Part 1: General Information

  1. Overview of decennial evaluation cycle
  2. Candidacy

Initial Accreditation



Special Progress Reports


Part 2: Decennial Evaluation

·  School Self-Study

·  3 Main Drivers of Evaluation:

1.  School/Center’s Mission, Philosophy & Goals (Vision Statement)-2011 Standard 1

2.  School/Center’s Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectationos-2015 Standard 1

3.  School/Center’s relationship to its community (how is school/center serving its community and responding to student demographics/student needs)

4.  Student success (academic & vocational) and well-being (social-emotional)

. Review Standards of Membership 2011 and 2015

a.  Before the Visit

  1. Receive Team Roster & Questionnaires from Judi Fletcher 4-6 weeks before visit
  2. Email team members to introduce yourself and review process
  3. Plan committee work assignments (chair and members Standards, Academic & CTE Program Committees)
  4. Schedule school visit (Pre-Evaluation Conference for a Decennial Evaluation document)

a) receive SSR

b) tour school; workroom

c) visit hotel and conference room

d) discuss school’s plan for Monday reception/dinner

·  Create work schedule Monday – Thursday

·  Notify school of any team member’s food allergy or health concern

·  Email team members to tell them of the committee assignments. Instruct them to read the SSR. Instruct them to view VT documents

on website:

·  Plan for initial team meeting

a) introductions

b) distribute committee work assignment spreadsheet and work schedule for the week

c) discuss importance of professional responsibilities, and confidentiality

d) provide training on how to gather information and how to write reports

o  How To Write an Evaluation Report for Academic Program (2011 & 2017 SFA)

o  How To Write an Evaluation Report for Technical Programs

e) review Standards of Membership

f) discuss purpose of Reception/Dinner & members’ responsibilities

b During the visit

·  Begin each day with brief organizational meeting

·  Meet with HOS for “temperature check”

·  Keep team on schedule!!!

·  Visit every staff member and keep track

·  Follow-up personally on any school-related questions/issues brought by team members

·  Monitor social-emotional dynamic of team

·  Committee chairs submit written reports to AC for proofing

·  Do not make a recommendation that the school cannot do, for example: recommending that CT schools provide after-school transportation.

·  There must be consistency throughout the report:

·  Major Commendations and Recommendations are culled from the report and agreed upon by the team. These should have been repeated in a number of reports, and/or have a major impact upon one or more Standard

·  Recommendations of the Visiting Committee regarding accreditation

·  Wrap-Up Session with school faculty and staff (template on website)

b.  After the visit

·  Final editing of report. Must have a consistent voice and formatting

·  Email report to Bruce Sievers within ten days after the visit

·  Bruce will edit the report and return to Team Chair to make corrections. Return corrected report to Bruce

·  Bruce will email report to HOS to check for factual accuracy (2 week turnaround)

·  Bruce makes any corrections of fact and emails final PDF of report to school/center and to Team Chair

·  Mail/email evaluators’ expense vouchers, team member evaluation forms, Standards of Membership Checklist, Questionnaire for Chairperson Following a Comprehensive Visit, confidential letter to Bruce about visit and team vote

Guide for Assistant Chairs (p. 33)

Decennial Visiting Team (p. 35)

Part 3: Focused Visit Evaluation

Guide for Focused Visit Chairs

·  Focus visit reports on school’s progress in addressing the specific recommendations found in the decennial report and make suggestions that will facilitate continued progress in those areas

·  Schools focused visit report in 4 parts

·  Team’s report follows a standard format: (p. 98)

o  Introduction

o  Significant Changes

o  Disposition of Visiting Team Recommendations

o  Disposition of Committee Recommendations

o  School and Community/Philosophy and Goals

o  School Staff and Administration

o  Plant and Equipment/School Facilities

o  Summary (Compliance with Standards of Membership)

o  Commendations and Recommendations

Checklist for Focused Visit Chairs (p. 120)

Pre-Evaluation Conference for a Focused Visit (p. 121)

Questionnaire for Chairperson Following a Focused Visit (p. 123)

Part 4: Decennial & Focused Visits

Accreditation Decalogue for a Visiting Team

Committee Terminology Regarding Accreditation

Evaluator Rating Sheet

Questionnaire for Team Members (gets sent to Team Chairs)

Suggestions for Visiting Team Members on Recommendations

Visiting Team Options For Candidate or Accredited Status

Vote of the Visiting Team

Chairperson Evaluation Form (Assistant Chair collect and mail to Bruce)