Algebra I / 8th Grade Math Syllabus
Tracie M. Reed
School Phone: 514-6438 ext. 319
Grover C. Fields Middle School
Materials/Resources that will be used in class are Prentice Hall Mathematics Algebra I textbook, workbook and website, Houghton-Mifflin Course 3 8th Grade Math textbook and workbook, and a variety of online websites and tangible materials that will be shared accordingly. A class set of TI-83 calculators will be available for use during the instructional day.
Grading ScaleWeighted Scale
A = 93-100Tests = 30%
B = 85-92Quizzes = 25%
C = 77-84Projects/Labs = 20%
D = 70-76Classwork/Homework = 25%
F = 69 and below
Homework is designed to allow students the chance to practice beyond the regular classroom setting. Without this opportunity to practice, students may find it difficult to master the necessary skills needed to advance in their mathematical thinking. Homework is scaled to take no more than 100 minutes daily which equates to a maximum of 25 minutes per subject; however, Algebra I students may have longer assignments due to pursuing completion of a high school course, in addition to mastery of the 8th grade math material. Homework is graded for completion, although it may be graded for accuracy, if the assignment is an immediate extension of the class lesson.
All assigned work MUST BE COMPLETED IN PENCIL and is to be turned in on the DUE DATE, NO EXCEPTIONS! Any work turned in AFTER the due date will incur a 10 point deduction per day for each late day. After 3 days, a grade of 60 is the highest that a student will receive for an assignment. WORK MUST BE TURNED IN DURING THE CURRENT NINE WEEKS GRADING PERIOD IN ORDER TO RECEIVE ANY CREDIT FOR IT! ALL WORK COMPLETED IN MATH MUST BE IN PENCIL!
Extra Credit is not offered, however, I do offer extra points for signed progress reports, tests, quizzes, and report cards. Occasionally, I offer extra test/quiz points for attending an extracurricular activity or completing a difficult academic task.
Attendance is very important! When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to determine missing assignments. I plan to keep the website updated with assignments and various learning links, as the year progresses. There will be binder kept in class containing missing handouts and assignment descriptions, as well.
Quizzes are given to evaluate a student’s understanding of sections of information taught during class. They are also a way for me to determine if the information should be re-taught before administering a test. QUIZZES CAN NOT BE RETAKEN!
Tests are given to determine if a student has mastered the material covered in a group of sections or an entire unit. If students score below a 70, a different test may be taken (within one week of the original test) and an average of the two will be recorded. It is the student’s responsibility to determine whether he/she wishes to retake the test. All tests resulting in a grade less than 77 MUST be signed by a parent within one week of receipt; otherwise a 5 point deduction will be made to the original grade.
Afterschool tutorial times will be determined at a later date and sent home with the students, as well as posted to the teacher webpage. Tutorial is provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. Permission must be granted prior to ensure the effective teacher-student ratio. There is a zero-tolerance with behavior for tutorial sessions, and students may be denied for failure to behave during normal school hours, as well. Tutoring is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT! All students must be picked up no later than 4pm on the designated days.
Classroom behavioral expectations are listed in the Grover C. Fields Middle School Handbook and will be posted on the website and in the classroom. All students are expected to know and follow the rules of the school and classroom in order to ensure safety and productivity. Consequences for not following the rules are listed in the student handbook for the school and online for county-wide policies. Typically the sequence for minor class disruptions is 1) Name on board 2) Checkmark, which means silent lunch and parent contact 3) Chill-out, which is removal from class and parent contact. Cell phones are prohibited during the school day, per district policies. Any cell phones or electronic devices will be confiscated according to the guidelines from the district. Inappropriate use of technology will result in revocation of technology for a determined amount of time.
Studying for tests/quizzes are key components to achieving success in the classroom and are highly encouraged. Extra help/correction sessions will be available for students twice per week, where he/she will also be allowed to work on corrections. Corrections will only be allowed in the classroom for a grade less than a 70%. There will be a sign up sheet in class for students that wish to attend the session. Parental permission is absolutely mandatory! Students are given one week from the day that tests are returned to submit corrections, before initial score is finalized in gradebook. Corrections must be done on notebook paper and stapled to the front of the original assessment. The highest score after corrections is an 80%. Before the student designated correction time, he/she should review the missing information/concepts for mastery. The time that is spent in the classroom is strictly for making corrections; therefore extra help or tutoring is not allowed. Students who need extra assistance should take care of those needs prior to attending the correction session.
** Any assignment that is open book or notes can not be corrected! Notes and examples are given during class instruction on each new concept. Students are encouraged to keep good notes and keep their materials organized, so as to study them on a daily basis. Any student who is absent must make up any missed assignments within 3-5 days of returning to school.
I look forward to being your child’s math teacher as we conclude his/her middle school experience at Grover C. Fields Middle School! We are the BEST middle school in CravenCounty! Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, concerns or confusions! Keep this information in mind and refer to the syllabus throughout the year as a resource!
Welcome to 8th Grade,
Ms. Tracie M. Reed
Class Wish List
Hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes
AAA batteries
Copy paper (white and colored)
Walmart Gift Cards
Ear buds/ear phones (@ least 4 pair needed)
Bags of individually wrapped candies for treat box
Notebook Project Grade will be given each nine weeks. The assessment grade will consists of the following:
Binder20 points
Reference20 points
Class Notes/Handouts40 points
Assessments20 points