Bidders are requested to note the following changes/modifications in the Notice Inviting bids along with the revised bidding programme. The revised Notice Inviting Bids is as given below.
CIDCO of Maharashtra Limited through the process of e-tendering invites “ON LINE” item rate percentage Bids in two bid system (Part - I Technical Bid & Part- II Commercial Bid) from experienced and eligible prospective bidders fulfilling the mandatory eligibility criteria and scoring minimum qualifying marks of 75 in the Technical Bid evaluation, comprising of total 100 marks as per Annexure-I, registered with CIDCO Ltd., Maharashtra State PWD, CPWD, MJP, MCGM in appropriate class & category for the work mentioned below:
Sr.No. / Description / Details
1. / Name of Work / Area levelling by cutting and filling of the area in Sector – 17 at Ulwe, Navi Mumbai.
2. / C.A. No. / 01/CIDCO/SE(ULWE)/EE(UL-II)/201415
3. / Cost put to the Bid / Rs. 18,08,27,732.39
4. / E.M.D. / Rs.18,09,000/-
5. / Registration Class / Class – IB & above
6. / Completion Period / 24 (Twenty Four) Months (including Monsoon)
7. / Cost of Blank Bid Document / Rs.26,250.00 (including 5% VAT (Non-Refundable))
1) For qualification, “On-Line” submission shall be accompanied by attested copies of:
a) Registration in appropriate Class & Category.
b) Sales Tax Certificate (MVAT).
c) Income Tax Permanent Account Number.
2) Experience of having successfully completed works during the last 5 (Five) years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which applications are invited.
(a) One similar completed work of costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the cost put to the Bid;
(b) Two best similar completed works adding to a total cost of minimum 80% of the cost put to the Bid of proposed work;
3) Financial Criteria: The Prospective Bidders will be qualified only if they have minimum financial capabilities as below:-
i) Working Capital (Current Assets – Current Liabilities): Working Capital (Net Cash Flow) of the Prospective Bidders during last audited financial years should be greater than Rs.226.03 lacs.
ii) Profitability: Profit after Tax should be Positive FOR “Two Years” out of last three consecutive financial years: such that it should be positive for immediate last financial year and one year out of two previous years.
iii) Net Worth: Net worth of Prospective Bidder during last audited financial year should be greater than Rs. 180.83 lacs.
iv) Average Annual Turnover: The average annual turnover of last three financial years should be equal to or greater than Rs. 678.10 lacs.
i) Turn over will be considered for main bidder and not for the Group Company or Subsidiary Company for all members of consortium put together.
ii) The value of works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the executed value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum.
iii) The information regarding Financial Criteria and Average Annual Turn over certified by Chartered Accountant will be only considered.
4) Bid Capacity Criteria:
The Prospective Bidder will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than the Cost put to the Bid of the work as per notice inviting Bid. The available bid capacity will be calculated base on the following formula:
Available Bid capacity= (1.5 x A x N) - B
A = Average Annual Turn Over for last three financial years.
N = No. of years prescribed for completion of the work.
B = Value of existing commitments and on going works to be completed during the period of completion of work.
Notes :
1) For qualification, on-line submission shall be accompanied by attested copies of Registration, valid Bank solvency certificate, sales tax certificate (MVAT), Income Tax Permanent Account No., list of technical staff, list of plant, machinery and equipments, list of works of similar nature & magnitude executed in last 5 (five) years along with work completion certificates, list of works in hand.
The applicant should also produce original documents for verification if called for. Failure to attach necessary documents with application will render applicant ineligible for purchase / download of blank Bid without any intimation.
2) CIDCO reserves right to reject any or all Bids without assigning any reason and the same shall be at the entire discretion of CIDCO. CIDCO’s decision in this respect shall be final and binding.
3) Conditional Bids shall be summarily rejected.
4) The offer shall remain valid for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of submission of Bid.
5) The Bidders eligible on the basis of CIDCO’s registration & having fixed EMD with CIDCO will have to enclose the valid EMD exemption certificate in appropriate amount issued by CIDCO. In case the Bidder who have fixed EMD for an amount less than required EMD, will have to pay the balance amount of EMD. In remaining cases the eligible Bidders has to pay full EMD, as prescribed in the Bid Document.
6) Bid price money of Rs. 26,250/- (including 5% VAT (non-refundable)) will be accepted by Demand Draft only, drawn in favour of “CIDCO LTD”, payable at Navi Mumbai and scan copy of the same shall be uploaded before purchase of Bid Document.
7) Bidder who obtains the minimum qualifying marks is eligible for issue of Bid document.
8) For further details regarding the above, contact Executive Engineer
(UL-II), CIDCO Ltd., 6th Floor, Raigad Bhavan, CBD -Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614. Tel. No. 022 – 67121074.
9) For any details regarding e-Tendering system in CIDCO, please contact service provider M/s. Sify NexTenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mob. No.: 9167969614.
website – , https:\\cidco.maharashtra,
10) On-line queries are to be uploaded on email ID between prescribed time schedules. The queries received after prescribed date and time will not be considered.
11) Bidders are required to pay professional fees to the service provider M/s. Sify Nex Tenders (India) Pvt. Ltd., for uploading the Bid Documents.
Chief Engineer (Navi Mumbai)
CIDCO Limited.
Name of Work: Area levelling by cutting and filling of the area in Sector – 17 at Ulwe,
Navi Mumbai.
C. A. No.: 01/CIDCO/SE(ULWE)/EE(UL-II)/2014-15
REVISED Bidding Programme
Sr.No. / CIDCO Stage / Vendor Stage / Start Date & Time ( / Expiry Date & Time ( / Notice Inviting Bid Preparation & Release / 06.09.2014/10.01 Hrs. / 09.10.2014/17.00 Hrs.
1b) / Main Bid Preparation & Release / 09.10.2014/10.01 Hrs. / 10.10.2014/17.00 Hrs.
2 / Main Bid Document Purchase & Download / 10.10.2014/17.01 Hrs. / 27.10.2014/17.00 Hrs.
Date of Receipt of Queries from Bidders / 27.10.2014/17.01 Hrs. / 31.10.2014/17.00 Hrs.
Reply to Queries / 10.11.2014/15.00 Hrs.
3 / Complete Technical Preparation for Handover & Main Bid Schedule ‘A’ / 10.11.2014/15.01 Hrs. / 17.11.2014/15.00 Hrs.
4 / Close New Entries (Technical) / 17.11.2014/15.01 Hrs. / 18.11.2014/18.00 Hrs.
5 / Close New Entries (Financial) / 17.11.2014/15.01 Hrs. / 18.11.2014/18.00 Hrs.
6 / Handover the Prepared Documents / 18.11.2014/18.01 Hrs. / 21.11.2014/15.00 Hrs.
7 / Opening & scrutiny Original Documents / 21.11.2014/15.01 Hrs. / 02.12.2014/15.00 Hrs.
8 / Financial Bid Opening / 02.12.2014/15.01 Hrs. / 03.12.2014/17.00 Hrs.
1) / Original Demand Draft towards cost of Bid document, original EMD documents (Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee) and undertaking for submission of Bid should be submitted within 3 working days from the expiry date of handover of the prepared documents during office hours in the office of Superintending Engineer (Ulwe), CIDCO Ltd., 8th Floor, Raigad Bhavan, CBD-Belapur, Navi Mumbai / Executive Engineer (UL-II), CIDCO Ltd., 6th Floor, Raigad Bhavan, CBD-Belapur, Navi Mumbai. The failure or omission to submit the original documents as said above shall disqualify the bidder for this bid and also debar the agency for issue of bids for further one year.
2) / Bidder may attend financial bid opening as mentioned above. No separate intimation will be given regarding Bid opening.
3) / Online pre-Bid queries should be uploaded on e-mail I.D. and the reply to these queries will be given as per time mentioned in Bidding Programme.
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. This Corrigendum No.1 shall form part of Bid Document and shall be uploaded along with Bid Document.
Chief Engineer (Navi Mumbai)
CIDCO Limited.