FPSadvance.Net©/FPS.Net© Version 4


FPSadvance.Net© Installation Guide

Insert your CD into the disc drive. The installation wizard should begin automatically after a short pause. If it does not, double click on ‘My Computer’ then double click on the CD drive icon to start the install wizard. The wizard will run through two standard screens. Click ‘Next’ to move on to the next screen in each case.

The next screen is the license agreement screen. Please read the License Agreement carefully and if you agree to the terms and conditions, tick the checkbox and click ‘Next’.

The next screen shows the system requirements. Please read carefully, then click ‘Next’.

This screen allows you to define where the Program Files are saved. The program must be installed to a local drive. It cannot be installed on a server. Change the default location if required, then click ‘Next’.

The wizard will then run through two standard screens. Click ‘Next’ to move on to the next screen in each case.

The next screen is the System Checker. This will check that your system matches the requirements of the software. Click on the ‘Click to start test’ button. A series of traffic lights should appear against each of the requirements. If a red light appears against any of the elements, you may not be able to run the software.

After the test has been completed, click on the ‘Click to Continue’ button.

The software will then install. This could take up to 20 minutes depending on your system. Some systems will install the software much more quickly than this, some in less than a minute.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:

An IBM compatible computer with a 800MHz (or equivalent) processor 128MB RAM 750MB of free disk space Microsoft Word XP (2002) & Microsoft Excel XP (2002) An SVGA video card and monitor supported by Windows running at 1024 x 768 pixels, with a minimum of 16-bit high colour. An internet connection to receive updates. Write access to database.

Recommended Requirements:

An IBM compatible computer with a 1.5MHz (or equivalent) processor At least 512MB RAM 1GB of free disk space Microsoft Word 2003 or higher & Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher An SVGA or higher resolution video card and monitor supported by Windows, with 24-bit true colour A Broadband internet connection to receive updates.

Operating System*:

Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft Windows XP (Recommended)

Microsoft Windows Vista

*Please ensure you have the latest Microsoft updates installed.

This product will not install or run on the following operating systems:

Microsoft Windows 95

Microsoft Windows 98

Microsoft Windows ME

Internet and ftp access:

FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net use an internet site for updates and patches:

Patches are released regularly throughout the year and contain general fixes and updates to national figures such as NI rates and teaching staff payscales. Patches can also be released for LA specific data such as budget share figures and local payscales.

Patch capability within the software cannot be guaranteed by HCSS as the functionality relies on free access to the website from the user’s PC or laptop. Many school and LA firewalls will automatically block the site and prevent patch downloads. We strongly recommend that the IT administrator grants the relevant permissions and unblocks access to the website before FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net is installed.

FAQ’s: Installing FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net

Can I install FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net on a server?

No. FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net has been designed to be installed on local PC’s/laptops only. You may install the application on up to 5 PC’s/laptops in your school.

Is it possible for multiple users to access the same data?

Yes, but only one at a time. The data files (called ‘scenario’ files) can be saved on a network so that they are accessible by multiple users. Each time a user opens FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net, they can access the shared data file using the File/Open menu.

However, FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net has been designed for use by one person at a time. It is critical that the data is not accessed by more than one person at the same time, otherwise loss of data will occur.

Part way through the install process, the screen seems to have frozen. What do I do?

The install process can take up to 15 minutes. If nothing has happened for a while, it may be that the System Checker screen has become hidden behind the main install screen. To see whether the System Checker is open, press the Alt key on your keyboard, and keeping it pressed, press the Tab key. Pressing the Tab key will allow you to scroll through the applications running on your computer and bring them to the front of the screen one by one. The System Checker is a small form. Click on the button in the bottom left hand corner of the form to continue with the installation process.

I have red circles against some of the items on the System Checker. Does this mean that I cannot install the software?

The System Checker looks at your computer and checks that the specification matches the requirements of FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net. Red circles against any element means that your computer does not meet all of the requirements for running the software. In this case, please contact your IT administrator to arrange an upgrade to the required specification.

If the only red circle on the System Checker is against the ‘Auto Update’ line, you will still be able to install the software, but will not be able to receive automatic updates.

I cannot receive automatic updates, does this matter?

HCSS use a website for updates ( Updates are released regularly throughout the year and contain general improvements, and updates to national figures such as NI rates and teaching staff payscales. Patches can also be released for LA specific data such as budget share figures and local payscales.

This functionality relies on free access to the update website from the user’s PC or laptop. Many school and LA firewalls will automatically block the site and prevent patch update downloads.

FPS.Net/FPSadvance.Net can be used without access to updates, but HCSS strongly recommend that users adjust their firewall settings so that access to the update site is unblocked. This will ensure that all the functionality in FPS.Net/FPSadvance.Net is available to the user.

I have installed the software and have entered my data and tried to save it, but get a message telling me that I cannot save. What is wrong?

FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net requires access to the installation folder (the default location for this is on the C drive). If you do not have access to the installation folder you will not be able to save data. Please contact your IT administrator to arrange read/write access the installation folder.

I have tried to save my scenario, this has caused the software to crash and when I try to log in again a message appears with the text ‘Cannot access Test.mdb’.

You may have tried to save to a read only drive such as your CD drive or to a drive to which you do not have permitted access. Please only save scenarios to drives with read/write access.

Can I install the software on non Windows operating systems (eg on an Apple Mac)?

No. FPS.Net/FPSadvance.Net is designed to run on Windows based operating systems only.

Where can I obtain further help on the software?

Once the software has been installed, you can access our User Guide via the Help/Contents menu in FPSadvance.Net/FPS.Net.

We also offer a helpdesk service at an annual cost. Please visit our website for price details and an order form.

Disclaimer: HCSS Education’s policy is one of constant development and improvement. We reserve the right to alter, modify, correct and upgrade our software and publications without notice and without incurring liability.

HCSS Education does not warrant that the software package will function correctly in every hardware/software environment.

Although HCSS Education has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, HCSS Education makes no warranty, representation or condition, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to this software or documentation, their performance, satisfactory quality, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software and documentation are provided ‘as is’, and you by making use thereof, are assuming the entire risk as to their quality and performance.

In no event will HCSS Education be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software or documentation.