Class Disclosure
Instructor: Mrs. Bonham
Ø Room #134
Ø Email Address:
Ø School Phone: #476-5320
Classroom Rules/Behavior:
Ø Students will be respectful of themselves, the teacher, others and the classroom.
Ø Students will be prepared with book, paper and pencil each day in class.
Ø Students will be on time to class and in their seats ready to work when the bell rings.
Ø Students will participate in class assignments and discussions.
Ø Electronic devices: No devices (phones, ipods, tablets, etc.) will be allowed in my room.
Dress Code:
The Weber School District dress code will be enforced in my classroom.
Grading Criteria:
A 94%-100% C 73%-76%
A- 90%-93% C- 70%-72%
B+ 87%-89% D+ 67%-69%
B 83%-86% D 63%-66%
B- 80%-82% D- 58%-62%
C+ 77%-79% F 57%-Below
I will try to have all scores/grades updated on the system by Friday of each week.
BLOG: I do have a blog. Students who are absent can log into the blog and see what was done for the day. Most assignments will be available through the blog as well.
Assignments/Tests/Late Work:
Ø Everyday students will be responsible for work that has been assigned. Students will
have time in class to work on daily assignments but there may not always be enough time to complete
an assignment. If this is the case, then students will need to complete the assignment as homework
and return it on the day it is due. There is an online health book available on my blog for students to
complete their work.
Ø Each day students will journal. This will be a question or statement for the students to write
about each day. Journals must include the question and have 3 complete sentences to receive full
points. Students will turn in their journals each Friday. Journals are daily participation points.
Ø Students will be given 150 participation points at the beginning of each term. These points can be deducted if the student is not doing what they should be doing. These points cannot be made up. Points will be updated weekly on the student’s grade.
Ø In addition to assignments, students will be given tests and quizzes. Quizzes are not always
announced ahead of time, this will depend on the material being covered at the time. Tests will be
announced. I do not believe in tests making up the largest percentage of a student’s grade. The
assignments given in class will make up the largest portion of a students grade. It is very important to
turn in your work and to turn it in on time.
Ø Late Work/Makeup Tests/Quizzes/Retakes: Students will be allowed late work but it must be turned in within FIVE days of the due date. The late work must be completed or will not receive a score. Students will have FIVE school days from the date of a quiz or test to make it up. There will be no exceptions to this. Any assignment/Test/Quiz turned in later than FIVE days after the due date will not be given credit. The cutoff for late work ends one week before the term ends.
CHEATING: Cheating on an assignment, Test or Quiz will automatically earn you ZERO points. Cheating will not be tolerated and I expect all students to adhere to the highest standard while performing their own work. Students who are caught cheating will automatically have a drop in their citizenship grade.
TRUANCY: If a student has been truant during my class he/she will not be allowed to make up the work for that day.
Citizenship Grades:
Ø Citizenship grades will drop due to poor behavior in my class. If a student has a report of bad behavior while a substitute teacher has been in my classroom that student will have their citizenship grade lowered.
Ø School policy will also be followed when enforcing tardies. Four unexcused tardies will result in an N. Five or more unexcused tardies will result in a U.
Human Sexuality Parent Consent Forms
Your student will be bringing home the state Parent/Guardian Consent Form for Human Sexuality Instruction. This form needs to be signed and returned within one week of your student bringing it home as this will be his/her first homework assignment.
Health students will be viewing a birth video during the Human Sexuality unit.
Please complete and return the attached information sheet and keep this copy of the class disclosure for you and your student.
I have read and understand Mrs. Bonham’s classroom rules and policies.
Student X______
Parent X______
Email______Phone #______