Clinical Veterinary Neurology

Course Profile

Course Description Clinical Veterinary Neurology will review the neurologic examination, common neurologic diseases and techniques to properly care for the neurologic patient. The course organization is based primarily on neuroanatomic localization of disease.

Class sessions will involve reading assignments from textbooks, interactive discussion posts and instructor notes available through PowerPoint presentations.

Instructor Stephanie Gilliam, RVT, BS, CCRP

Senior Veterinary Technician- Neurology/Neurosurgery, Small Animal Physical Rehabilitation

A253A Clydesdale Hall

College of Veterinary Medicine

Office Phone: 882-5169


Joan R. Coates, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Neurology)

Professor of Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery

900 E. Campus Drive, Clydesdale Hall

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery

College of Veterinary Medicine


Major Objectives By the end of the course the student will accomplish the following:

Understand basic neuroanatomy

Perform a complete neurologic examination

Understand common neurologic diseases

Develop nursing skills needed to care for animals with neurologic disease

Prerequisites AAS in Veterinary Technology OR BIOMED 3219 Elements of Comparative Anatomy AND BIOMED 3100 Pathophysiology, or instructor’s consent.

Delivery 100% online

Organization Course materials are located under the left-hand tab in the course Blackboard site under “Units.” “Sessions” are found under “Units” and “Modules under “Sessions.” Further directions are provided in Blackboard.

Required Materials Lorenz MD, Coates JR, Kent,M. Handbook of Veterinary Neurology 5th ed. Elsevier Saunders, 2011. Chrisman C, Mariani C, Platt S, Clemmons R. Neurology for the Small Animal Practitioner. Teton NewMedia, 2003.

Evaluation of




Performance There will be 700 possible points. More than 490 points are required for a passing grade. Three proctored exams will provide a total of 400 points. The remaining 300 points will be based on a syllabus quiz (10 points), weekly quizzes (10 points each) and contributing to weekly discussion posts (15 points each). Students with less than 71% at mid-term will receive a warning. Grades will be available in Blackboard. To insure confidentiality, they will not be sent by e-mail.

Exams and Quizzes Exams are available only under the supervision of a proctor. Fifty minutes will be allowed for exams.

A quiz is not proctored, but you are expected to complete the quiz by yourself. The quiz is timed so that you will not have time to rely on reference materials, i.e. it is not open-book quizzes.

If you take more time than the quiz or exam allows, your score will be deducted the points of one question each minute in overtime.

You may take a quiz or exam only once. You must complete the exam or quiz once you start it. You may NOT come back to the quiz later. If you are disconnected during an exam, contact the instructor immediately and then send an e-mail to with your name, username, course name, title of the quiz or exam, and a description of the problem. To ensure your answers are logged, click “Save” at the bottom of the page every 2 to 3 questions. Click “Submit” after you have reviewed your answers to have the quiz or exam graded.

Scoring of Assignments In addition to exams and quizzes, students will be scored on course participation by submitting discussion posts. Each student will be required to respond to the instructor’s discussion question, and then will also respond to one other student’s discussion posts each week. These will be graded within 48 to 72 hours after an announced deadline to submit a post.

Grading The grading scale will be A to F, including some pluses and minuses but no A+, C+, C-, D+, or D-. Grades will be based on the following scale:

96-100%= A

91-95% = A-

88-90% = B+

84-87% = B

81-83% = B-

71-80% = C

61-70% = D

60% or less = F

Note: A Certificate in Biomedical Technology requires at least a “C” grade in this course, plus a total of 15 cr hr BIOMED courses with an average GPA in all BIOMED courses of 3.0.


Units Sessions (Wk #) Modules

1 – Neuroanatomy & 1-Neuroanatomy Introduction (Syllabus)

Localization Peripheral Nervous System

Spinal Cord


2- Neurolocalization Upper Motor Neuron (UMN)

(Brain and Spinal Cord)

Lower Motor Neuron (LMN)

(Nerve, NMJ and Muscle)

Localization Continue

2 – Neuroexam & 3-History/Neurologic NE – Observation (Mentation,

Diagnostic Tests Examination (NE) Gait, Posture) and Postural

Reaction Testing

NE – Spinal Reflexes

NE – Cranial Nerves

4 - Exam Cont’d & Diagnostics NE- Sensory Evaluation

History Taking and Disease


Diagnostic Tests

3 – Patient Care 5 – Patient Care FIRST EXAMINATION

Physical Rehabilitation

Bladder Management and Care

of Recumbent Patient

6- Monoparesis Lesion Localization

Pelvic Limbs

Thoracic Limbs

4 – Paraparesis 7 – T3-L3 Paraparesis Acute Progressive Disease (T3-L3)

Acute Nonprogressive Disease (T3-L3)

Chronic Disease (T3-L3)

8 – L4-S3 Paraparesis Acute Progressive Disease (L4-S3)

Acute Nonprogressive Disease (L4-S3)

Chronic Disease (L4-S3)

5 – Tetraparesis 9 – UMN Tetraparesis Acute Progressive Disease (C1-T2)

Acute Nonprogressive Disease (C1-T2)

Chronic Disease (C1-T2)

10 – LMN Tetraparesis Nerve (Acute Progressive and Chronic)

Neuromuscular Junction and Myopathic

Diseases (Episodic Weakness)


6 – Brain 11 – Vestibular & Cerebellum Signs of Vestibular Disease

Peripheral Vestibular Disease

Central Vestibular Disease

12 – Cerebellum & Forebrain Cerebellar Disease

Focal Encephalopathy

Diffuse Encephalopathy

7 – Seizures 13 – Causes of Seizures Seizure Types/Classification

Intracranial Diseases & Diagnosis

Extracranial Diseases & Diagnosis

14 – Treatment Plan Treatment (Anticonvulsant Therapies)

Management of the Refractory Epileptic

Narcolepsy and Cataplexy

8 – Final exam 15 – Final Final exam review

Final exam review


Course Schedule

Units Session (Wk #) Modules

1- 1-Neuroanatomy Introduction (Syllabus)


& Localization Peripheral Nervous System

Spinal Cord


Upper Motor Neuron (UMN)

2- (Brain and Spinal Cord)


Lower Motor Neuron (LMN)

(Nerve NMJ and Muscle)

Localization Continue

2 - 3- History/ NE-Observation (Mentation, Gait, Posture)