John Jay High School

2012 Route 52

Hopewell Junction, New York 12533

(845) 897-6700

Fax (845) 897-6720


Office of the Principal

July 25, 2014

Dear John Jay Students and Families:

It is my hope that all of you are having a most productive and enjoyable summer. Our entire staff has been working very diligently preparing for the opening of the 2014-2015 school year which begins on Thursday, September 4th. As I begin my fifth year as principal, I personally want to thank all of you for supporting our school. I look forward to the upcoming school year with great enthusiasm and excitement as I am most proud of the strong foundation and the tradition of excellence that exists at John Jay High School.

High academic achievement is our primary focus and we will continue to provide academic course offerings with the highest level of rigor which require our students to think critically. In addition, we will continue to implement our district initiatives in Response to Intervention (RTI), Curriculum Mapping, and Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies (PBIS). We are also committed to providing a safe school environment that is most conducive to allow for maximum student learning and engagement.

We are proud to provide the opportunity for our students to become involved in our many school clubs and organizations. Research indicates that those students that are involved in school activities tend to perform better academically. Late buses will continue to be available to provide students with expanded opportunities for academic assistance as well as participation in after school activities. For the reasons listed above, I strongly encourage our students to utilize this service.

Please note that in keeping with our Administrative/Guidance Cohort Model, we will begin transitioning our Administrative and Guidance offices so that they are primarily cohort or grade specific. It is our hope and expectation that this change will assist us in providing the quality services necessary to our students and families by having centralized cohort offices.

The guidance counselor breakdown is as follows and is based on the student’s last name:

9th GRADE – CLASS OF ’18 10th GRADE – CLASS OF ’17

K. Brenner L. Ligotino S. Marshall N. Gallacher

(A -G) (H-S) (A – Mc) (Me – Z) N. Gallacher


11th GRADE – CLASS OF ’16 12th GRADE – CLASS OF ’15

H. Daley J. Palazzolo J. May J. Frangione

(A – K) (L – Z) (A – K) (L – Z)

Prompt and regular communication between school and home is a key ingredient for the continued successes of each and every student. I would ask that all issues during the school year go through the appropriate channels in order to ensure proper communication and a timely response to issues as they arise. I would like to extend an invitation for you to join The John Jay School Messenger Notification System which allows you to receive daily announcements and any necessary emergency announcements directly to your email account. You can register by going to our school website and clicking on the School Messenger icon where directions are provided. I would also encourage you to consider joining our PTSA (parent, teacher, student association) which strengthens our community spirit and supports many programs at John Jay. (OVER)

Please note the information listed below for administrators in charge of specific grades and sections of students within grades.

Mr. Paul Albanese…..…………… 9th Grade (A-F) and Grade 10 email: ext. 30182

Mrs. Eleanore DiCioccio…………...9th Grade (G-N) and Grade 11 email: ext. 30151

Mrs. Bonnie King……………...... 9th Grade (O-Z) and Grade 12 email: ext. 30143

Our orientation for ninth grade students will be held in the Roger Hanson Performance Hall (auditorium)

on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 @ 8:45 a.m. and last until approximately 10am. Student’s will have an opportunity to hear from their grade level administrators and current students. Please note that immediately following the general meeting in the auditorium, students (and parents) will have an opportunity to walk through the building to familiarize themselves with their schedule and locker location. In addition, members of various school clubs and activities will be available in the cafeteria to meet incoming students and share information regarding their club or activity. During this time, staff will also be available to answer any questions.

For security purposes we ask that all students carry their ID’s with them at all times. Grades 10 through 12 will receive their ID’s during the first two weeks of school. Incoming freshmen will be issued an ID bearing an 8th grade photo. These will be upgraded with a current photo as soon as possible. Newcomers to John Jay will take photos in September and these will be processed and distributed as soon as possible.

I would ask you NOT to drop your child off at the plaza across the street in the morning before school and also, encourage them not to stay after school unless they are participating in academic extra help, a club/activity, or sport. Please note that for the school year 2014/2015 there will be late buses (3:40 p.m.). However, space is limited and students requesting to take the late bus must obtain a pass from their teacher, advisor or coach if they would like to utilize this service.

The student drop-off and pick-up area is in the parking lot nearest the auditorium. It can be accessed from two points. The first is from the main driveway into the John Jay campus. The second is through the gate on Route 52 across from the Archway Plaza. This entrance is restricted to east bound traffic on Route 52. The area has been marked for your convenience. The main driveway up to the Main entrance will be limited to buses and closed to all other traffic during the arrival and dismissal of students. The area in front of the auditorium entrance will be used for the arrival and dismissal of the students riding the vans.

If you need to contact your child during school hours, please feel free to call the Main Office (ext. 30100) and they will be happy to assist you. Students should not be interrupted from instruction unless the matter is urgent. I would ask that you not interrupt instruction by trying to reach your child via their cell phone.

Please know that you are always welcome to visit the school. For everyone’s convenience please make arrangements

in advance of a visit by contacting the appropriate person or persons you wish to meet. Please be prepared for a school visit by having appropriate photo ID. For security reasons, all visitors must present a photo ID, document their destination and receive a visitor’s pass at the front desk in the main lobby. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

School Safety Drills/Lockdown Drills

The safety of our students and staff is of the upmost importance. Therefore, we will be doing various school safety drills during the course of the school year. The first lockdown drill will be announced. However, subsequent lockdown drills

WILL NOT be announced. This will be necessary to adequately prepare our students and staff for any circumstances that may necessitate an actual school lockdown.

Parent Portal

Parent Portal is the district’s way of providing parents and guardians with secure online access to information

about their children such as: emergency contacts, daily attendance, course schedules, progress reports, report

card grades and NYS Regents exam scores. Access to Parent Portal is restricted to those parents and guardians

that have been cleared through an id verification process.

Important upcoming dates:

Ø  Ninth Grade Student Orientation- Wednesday, August 27 8:45 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Ø  Open House- Thursday, October 9 at 7 p.m. ….more information to follow….

In closing, I look forward to working together with the entire John Jay community to ensure that the 2014-2015 school year

is most productive and rewarding for all.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Dwight Bonk, Principal
