Part E – COORDINATION – Intensive programmes (IP)
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Part E of the IC form should be completed if your institution is acting as COORDINATOR of an intensive programme (IP). Part E should be completed separately for each intensive programme coordinated by your institution.For example, if your institution submits two IP applications as coordinator, sections E.1 to E..8 must be completed twice, once for each project.
IP applications are to be submitted by the coordinating institution.If the application is successful, the coordinating institution will receive the total grant award under its own institutional contract.The coordinating institution will bear contractual liability for project management and the use of the grant.
Please note that the total grant request share for all the IP projects co-ordinated by your institution should be indicated in section A.1 of part A of the application form.
The active participation of each partner institution will have to be endorsed by attaching a duly signed endorsement letter to the project coordinator’s application (see section E.8 in the WinWord application form).
IP projects that have already been awarded a grant for three consecutive years (in 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001) and are applying for further funding, have to submit a NEW application. This concerns especially the compulsory questions.
If your institution plans to take on in 2001/2002 the coordination of a project coordinated by another institution in 2000/2001, you should give the reference of the project financed under the latter's IC in the introduction of your answers to the compulsory questions. In that case, additional explanations must be provided in response to compulsory question 9.5.2.
E.1Project status, title and subject area code
It is essential that you identify the status (new/renewal) of your request for financing.This will be particularly important for section E.9 (compulsory questions). Please choose the correct status from the drop-down menu: either a NEW project, or a RENEWAL of project that has received funding during the academic year 2000/2001.
The official title of the project as defined and communicated to the partner institutions should be given (including the translation into English where necessary).
The specific ERASMUS code should also be given here, e.g. 01.6 – Forestry, instead of the general subject area 01 – Agricultural Sciences (see list in Annex 4).
This should be selected from two drop-down menus.In the left-hand menu you should select one main ERASMUS subject area code (1 to 16).You should then add the number corresponding to the specific subject area code from the right-hand menu.For Forestry, for example, you select "1" from the left-hand menu and "6" from the right-hand menu.
You can select up to three different codes which should be mentioned in decreasing order of importance.
E.2Project summary
Please summarise in maximum of 10 lines the main objectives, methods and outputs of your project. As this section of your application will appear on the Compendium, you are kindly asked to use English, French or German here.
E.3Identification of the coordinator
The information required in section E.3 is as follows:
- the full official title of the coordinating institution,including the acronym or abbreviation where one exists
- the ERASMUS institutional ID code of the coordinating institution;here you should type the country code and the precise institutional ID code (e.g. B for Belgium and BRUXEL01);
- the full contact details of the coordinating person of the IP project applied. He/she is the person responsible for monitoring and implementing the project within your institution.
E.4Location, dates and duration
The planned location (town + country) of the IP, which should be given in this section, must be in an eligible country (see Introduction of these instructions).
The planned IP start date should be indicated using a standard format giving the day, month and year
The duration entered in the corresponding field should be between 10 and 90 days.
E.5Number of participants
In this section you should enter the total number of participants in the IP applied for, by category and origin.
Please note that
Teachers and students "travelling from abroad" are defined as those participants coming from an eligible country other than the one where the IP will be held.
IP’s involving less than 10 students coming from abroad to the country were the IP is held, will not be selected for funding.
Travel and subsistence expenses for participants travelling from institutions in the country where the IP is to be held are not eligible under an institutional contract.
The participation of outside experts, i.e. not belonging to one of the partner institutions, is eligible on condition that they are nationals of eligible countries and their contribution to the IP is clearly demonstrated.
E.6Budget summary and grant application
The financial data entered in this section should cover:
- total of eligible costs of the project over the entire period for which the grant is requested: line F in the application
- the budget request for the entire period foreseen for the project: line G in the application
- the share of the grant requested for the academic year 2001/2002: line H in the application
This section should include an overview of budget headings and corresponding amounts, in Euros only.The figures given should cover all eligible costs for all participating institutions.
Please note that in the case of RENEWAL projects you are to take into account the remaining length of funding period. That is, if your project has already received funding for 1 or 2 years, you can only apply for further funding respectively either for 2 or 1 more year(s).
E.7Project partners
Please note that the minimum number of partners, including the coordinating institution, for intensive programmes is three eligible higher education institutions from three different countries, at least one of which must belong to the European Union.Any project which does not satisfy this criterion will be automatically disqualified.
In addition to higher education institutions recognised as eligible, other types of organisation may take part in intensive programmes.However, the costs incurred by such organisations cannot be covered by any Community assistance awarded under the institutional contract.
All partner organisations in the project must be clearly and fully identified in the table in section E.7.
For each partner institution, you should indicate:
- the ERASMUS institutional ID code of the coordinating institution;here you should type the country code and the precise institutional ID code (e.g. I for Italy and then ROMA01);
- the full official title of the partner organisation in its national language
- the town in which the partner organisation is located
- the type of partner organisation;this should be selected from the drop-down menu provided (see the explanation of codes in Annex 3);
- the ISO country code.
Please make sure that the information given in this table is accurate and complete.As noted above, the identification of partner institutions will directly affect the level of any global grant award.
Please note that the table allows you to enter a maximum of seven partner organisations.Should your project involve more than seven partners, please copy the table as many times as is necessary to identify all your partners.
E.8Endorsement letter for confirming the project participation
This section applies for all applicant institutions whether they use the WinWord version of the IC application, or the electronic application form.
In order to confirm the participation of each project partner in the project, the coordinator needs to attach to its own application an endorsement letter from each partner. This letter is provided in the section E.8
The endorsement letter includes basic information on the project, on the coordinating and participating institutions, and it has to be signed by the Head of Department responsible for the project.
Please note that even if an institution is mentioned in the partner list (section E.7) but there is no endorsement letter enclosed, this institution will not be considered as an eligible partner in the project.
E.9Compulsory questions
Questions 9.1 – 9.4 are ONLY compulsory for all NEW IP applications.
Questions 9.5 – 9.6 are ONLY compulsory for all RENEWAL IP applications (i.e. that were awarded a grant in 2000/2001).
Compulsory questions for new IP applications
9.1.Purpose, objectives and project outcomes
9.1.1.Describe the rationale and background to the IP project (current situation, need for improvements, other reasons).
9.1.2.Describe the general aims and objectives of the proposed IP project.
9.1.3.List and briefly describe the subjects to be taught during the IP, indicating the number of teaching hours for each. Give a qualitative and quantitative description of the teaching materials produced specifically for the planned IP.
9.1.4.Clearly specify the target audience of the project (students, teaching staff etc.).
9.1.5.State whether cooperation programmes are in place with public- and/or private-sector organisations (other than those directly involved in the partnership identified in section E.7).
9.2.Project approach and project organisation
9.2.1.Show how the IP ties in with the existing teaching programmes of the participating institutions.
9.2.2Explain how students are selected and what provision exists for academic recognition of the project.
9.2.3.Describe the activity, and the methodology, pedagogical and didactic approaches which will be used.
9.2.4If the project involves open and distance learning (ODL) departments/institutions, explain the nature of the ODL involvement and the benefits which it intends to achieve.
9.2.5Provide an overall work plan, including dates of meetings and any other relevant information, in table format
9.2.6.List, in table format, all the teaching staff of each partner institution directly involved in the proposed IP, specifying the main responsibilities of the coordinator and each of the project partners, demonstrating that they have sufficient competence and experience to fulfil their respective roles within the project.
9.2.7.If the project includes partners from outside higher education, describe their contribution to and/or role in the IP.
9.2.8.Indicate the project's working language(s).
9.2.9.Describe how the IP will be monitored (internally) and evaluated (externally), in particular as regards its impact.
9.3Financial aspects
9.3.1 Explain and justify the individual cost elements of the budget summary (section E.6). Please consult Annex 2 of the Instructions concerning types of eligible costs, and information in the Guidelines for Applicants.
9.3.2 Give details of amounts and sources of complementary funding.
9.3.3If the same or a similar project proposal is submitted for funding under another Action of SOCRATES or another EU programme, please mention for the programme concerned the date of submission, project title, reference number (if known) and grant requested or awarded.
9.4.Other issues
9.4.1.Specify, where applicable, how and to what extent the needs of disadvantaged people have been taken into account. State the nature of the disadvantage (geographical location, socioeconomic circumstances, disability, etc.).
9.4.2.Specify, where applicable, how and to what extent the project will actively promote equality of opportunity between women and men.
Compulsory questions for RENEWAL projects only (awarded a grant for 2000/2001)
9.5Project approach and project organisation
9.5.1 Provide an overall work plan, including dates of meetings and any other relevant information, in table format .
9.5.2 In the event of a change of coordinator and/or partner institution(s) (partner added/dropped/replaced), please explain the reason for these changes in 2001/2002 in comparison with 2000/2001 and their implications for the project.
9.6Financial aspects
9.6.1 Explain and justify the individual cost elements of the budget summary (section E.6). Please consult Annex 2 of the Instructions concerning types of eligible costs, and information in the Guidelines for Applicants.
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