Jesus Christ who brings us to the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit is the foundation of our life together.

High Street Methodist Church aims to be a church, which is bringing Christ to our community and our community to Christ. We want to be dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, devoted to each other, determined to serve our local community and to support our fellow Christians.

April 2016

Dear Friends,

Where has the past year gone? And what an amazing year it has been with so many wonderful things happening. It is difficult for me to pick out specifics without running the risk of overlooking other remarkable events, for everything that happens is important, but I would like to draw your attention to the dedication of the Stewards and the Leadership Team who have gone above and beyond in response to looking at the future mission and strategy of the High Street Church Community. The attached document (page 5) is a work in progress and in many ways always will be if we use it properly, for it is designed to help us see where we all fit together and why we do what we do and for what purpose. One glance will tell you that God is at work amongst his people in a variety of ways including some new initiatives that you will be able to read about in this report.

Safeguarding is a priority within our Church and to that end there is a new Safeguarding Reference Group to oversee all matters relating to safeguarding ensuring that we constantly strive for best practise at all times.

We were sad to see Colin Hollies our Centre Manager leave in February, he and his wife Liz have secured their dream job of running a retreat centre together not too far away in Clanfield, but of course we recognise that there is a large ‘Colin-shaped’ hole left at High street. We are seeking to replace Colin with a new permanent Centre Manager and in the meantime recognise how blessed we have been to have been able to employ Bridie Little as a temporary Centre Manager.

All churches rely heavily on a whole army of volunteers and that is certainly true of High Street, many of you, turn up each week and quietly get on with a raft of different things without fuss or indeed the desire for thanks, however, what you do does not go unnoticed, and believe me, I am hugely grateful to you all. This will be especially true when I go on Sabbatical on May 3rd. I am very aware that many of the things that I do will continue due to the generous nature of others, and the same will be true when Deacon Ellie goes on her Sabbatical at the beginning of January 2017. It is both humbling and exciting to have this opportunity of spiritual renewal.

We cannot always tell what God has in store for the future but one thing is for sure that he will always equip us for what lies ahead. May you know His blessing, strength and comfort as He leads us forward…

With Love

Rev Melanie


Church Life
Lay Pastoral Worker and Pastoral Visitors 9
Prayer Opportunities 11

Stewards Team 13
Holy Communion Services 13
Music 14

Church Flowers 15

Display Window 16

Work among children and young people – on a Sunday

Junior Church 17

Cradle Roll 18
House Groups :
Davenport Road House Group 18
New Yatt Road House Group 18
Thursday Night House Group 19
The Seedhouse House Group 20
Vanner Road House Group 20

Witney View House Group 21

Index Page

Women’s Fellowship 21
Newland Methodist Chapel 23
In Touch 24
Time Out 25

1st Witney Company of the Boy’s Brigade 26
2nd Witney Guides 27

Mission and Outreach

Mission to Children, Families & Young People in Witney 31

Wesley Baby & Toddler Group 36

Coffee Bar 36

Knit & Natter 36
World Church Committee 37

Operation Christmas Child 38

The Events Committee 40

Lunchtime Recitals 41
Action for Children 43

Fairtrade 44

Methodist Homes for the Aged 45

Sunday Afternoon Tea (monthly 45

Index Page

Inter Church Relations

Churches Together in Witney & District 47
Women’s World Day of Prayer 48


The Property Team 49

Centre Manager 50

Use of Premises 50

Major Works 50

The Old School Building 51

Safeguarding 51

Health & Safety 51
Man Friday 51

Church Cleaners 52


Treasurer’s Report and Accounts 54

Church Life

Pastoral Worker and Pastoral Visitors Report 2015-16

Pastoral care is of major importance in the life of our church and is essential for the wellbeing of the church fellowship. Our objective is to show everyone the love of God, give a warm welcome to all those who come to our church and show caring concern to them.

Our aim at High Street is to allocate all members to one of the Pastoral Visitor team whose responsibility it is to keep in contact, give support and encouragement to those on their list by visiting, telephoning and looking out for them at church. Leaflets and copies of In Touch are delivered by them at Christmas, Easter, and at Harvest which is an important way to keep everyone informed on news of services and other activities.

We are most grateful to the 31 Pastoral Visitors and Linda Burbage in her role as our Cradle Roll Secretary, for the caring that they give to the 300 or so people listed in our church directory. We remember housebound members and those living in residential care at Christmas with a card and plant, flowers at Harvest and a special card at Christmas for those who have suffered a close bereavement in the year also on the first anniversary of the death of a spouse.

We are very pleased that Hilary Ewing has joined the team and very sorry that Sue Withinshaw and Mary Lucy have had to resign. We thank them both for the years they have given to pastoral care.

It is good to share news of the church family, especially specific needs like bereavement or ill health but also to rejoice in special birthdays and anniversaries.

Pastoral Training

There was a meeting for Pastoral Visitors in March when Ruth Swift of Age UK gave a very informative talk on all the services and activities provided by Age UK in this area.

The Prayer Chain

This is an important way to communicate specific needs for prayer and also for information on additional care and assistance needed.


During the year Alisha Levermore, came into membership by confirmation.

The following have transferred their membership to High Street:

Harry and Georgina Eaglestone and Sue Read.

The following have transferred to other churches:

Doreen McMiken to Redditch and Glynn and Ruth Bryon to Swindon.

The following 6 members have died:

Betty Langer, Christine Bourke, Gavin Scott, Cliff Townsend, Gwyneth Delahaye and Anthony Richards. We thank God for them and all that they meant to us and especially for Anthony and for his many special contributions to the life of our church and Circuit.

The following has ceased to meet: Bob Hamer

Total Membership is now 198

We continue to do our best to follow the aims of the church Mission Statement. I make extra visits when the need arises, keep in regular contact with Rev Melanie and the Pastoral Team and we share news with each other in order to improve pastoral care.

Anne Crawford, Pastoral Worker

Prayer Opportunities 2016

The Weekly Prayer Meeting

This takes place every Thursday morning 9.30 -10.10am with 6 regularly attending and others join in from time to time. We pray for the life of our church, those who are unwell, in hospital or experiencing other difficulties. We always include those prayers left in the boxes in the Prayer Corner and Coffee Bar and any other topic, either here or overseas, that is current.

The Prayer Corner

This area of the church is available for quiet prayer every day from 10.00am until 2.45pm. There is a Prayer Box and another in the Coffee Bar with special Prayer Cards for requests which are prayed for at Thursday morning prayers. There is also a board in the church entrance for prayer requests.

Prayer Ministry after Sunday Morning Worship

Two members of the Prayer Ministry team are available in the Prayer Corner to anyone needing prayers for themselves or others. Shirley Richardson organises this. It is used regularly and is appreciated by those asking for prayer.

Prayer Chains

For church members who wish to take part in intercessory prayers for those in special need. There is an Email Chain and telephone calls for those without email. The prayers are sent by Anne Crawford and anyone can ask her to include needs as they arise. It is well used and gives important comfort, healing and communication. 52 members are on the Prayer Chain list for receiving messages and others are very welcome to join it.

Church Prayer Diary

Issued twice a year in January and June, listing prayer needs for High Street Church, its activities, users of the premises and others.

Space 2B for quiet reflective prayer

Every Wednesday morning 9.30-10.30 am. Held at the home of Brenda Woods. Exploring different ways of praying.

Churches Together Prayers

Breakfast at 8.00am on the fourth Saturday in the month followed by an ecumenical prayer meeting held at High Street at 8.45am to 9.30am focussing on the life and witness of the churches in the Witney & District.12 regularly attend, others come from time to time and more would be warmly welcomed to join for prayers even if it is not possible to come to breakfast.

Anne Crawford

Stewards Team

The stewards meet regularly to examine all matters relating to our Sunday worship. We are now only 5 in number and would love to have more on our team, sharing the work to aid the smooth running of our very busy church.

We are very appreciative of the 4 Sunday stewards who are so important in preparing the church for worship every Sunday.

With the Leadership Team we are exploring our roles of how best we can serve our congregation and the mission work of this church.

Jane Heath, Senior Steward

Holy Communion Services

Holy Communion, a vital part of our spiritual lives, continues to be well-supported. Sundays at 8.30am (18-24), 10.30am (100+), 6.00pm (18-30) and Thursday (18+).

After 10.30 Communion we always take a retiring collection for the Benevolent Fund. This helps anyone Reverend Melanie finds in need. So please support it!

With Andrea taking care of the Thursday communion, we are six stewards in number, with Sybil King starting to help Andrea and Heather price also offering.

Reverend Melanie has settled in well and certainly does not cause us any grief. Paul is also a key part of services leading our choruses (we are indeed well blessed and thank the Lord for them both!).

Our thanks go to Richard Carey, Jane Wilson and Peter Hunt who assist in leading our 8.30am communion and the unsung heroes who regularly slave away at this service putting chairs back, washing tiny glasses, and tidying up. Thanks folks!

Communion Stewards


Music Director– Rachael Prince

Regular organists/pianists/musicians: Rachael Prince, Keith Crawford, Peter Hunt, Jeanette Mills, Jane Wilson, David Markham, Paul Reed

Orchestra: Rachael Prince (organiser) plus 4-12 members

Singing Group: Rachael Prince (organiser) plus 15-20 members
Band: The Reeds (organisers) plus occasional other members.


Our main aim is to produce worship enhancing music in whatever style is appropriate to the service.

Worship planning meetings are led by Rev Melanie and allow us to review the previous plan and the plan to come. It also gives us the opportunity for wider feedback from members of the congregation which we are always pleased to hear. We still like to use a broad range of music reflecting the variety of worship styles that we use. We will try anything, and will try to do it as well as we can.

Progress and Achievements

We continue to seek ways of using new hymns in worship whilst also using firm favourites.

I am grateful to the singing group for their help in leading worship, especially with new tunes. We had a good number sing at Christmas carol service and a group of singers went to sing at Otters Court again this year raising money for Action for Children. The singing group will next sing at the service on Pentecost Sunday.

The worship band still leads the music in worship and gives a lead especially with songs contemporary in style. Paul Reed is always keen to hear from anyone who would like to join with them.

The orchestra continue to provide valuable support to our services and we see encouraging younger players in their music making and faith an important part of what we do. It is a blessing to see their confidence and abilities grow year on year. We have been able to welcome Sue, Grace and Bill Reed this year to the orchestra.

The organ continues to be well used. More routine maintenance has been carried out this year due to another generous donation and stops that were once intermittent should be available to us all year. Another donation towards the music of the church has enabled us to buy some new sturdy music stands, including one that also has a microphone boom attached which will be useful for the band.

Rachael Prince

Church Flowers