Nonpoint Source Program
Implementation Project Application
This document is the NPS Section 319 application form and instructions. Instructions are in orange text and in blue boxes. All instructions must be deleted after you are done filling out the application. Please also place your project title in the footer.
Follow application instructions closely as they are tied to the criteria used to evaluate your application.
Reminder: before you submit the completed application, make sure there is no text in orange and no blue boxes remaining.
Project Title / Please make it concise1.0 - Project Proposal Summary
SponsorEntity that signs the contract with the state, receives the money, pays the bills and is responsible for meeting the contractual obligations, including deliverablesOrganization Name
E-mail address
Mailing Address
City, State and Zip
Telephone Number
Tax ID Number: / DUNS Number:
Project Coordinator or Primary ContactThe person in charge of doing the work and will report to the project sponsor. This person may or may not be the project sponsor
E-mail Address
Mailing Address
City, State and Zip
Telephone Number
Type of Entity (check one)
Governmental AgencyNon-for-profit entity, including watershed groups
Commercial Organization
Project Start Date / The earliest possible start date is May2018 / Project End Date / The latest end date is approximately February of 2022
Project Funding-In this section, use the numbers generated from your Nonpoint Source Program Budget Spreadsheet. Make sure that the cost amounts are the same in the Summary Page and in the Budget Table
CO NPS Funds Requested $ + Match (cash/in-kind) $ = Total Project Cost $
Federal Funds - Federal Cooperator Contribution (please do not include in the total) $
Project Location
WQCC Regulation River Basin and Sub-watershed(s) / Consult the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) Regulatory River Basins (Regulations 32 to 38). Sub Watershed – this captures the smaller geographic location of the project nested within the larger basinLatitude (in decimal degrees): / Longitude (in decimal degrees):this should be a negative #
Use Google Earth to geolocate project BMP and sampling locations. Latitude and longitude coordinates can be acquired through other methods such as GPS or GIS data collection. Data must be provided in Decimal Degrees to 6 places. (WGS84)
12 digit USGS Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs) / Watershed planning and project identification site must take place at the HUC 8 or 12 digit scale. Contact NPS program staff for more information or for GIS layers
Impaired Segment(s) Waterbody ID(s) / Information about waterbodies not meeting water quality standards can be found in Regulation #93, Colorado Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters and Monitoring and Evaluation List and in Approved Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)analyses.
NPS Pollution Source categories to be addressed (Place an “X” in all boxes that apply).The NPS categories are closely related to the impairments identified above in the 303(d) or TMDL lists.
Agriculture / Silviculture
Habitat Modification (drainage/filling wetlands, stream bank destabilization) / Hydrologic Modification(changes to water flow as in reservoir, diversions, etc.)
Urban runoff/Stormwater / Groundwater Loading
Mining / Natural Sources
Construction / Other:
NPS Pollutants to be addressed (Place an “X” in all boxes that apply). The nonpoint sources of pollutants are closely related to the impairments identified above in the 303(d) or TMDL lists.
Excess Nitrogen / PesticidesExcess Phosphorus / Selenium
Sedimentation / Temperature
Pathogens/Bacteria / pH
Metals / Habitat impact
Low dissolved oxygen / Other:
Estimate Load Reduction, if checked for excess nitrogen, excess phosphorus and/or sedimentationCite credible source or methodology for estimating load reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus and/or sedimentation. Examples of credible sources are established scientific methods, models, volumetric estimates and engineering reports. Please contact NPS staff for more information or if you require assistance in generating this estimation.
# pounds of nitrogen reduced by project / Reference:
# pounds of phosphorus reduced by project / Reference:
# tons of sediment load reduced by project
/ Reference:
# pounds of metals reduced by project / Reference:
# pounds of selenium reduced by project / Reference:
Project Description:
Short concise summary of the project. No more than 1 paragraph. This summary paragraph briefly describes what the project entails.
Date RFA Published:11/16/16
RFA #: 4812
RFA Electronic Submittal Deadline:January 17, 2017, 5:00 pm MST
CDPHE Contact:Christa Trendle,
All applicants must attest to the following by signing and dating below:
By signing and submitting the attached application, the authorized official agrees that the information provided in this application is, to the best of the applicant’s knowledge and based on reasonable inquiry, true, accurate and complete. By signing and submitting, the authorized official also agrees the project meets the eligibility requirements identified in the Section III of the Request for Applications.Print Name and Title of Authorized Official:
Signature of Authorized Official:Date______
Applicants interested in WQIF non-federal matching funds must attest to the following by signing and dating below:
By signing and submitting, the authorized official agrees that the applicant’s project meets the WQIF eligibility requirements identified in the Section III of the Request for Applications.Print Name and Title of Authorized Official:
Signature of Authorized Official:Date______
2.0 - Statement of Need
2.1 –General Watershed Information
- General physical description of watershed: topography, elevation, land uses, ownership patterns, soils, climate, geology, erosion, source water or wellhead areas, other watershed features as they relate to the proposed project.
- Identify, if known, pollution discharge point sources, drinking water intakes, diversions, irrigation ditches, monitoring sites and other NPS projects within the project area.
Some examples:
- MINING: volume, locations, chemistry of tailings and adit discharges, ground/surface water relationships
- SILVICULTURE: miles of temporary or permanent roads within 100 feet of perennial drainages, timber sales, percent of watershed under management.
- AGRICULTURE PROJECTS: crop types, irrigation systems, types of livestock enterprises, range/ecological site, conditions and trend.
- URBAN: type of urban development, acreage in different land uses such as housing, industrial, etc.
2.2 –Waterbody Description
- IF STREAM OR RIVER: flow characteristics, geomorphic classification, physical condition, stream stability, stream order, HUC (12 digit), aquatic chemistry and biology.
- IF LAKES: size, trophic status or other physical characterization, aquatic chemistry and biology.
- Both: Description of historical/baseline data, including source(s) of data and how they support the statements about the water body.
2.3 – Type of Water Quality Problem including Sources
- Define water quality problem (chemical, biological, physical/habitat), including loading and sources, and timing of pollution problems.
- Include description of how water quality impairment is identified in WQCD water quality assessments, in the 303(d) of Impaired Segments or in the Water Quality Integrated Report.
- Summarize cause(s) of degradation, including source identification.
2.4 – Water Quality Priorities
- Explain how this project is consistent with water quality priorities specified in the Colorado NPS Management Plan(found here: and in a local watershed plan.
- Describe the need for the project, identify pollutant(s), applicable water quality standards, uses not attained and water body flow status (i.e. – intermittent; stream or aquifer classification identified), if available.
- Complete table in application form detailing impaired water body information. Waterbody ID is found in association with 303(d) and TMDL assessments. (See Section 1/Project Location Instructions above.)
- Address how this project will restore and protect water quality.
Waterbody ID / Beneficial Uses / WQ Impairment / TMDL Status
2.5 - Map of Watershed Location (Complete in Appendix B)
- Please insert a map of the watershed in appendix B; a second small state map may be needed to locate small watershed. When developing a map, issues of scale are important – make sure the map shows enough detail to help further clarify the rationale supporting the value of this project.
3.0 - Project Description
3.1 - Environmental Goal
Goals are broad statements linked to the intent of the project as identified in section 2.0 and are achievable through measurable objectives and activities.
This project will have one environmental goal, please consider the following example:
Example Environmental Goal:Effectivelymanage the project to improve water quality by reducing the amount of (e.g., selenium, E.coli) entering (water body) from (source(s)).
3.2 - Objectives, Activities, Sub-activities and Deliverables (Note: Costs are calculated in the Excel Workbook Budget Table)
This section of the applicationis developed to fit the template required for eventual contracting. Please follow these guidelines and examples below as closely as possible and provide enough detail per activity.
Identify objectives, activities, sub-activities and deliverables that implement the overall goal. Consider the SMART guidance during development of this section:
S - Specific
M -Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Realistic
T - Timely
Objectives:set targets by focusing on parts of project implementation in more detail (e.g., work related to construction of best management practices, evaluation and reporting).There will be multiple objectives; number each objective.
Activities: arethe core of the agreement between the contractor and CDPDE. Once completed they provide the outcome (expected result) needed to meet the objective. They are critical or essential activities needed to ensure the success of the project.
Deliverables:are tangible and serve as evidence of activity progress or completion. They contain information to measure the expected result of the activity.
Environmental Goal: Effectively manage the project to improve water quality by reducing the amount of (e.g., selenium, E.coli) entering (water body) from (source(s)).Deliverables / Products (***)
Objective 1 / Implement best management practices (BMPs) that will reduce loading of selenium
Activity 1 (*) / Design agricultural NPS BMPs / Final designs of the BMPs
Sub-activity 1(**) / Review NRCS design criteria and site characteristics
Sub-activity 2 / Prepare design documents
Activity 2 / Construct no less than 2 NPS BMPs / Constructed BMPs
Sub-activity 1(**) / Complete landowner negotiations / Site-visits
Sub-activity 2 / Secure and oversee construction / Construction Schedule
(*) - should be expressed by an action verb
(**) - should be expressed by an action verb and provide support to the activity
(***) –the state will decide which deliverables are required in the contract
- Try to combine similar work under the same objective and activity.
- Include the following activities in the application and in the budget:
- Public and stakeholder education and outreach. Intent is to involve stakeholders in the implementation of the project and increase nonpoint source awareness in the watershed. (Also describe in section 7.0).
- Evaluation and data management. This includes all data related needs (also section 5.0) for SAPP development, monitoring budget (e.g., data collection/analysis/reporting) and time for data storage in STORET.
- Project administration. Address fiscal management (e.g., invoicing, match tracking) and contract reporting (e.g., semi-annual and final reports).
Note: Account for project management or the time it takes to manage activities (managing subcontractors/volunteers, purchasing supplies) as a line item under each applicable activity only in the budget table and not as a separate activity in the application. This is to ensure there are funds in the budget to pay for the management and successful implementation of the project.
3.3 - Environmental Permits
•Identify necessary permits and clearances. Possibilities include: Clean Water Act Section 404: permits to discharge dredged or fill materials (responsibility for administering and enforcing Section 404 is shared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and EPA), CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certification, mining reclamation, cultural resources, county land use permissions, stormwater and other construction permits, etc.
3.4 - Lead Project Sponsor Qualifications
•Describe why project sponsor is the appropriate entity for the project implementation. Cite past history in Colorado NPS or similar pollutant load reduction work, proven ability for collaboration to accomplish positive water quality outcomes, grant management experience with Federal or State programs or similar exhibited abilities.
3.5 –BMP Operation and Maintenance
•Describe roles/responsibilities for operation and maintenance of 319 funded BMPs beyond contract expiration. Practices shall be maintained for the expected lifespan of the specific practice. NRCS has information regarding expected lifespan of most practices used in nonpoint source projects.
4.0 - Coordination Plan
4.1 - Lead Project Sponsor and Cooperating Organizations -Complete in Appendix, makingsure to:
- Describe roles and responsibilities for sponsor and each cooperating organization
- Describe manner of agreement, if necessary, between participants
- If role will include providing match, describe how that will be accomplished
4.2 - Local Support
- Describe who is providing match support including a mechanism to coordinate and track these contributions.
- Do not attach letters of support for the proposal documenting match contributions. They will be required at a later stage of the process.
4.3 - Coordination with Other Projects and Organizations
- Describe how project coordinates with and links to other complementary efforts in the area.
4.4 - Similar Watershed Activities
- Identify similar efforts in the area and describe why this project does not duplicate on-going efforts.
5.0 –Project Evaluation and Data Management
All implementation projects are required to collect environmental data documenting the outcomes of the project. Evaluation and monitoring activities must be included as a separate objective and/or activity in section 3.0 and in the Nonpoint Source Program Budget Spreadsheet. Technical assistance for SAPP development is available from the NPS Program and lists of approved monitoring procedures are found on Contact a project coordinator to find out how you may receive assistance.
Monitoring and evaluation reporting will be part of the final report. The report describes what worked well and what didn’t, the biggest challenges and the easiest activities and lessons learned.
5.1 - SAPP Development
Collection of environmental data must have a project specific (SAPP) approved by the NPS program coordinator. Submit the draft SAPP at least four (8) weeks prior to sampling. In this sub-section please address, in a brief narrative, how the development of a SAPP will be accomplished; who will be responsible for writing it; estimate costs for the development of the SAPP in the budget; include the statement: “Data will not be collected or sampling will not start prior to the SAPP being approved by the WQCD NPS Program Coordinator”. A SAPP template and technical assistance are available from the NPS program. The SAPP must be included as a product in section 3.0 and accounted for (including estimates of sample collection, analysis and reporting costs) in the budget table (Section 6.0). Sponsors are expected to use WQCD protocols for environmental monitoring as they pertain to WQCC regulations.
- Note: If load reduction targets or improvements in water quality or aquatic habitat are not reasonably well understood for proposed BMPs, please specify that targets will be identified in the Sampling and Analysis Project Plan (SAPP) completed prior to project start.
5.2 – Monitoring Strategy
The goal of this sub-section is to provide the project sponsor and the NPS Program with information necessary to evaluate the success of the project as associated with all tasks. Environmental evaluation includes all SAPP components in the monitoring strategy: dataquality objectives, media to be sampled parameters to be measured, methods to be used and data analysis, etc. Identify the underling WQCC standard be used as the attainment objective. Describe how data will be collected and used in a manner compatible with WQCC regulations, protocols and analysis tools (Found here:
•Complete the evaluation table below to briefly summarize the project objectives and tasks from section 3.0, the evaluation methods, responsible parties for conducting the monitoring and the measures of success (target results). Include this table as an appendix.
•Evaluate both: 1) Products (e.g., number of riparian plantings, number of meetings held) and 2) Outcomes (e.g., change in water chemistry, increased knowledge, macroinvertebrate assemblages).
5.3 – Data Management
- Describe data integration, sharing, storage and maintenance. Ensure that there is a mechanism to upload data to the STORET database.
5.4 - Models
- Describe any models used (e.g., flow modeling, chemical modeling). Include the rationale for using a particular model and explain why it would be the best fit for project-specific needs.
6.0 – Budget
6.1 - Budget Table (Complete in the Nonpoint Source Program Budget Spreadsheet Excel document)
7.0 - Public Involvement
7.1 - Process for Public Involvement(beyond partnering entities noted in Section 4.0)
•Describe the process for ensuring public involvement in the project, including outreach, information/education and accountability activities.
•Example activities include public meetings, outreach events, newspaper articles and websites.
•Make sure to include any project related activities as costs and match in section 3.1 and the Nonpoint Source Program Budget Spreadsheet.
A) Budget Table – Complete and attach the entire Nonpoint Source Program Budget Spreadsheet