Document Checklist
Trainee Name :
Grade: / NTN
Specialty: Anaesthetics / Site
To be checked by Document Checker: / Tick
Paperwork Collection: Prior to Trainee ARCP (in the following order) / Available
  1. Form R completed Both parts A and B

  1. All previous ARCP outcomes

  1. Educational Supervisor's Structured Report, signed by your Educational Supervisor or College Tutor confirming that you have met all your competencies (two copies)

  1. Current, updated, curriculum vitae (dated, two copies)

  1. Training Competencies
  2. Your work based assessment record, with minimum DOPs, CBDs, Anaes-CEXs, ALMAT per unit of training (successful outcomes)
  3. Multi-source Feedback Summary

  1. A summary of your log books for the last year for RCOA & ICM AND a summary for each training module completed AND a summary for whole of training to date (two copies)

  1. Evidence of passing Final FRCA

  1. Intermediate Level Training Certificate (ILTC)

  1. An OOP report (if applicable) 1000 words minimum

  1. Evidence of leadership training undertaken

  1. Evidence of completion of Anaesthetic Non –Technical Skills (ANTS)*

  1. Completed CPD summary form listing internal & external courses/meetings/teaching attended during the year

  1. A summary of any audit completed (1 in ST3/4 and 1 per year at ST5-7) (two copies)

  1. A summary of any publications and research projects undertaken

  1. List of Sick, Parental, Carers or Maternity Leave taken over the year (this should be completed on the form R – part B)

  1. Letter of thanks/commendation/complaints/grievances

  1. Modules completed (Higher Level General Units of Training)

  1. CCT Form to be completed

Essential Units and number of cases in log book
Cardiac / ICM / Neuro
Obs / Paeds / Pain
General Units and number of cases in log book
Airway Management / Critical Incidents
General, urological & gynae surgery / Head, neck, maxilla-facial & dental surgery
Non-theatre / Orthopaedic
Sedation / Transfer
Day Surgery / Management of respiratory & cardiac arrest
Regional / Trauma & stabilisation
Recommended outcome (if required)
Document Checker / Dated


Generic skills are the Anaesthetic Non –Technical Skills (ANTS). These include: attitude, behaviour and professionalism, communication; presentation; audit; teaching; ethics and law: and management.

These should have been assessed during regular clinical WPBA’s and should be documented in the ESSR by the ES. The trainee should also write a summary as to how he/she has achieved some of these skills as evidence for the ES before the ESSR is completed and also bring this along to the ARCP.