April18, 2013
- CALLED TO ORDER at 10:05am
- Attendance & Introductions - John Talbott
Guest: Craig MarcusAbsent: Dave Bohnert, Dan Kermoyan, Helen Diggs
- March minutes approved
- Announcements
- Unfinished/OLD BUSINESS
- Reports
- CAS Unit Administrators presentation – Dan Curry
Administrators appreciated concepts presented, asked several good questions, including a) possibility of a MySafety page that lists training requirements and training certifications, b)using Blackboard rather than Drupal for training courses, and c) how to provide ONID account to non-OSU Techs?
- Accident reports – Jim Ervin and Carrie Burkholder, and Phil Hamm
At HAREC a student worker lightly cut her finger but ended up at the local immediate care facility for a tetanus shot. It was unclear if the shot was necessary but the incident led to questions about having a professional “hot line” that might prevent unnecessary treatments or provide advice for appropriate accident treatment and reporting level.
- Questions for HR and EH&S– Jim Ervin to follow-up
- Who would staff a hot line?
- Should supervisors get between a patient and their treatment choice?
- Safety training documentation update– Carrie Burkholder
- How to provide studentswith more flexibility on required training
- Compliance issues– None
- Laboratory safety discussion with Craig Marcus, EMT, and Frank Chaplen, BEE
Faculty are concerned about liability and how to measure “gross negligence” and “due diligence” without appropriate training or guidance. They are also concerned about how to find appropriate resources. Further, faculty wondered if they should buy individual insurance policies.These items will be taken up with Enterprise Risk Management and EH&S and replies provided at a later date.
What’s required for OSU to back faculty, provide legal support?-ask PHughes, What standard? What’sgross negligence? Will EHS or safety committee approve trainings?
Faculty worry that policy is handed down but little leadership is provided and staffing is insufficient. Shouldn’t a lot of this be done centrally?
- Carrie presented copies of proposed Annual Unit checklist, due to CAS by 6/30.
- Regarding aJune presentation topic and presenter, the Group suggested Patrick Hughes discuss thresholds for faculty responsibility and university backing.
- Safety Manual review –tabled, but staff to further identify available resources
- Carrie to further explore linkage between Blackboard and EHS database
- Dan to research questions about 300 logs, Safety Committee requirements
- SCC provide feedback about annual Unit checklist at May meeting
- Jan to contact local ARS for possible SCC member
- Janrequest Patrick Hughes attend June Administrators meeting or obtain information on identified items, including purchasing additional liability insurance
- Jan to inquire about a safety hotline and MySafety page
- ADJOURN at 11:35 am
Proposed summer schedule:
- May 16, 2013 to prepare for June Administratorsmeeting
- Skip June 19 if Qualtric survey presentation is not ready
- Meet July 18, 2013
O:/Auyong/Safety & Risk Management/CC Agendas&Minutes/