Cllr Glenn Berry (Chairman), Cllr David Mole, Cllr George Siely, Cllr Thomas Love, Cllr Kirsty Ritchie, Cllr Robert Fleming, Cllr Clive Stockton
Jo Beardshaw (Clerk)
9 members of the public
1. To consider apologies for absence. Apologies had been received from Cllr Holt and Cllr Cubitt Siely
2. To receive Declarations of Interest on agenda items. None were received
3. To agree the minutes of the meeting of Happisburgh Parish Council held on 13th May and matters arising (for information only). The minutes were agreed.
The Chairman noted that NNDC had done some work on the footpath behind St Mary’s and had completed an agreement regarding the Coastal footpath
The Chairman had spoken to the flood risk manager at NCC and was awaiting a report. He expected that County Cllr Foss would probably have more information on the report later in the meeting
The Chairman also informed the Council that the bins on the car park were in place, as agreed at the previous meeting, and that Brian Farrow had been liaising with Stephen Burke regarding the rocks via District Cllr Lee Walker
4. Reports
4.1 The Chairman’s report. The Chairman reported that the cliffs were still receding very fast due to surface water rather than the sea itself. He noted that the erosion was nearly up to the barriers at Saw Pitt Lane.
The Chairman noted that there had been some problems with the locks being cut off the gates (on Saw Pitt Lane) on more than one occasion and that Rob Goodliffe had now arranged for concrete to be placed on the lane instead. Rob Goodliffe had also applied for a road closed sign
The Chairman reported that he had been asked if the rocks on the beach should be moved closer to the cliff. Cllr Fleming commented that he thought that these questions were always best answered by Brian Farrow as the specialist in such matters
4.2 District and County Councillor reports:
The Chairman explained that he had received apologies from District Cllr Walker as she was unwell
Cty Cllr Foss reported that he had been waiting for the flood investigation report, which was late. NCC had told him that the reason for the ‘slight delay’ was due to the requirement that all reports are legally compliant.
Cllr G Siely asked Cty Cllr Foss to investigate the trees at Pond Hill Corner. Apparently these trees had been cut down by NCC and left as stumps. NCC had, at the time, advised that they would replant the trees but had never done so. Cty Cllr Foss agreed to look into this.
It was noted by a member of the Council that the traffic is always very fast outside the fish shop. The Clerk was asked to discuss this with PCSO Dack
4.3 Police report.
Since the May meeting there had been seven reported crimes: 15th-16thJune- Criminal damage to fencing near to Cart Gap; 17thJune- Theft from employee, one person arrested; 22ndJune – Damage to a motor vehicle; 23rdJune- Theft from a tent at Manor Caravan Park; 23-26thJune – Harassment – one person arrested; 29th-30th– Criminal damage to a motor vehicle; 30th-4thJuly - Theft of 7 wooden pallets from a property on Beach Road.
4.4 Car Park / toilet block report.
The Chairman reported that some repairs had been done within the toilet block but that there had been a problem when a member of the public complained that a man was in the ladies toilets undertaking maintenance. The Chairman confirmed again with the Council that they were happy for the Car Park sub committee to make payments on behalf of the Parish Council if necessary. Cllr Fleming noted that the gravel hogging required attention urgently
4.5 Pavilion and Playingfield report.
Mike Trivett had attended the meeting and reported that he was unwell and would not be able to continue in his current role. He urged the Council to hold a meeting encouraging people within the village to get involved. The Council agreed to hold this meeting before the following PC meeting. The accounts had been received as follows: income £2,237, expenditure £2,206. The Chairman thanked Mike Trivett for his many years of hard work on behalf of the Pavilion and Playingfield
4.6 Allotments report
Cllr G Siely noted that the allotments were very untidy. He intended to email the Clerk with details of tenants who should receive a monitoring letter
4.7 Wenn Evans Centre report
Cllr Mole explained that he was in the process of preparing the accounts for the Centre. He also reported that a customer, who had rented the hall, had been extremely dissatisfied with the general appearance of the hall. The Chairman asked that a meeting be held to encourage villagers to take a more active interest in the Wenn Evans Centre in future.
4.8 Playspace report
Mrs Munday reported that a copy of the signed land transfer document was in the possession of the Parish Council. The Parish Council agreed to the transfer being submitted to the Land Registry and to raise a cheque for £40 to cover this expense. The Norfolk Community Foundation had been asked to release the grand funds to the Parish Council’s nominated bank account, and the Parish Council agreed that this would continue to be ringfenced as per the normal finance reports. The Parish Council also gave delegated authority to the sub committee to place an order for fencing once all quotations had been received and considered, as the fencing would be paid for through grants raised.
Mrs Munday noted that permission would not be required for the dropped kerb in front of the toilet block as no structural alteration was taking place. NNDC had highlighted, though, that permission would be required to make a structural alteration to the fence and to make openings within the fence. A written request had been sent to NNDC and Martin Green had confirmed verbally that this would be fine and would be dealt with by granting a ‘Licence of Alteration’ which will recognise what is being done and that the reinstatement of fencing would be required at the end of the lease. Mr Green had agreed to draw up the licence and send it to the Parish Council via the sub committee
5. Adjourn the meeting for public session / comments on planning applications and any other matters
Mrs Munday updated the Parish Council on the beach clean operation. Mrs Munday had completed a risk assessment and had helped organize a community litter pick event on Tuesday 28th May. Hi Vis vests had been donated by NNDC and gloves had been donated by a member of the community.
It was noted with thanks that the income from the Bingo in the village would be donated to the Playspace
The Chairman thanked the metal picking team for their hard work towards improving the beach for everyone to enjoy
NNDC had removed the concrete from the cliff edge, so that it did not fall into the sea, but it was noted that there is some carpet gripper on the edge of the caravan park which would soon fall onto the beach if it is not removed soon. The Clerk was asked to contact Chris Lomax and ask him to remove this
It was suggested that the new bins should be moved near to the Kissing Gate. It was agreed that this would be reviewed during the summer
Mrs Munday requested a Car Park Warden sign. The Chairman agreed to give her one
6. Agenda items
6.1. PC to decide if we should ask for grant from NNDC. The Parish Council, having reviewed the 12-month figures for the car park, and noting that the profit from the car park would only have been £3,921 without the initial grant from NNDC, agreed that the Council should ask NNDC for the second portion of the grant
6.2. Mowing / strimming at Car Park. The Chairman explained that the Council needed to find someone who would mow and strim the car park regularly, and who would also be able to tidy the grass areas around the playingfield and Wenn Evans Centre, together with the Green on Pumphill Corner and the piece of grass on the end of Beach Road. The Council agreed that enquiries would be made around the area for someone who would do this.
6.3. Wenn Evans Committee. The Chairman asked that a meeting be held to attempt to reinvigorate the Wenn Evans Centre, as the only work currently undertaken is by Cllr Mole and Carol Palfrey. He believed that the Centre needed reinvigorating with fresh ideas
7. Financial Matters
The following cheques were authorised and signed:
7.1. CP Account. Chq no 22. Jason Langford. July salary. £775
7.2. CP Account. Chq no 23. PHS Group. Sanitary bins. £77.06 inc £12.84
7.3. CP Account. Chq no 24. Jason Langford. August salary. £775
7.4. PC Account. Chq no 545. Broadland Computers. Replacement computer. Split between two PCs. £275.50 inc £45.91 VAT. The Chairman explained that the computer had died and had needed urgent replacement. He noted that the computer had been purchased jointly with Ludham Parish Council and would depreciate by approximately 25% per year
7.5. PC Account. Chq no 546. Parish Clerk Salary and expenses. £437.68
7.6. PC Account. Chq no 547. Thetford Town Council. Rospa course. £72 inc £12 VAT
7.7. PC Account. Chq no 548. NNDC. Dog bin emptying for 12 months. £608.40 inc £101.40 VAT
7.8. PC Account. Chq no 549. Land Registry. Land registration for playspace. £40
7.9. PC Account. Chq no 550. Community Heartbeat Trust. Defibrillators. £3,850
8. Planning applications
8.1. PF/13/0718. Barron Lodge Cottage, Grub Street. Erection of single-storey rear extension. No objections
8.2. CL/13/0763. Bramble Cottage Caravan, Grub Street. Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of caravan as an independent unit. The Chairman had received various objections to this and would take it up with the planning team
8.3. PF/13/0775. Holly Farm, Whimpwell Green. Conversion of part of barn to a one unit holiday accommodation. No objections
8.4. LA/13/0775. Holly Farm, Whimpwell Green. Alterations to barn to facilitate conversion to holiday accommodation and internal alterations to kitchen. No objections
9. Planning decisions noted
9.1. PF/13/0367. Long Acre Barn, Grub Street. Variation of Condition 6 of planning permission reference: 95/0109 to permit continued full residential occupation. Permitted
9.2. PF/13/0298. West Barn, Church Farm, Church Street. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission reference: 04/0764 to permit full residential occupation of Unit 1
10. Items for the Parish News
10.1. Meeting for the Wenn Evans Centre and the Playing Field
11. Correspondence and Circulars for information and action
11.1. NNDC. Nick Baker, Corporate Director, and Cllr Angie Fitch-Tillett, Portfolio director for Coastal Issues, to attend PC meeting on 11 November 2013. Questions to be planned and posed in advance
11.2. NNDC. Recycling credit. £474.70 (2011/12 £489.60. 2010/11: £453)
11.3. NALC. Norfolk Link. Available for circulation
11.4. NCC. ‘Managing Flood Risk’ document. Available for circulation
11.5. Letters of thanks for donations in May
12. Any other business
13. Date of next meeting – Monday 8th July
The meeting closed at 8.45pm