Food for Thought

Newsletter of the Healthy Schools Van

Edition 1 Term 3 2005


Welcome to the first edition of the Healthy Schools Van Newsletter.

The aim of this newsletter is to provide schools, parents and community agencies with current information regarding nutrition and physical activity programs and services within schools and the wider community. It will be a way for schools to share ideas and best practice in the areas of physical activity and nutrition.

It will also contain dates for up-coming workshops, meeting dates, training activities, suggestions for physical activity, recipes, useful web sites, practical resources and much more.

The newsletter will be published electronically once per term.

Articles for inclusion may be emailed or posted to the HSV unit.

Van Number One

The first of the Healthy School Vans has been on the road since week 6 of term 2 2005 and is based at MabelParkStateSchoolin the Logan Beaudesert District.It is staffed by Frances Dempsey, Senior Education Officer, and Rebecca Everett, Community Nutritionist. The van is one facet of the Safe and Healthy Schools Framework and is an initiative of the Queensland Government Department of Education and the Arts.The aim of the van and the van staff is to promote physical activity and healthy eating within our state schools through the provision of quality professional development for teachers, workshops for parents and community members and the enhancement of existing programs and initiatives.

Initially 10 schools in the Logan Beaudesert District are participating in the Safe and Healthy Schools’ Initiative.These schools are looking at a variety of ways to improve the physical wellbeing of their students by encouraging healthy eating, more physical activity and involving parents, community members and other government and non-government agencies to support the message of healthy lifestyle choices.

Some activities already underway include:

  • Tuckshop changes towards a healthier canteen
  • School and Community gardens
  • Daily physical activity for all students
  • Network meetings with Queensland Health
  • Nutrition workshops for parents
  • Active After Schools Programs.

It is encouraging to see many parents, tuckshop convenors and members of other agencies becoming involved in the program at such an early stage.

The Healthy Schools Van Initiative will expand over time to include all schools in the Logan Beaudesert District with provision for all Queensland state schools to access the program in the future.

Smart Choices Launch

On Thursday 7th July Anna Bligh, Minister for Education and the Arts, launched the Smart Choices – Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools.

This strategy has been developed to address the nutritional value of food and drinks supplied at school or school activities.

School food and drink supply includes all situations where food is supplied in the school environment – tuckshops, vending machines, school excursions, school camps, fundraising, classroom rewards, sports days, celebration days and curriculum activities.

To support the implementation of the strategy a Smart Choices resource package has been produced. Support is available to help with the implementation of this strategy. Please contact the HSV staff for more information.

Hot Shot Darts

Darts is a fantastic physical activity that assists children with their maths skills.

Queensland Darts is introducing a modified game of darts into Queensland Primary Schools. This modified version uses the same colours as the original darts game, however the board has larger areas, and the darts are called Soft Tip Darts allowing for a much safer game.

Queensland Darts wants to assist your school to get started with a darts project for FREE!!

Contact Judy Taylor on 07 4928 8895

School Handball Clinics

Handball is a fast and exciting game which is a cross between basketball and water polo.

The Queensland Team Handball Association is able to organise a handball program at your school. Experienced coaches will conduct one hour lessons and provide teachers with a manual to conduct future lessons.

For more information contact

Wibke Wohlers on 1300 363 141

Woodridge North, through links with the Logan Active Schools Program, has a Handball program running on Tuesdays.

ACHPER Conference

On Friday and Saturday the 17th and 18th June 2005, the National ACHPER (Australian Council of Health and Physical Education and Recreation) Conference was held in Brisbane.

Highlights of the conference included:

  • an opening address byDr Adam Scott from the department of cardiology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital;
  • a promotion of Women’s Sport by Ann Vitale from RyanCatholicCollege in Townsville. Anne has started an active girls group at her school which has been very successful;
  • a presentation of the Student Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Framework by Jacky Dawson and Bernadette Hanna from Education Queensland;
  • Glen Austin of the Central Public Health Unit in Rockhampton presented on Finding 60! A guide to achieving Australia’s physical activity recommendations for children and young people;
  • Greg Christ, from Ryan Catholic College and Community Nutritionist, Melissa James from Townsville have been working on a project where schools in Townsville have linked with the Cowboys NRL team to promote healthy eating through a program called Eat Well, Think Well, Play Well.

Useful Websites

Nutrition Australia

Queensland Association of School Tuckshops


School Nutrition Action Coalition(SNAC):

Brisbane Markets

Growing Communities

Learning in the Garden

A two-day seminar for teachers and community members was held on the first 2 days of the school holidays. Many teachers gave up their time to attend this excellent seminar which was conducted by members of the Northey Street City Farm in Windsor.

Day one was spent visiting school and community gardens. Day two was a day of presentations, group discussions and information sessions.

GrovelySchoolGarden and ZillmereSchoolGarden involve students from grades 1 to 7 in their gardens. Both schools have successfully produced crops to sell at open days and workshops. They demonstrate that it is possible and very beneficial for students to work in a garden – planning, constructing,tending,composting, harvesting and preparing and eating their own produce.

These school gardens show how gardening can be integrated into all KLAs as well as teachingstudents about healthy eating and nutrition and providing an opportunity for students to be more physically active.

Northey Street City Farm, runs education programs, school tours, organic markets and gardens, a coffee shop and an organic nursery. Growing Communities offers project support with the development of school and community gardens across South East Queensland.

Contact information:

Joy Hoy, School Tours Coordinator

07 3857 8775

Things To Look Forward To

  • PE Ideas for Busy Teachers
  • Fun Breaks for 5
  • How do I do it all?

Integrating across the curriculum.

  • Quick, easy meals
  • Lunch Box Nibbles

Jump Rope for Heart

According to the Heart Foundation, Cardiovascular Disease is the single largest cause of death in Australia and claims 1 in 3 lives in Australia.

Jump Rope for Heart teaches children the importance of physical activity and having a healthy heart. It is also a great way to help improve children’s self esteem.

The Jump Rope for Heart program runs for 3-10 weeks with a Jump Off Day at the end which fundraises for the Heart Foundation. Children receive thankyou prizes and the school can get a rebate on the fundraised dollars.

The school will receive resources, demonstrations, teacher in-service, skipping workshops, Happy Heart visits and Heart Foundation information.

More information is available from or 1300 724 804

Dates for Your Diary

July 14thWoodridge North SS School

Committee Meeting

July 18thWoodridge SS Committee Meeting

July 21stQCPCARegionalCommitteeMeetingKingstonCollege

July 25thLogan-BeaudesertSchool Health Network Meeting

July 26thNeeds Analysis forms to be returned to HSV office

July 27thHSV Cluster Committee Meeting

July 28thLogan Health Forum


Contact Details

Healthy Schools Van

Logan Beaudesert Office

Barry Street

Slacks Creek

PO Box 2798

Logan CityDC

Queensland 4127

Telephone 07 3386 5353

Fax 07 3209 4034

Title / Offered by / $ / Date Due / Contact
Healthy Schools Community Grant / Dept of Health and Ageing / $1500 / End of 2005 /
1800 805 172
ActiveAfter School Communities
(Primary schools only) / Australian Sports Commission / Depends on the number sessions per week / 29tthAugust /
Junior Landcare Grants Program / Mitre 10 / $500
4 times per year / 4th August
20th October /
Junior Landcare Grant / Bi-Lo / $500
4 times per year / 4th August
20th October /
Fair Go Awards
2. School / AFL Foundation / $1000 for individual students
More for school grants / All year /
Community Grant / Australia’s Open Garden Scheme / $10,000 per state
4x$1000 / 22nd July /
07 3278 5833
Community Water Grants / Australian Government / Up to
$50 000 / 4thOctober /
1800 780 730

Frances Dempsey

Senior Education Officer

0409 472 166

Rebecca Everett

Community Nutritionist

0409 6490362