (toxic chemical substance), agriculture pesticide/insecticide, consumer product, and national standard sectors are working in coordination toward the goal of national implementation and APEC 2008 target. Major accomplishments in FY2007 include GHS national standards establishment, regulation amendments, education programs, and other capacity building activities such as GHS information website, testing capacity and mixture classification tool.
In addition, implementation of pesticide and consumer product labelling are still pending upon FAO and WHO harmonization work, as well as further development in consumer domain. Regulation amendment of both pesticide and consumer product labelling are still as draft stage.
The Inter-agency coordination meeting recognized that a transitional period is essential for all stakeholders to convert from existing hazard communication system in line with GHS. It is also critical among different sectors such as workplace, emergency response and transport. FY2008 is planned as a practical transitional period for system adjustment. Major tasks focus on capacity building in assisting industries and target audiences to adopt GHS by 2008 December 31st effective date. Train-the-trainer and education program will be provided to build up stakeholders’ capacity of compliance at domestic and international level.
APEC economics have entered implementation stage of adopting GHS. Minding some schedule discrepancies exist, member economics should be encouraged to accept GHS to a largest extend possible in accordance with the purpose of facilitating trade and minimizing potential trade barriers. This is considered “international” transitional period. Multilateral recognition within APEC members could be a possible scheme. All APEC economics should have recognized that further efforts are required even after 2008, include regular update and experience exchange through Chemical Dialogue mechanism toward full implementation and to minimize potential trade barriers.
- Chronicles
2002Chinese Taipei engaged in Asian-Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) to implement GHS in accordance with UN and APEC’s schedule.
2003Chinese Taipei hosted the 2003 APEC Chemical Dialogue Globally Harmonized System Seminar in Taipei.
2005Completed national situation and gap analyses of GHS implementation.
2006The Executive Yuan approved the National 3-year Inter-agency GHS Implementation Plan. Competent authorities (CA) commenced the implementation plan.
2007Held the 1st and 2nd inter-agency coordination meetings chaired by Council of Labour Affairs (CLA). The Executive Yuan approved the effective date of December 31st 2008 for workplace, toxic chemical substance control and public hazardous materials regulations adopting GHS.
- Competent Authorities
CLA (Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan)
MOTC (Ministry of Transportation and Communication)
Emergency Response
EPA (Environmental Protection Administration)
NFA (National Fire Agency)
Consumer Product
MOEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs)
Environmental Agents/Pesticide
EPA (Environmental Protection Administration)
COA (Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan)
Toxic Chemical Substance
EPA (Environmental Protection Administration)
- National 3-year GHS Implementation Plan
CLA cooperates with other governmental CA and technical advisories to promote the GHS inter-agencies coordination/ operation for GHS implementation.
In February 2006, the inter-agencies coordination meeting endorsed the 3-year plan of GHS implementation, followed by Executive Yuan’s approval (FY2006 to FY2008)
Plan Goals: to upgrade current hazard communication system in line with GHS as the basis of promoting lifecycle safe chemical use.
Plan major tasks: international GHS information exchange, technical support to regulatory amendment, interagency coordination, developing GHS technical tools, and providing GHS related awareness-raising/training, consultation service and industrial assistances.
- Milestones
Published National Standard CNS 15030 Chemical Classification and Labelling adopting 2005 GHS 1st revised version.
Revised National Standard CNS 6864 Labels of Dangerous Materials adopting 2005 14th edition of UNRTDG for transport
CLA announced the amended regulation with new title “Regulation of Labelling and Hazard Communication of Dangerous and Harmful Substances” adopting GHS.
2nd interagency coordination meeting of GHS implementation. Determined the enforcement date of the first stage implementation (CLA, EPA and NFA). COA (Plant protection agents) is pending on WHO and FAO’s harmonization works. MOEA will announce a labelling guideline later in 2008 adopting GHS for chemical consumer products.
The need for developing a national hazard chemical inventory for future GHS implementation was identified. CLA is taking the lead for developing a national chemical inventory.
Executive Yuan approved the implementation date of December 31, 2008. It will enter a transitional period from 2008/1/1 to convert from current system to GHS.
2008/12/31 (Scheduled)
Regulations of CLA (workplace), EPA (toxic chemical substance control) and NFA (public dangerous goods control) enter into force.
- Further Information
Council of Labor Affairs (CLA), Executive Yuan
Website :
GHS Technical Support (SAHTECH) and Focal Point