Appendix I: Literacy Data Collection Tools
Sample Tools for Assessing and Monitoring Additional Literacy Instructional Practices and Systems
· Effective School-Wide Literacy Programs (ESLP) or ESLP self-review*
· RTI Plan:
o Core reading/literacy program
o AIS and Tier 2 & 3 interventions
o Screening & progress monitoring systems
o Data/Problem-solving team structures / · Modified Adolescent literacy walk-thru*
· JustRead Florida Elementary walk-through*
· Savannah-Chatham Team Customized walk-through*
* Asterisked items are included in this appendix on pages 66 to 72:
o Effective School-Wide Literacy Programs self-review, pages 66-67
o This tool was adapted from the Planning and Evaluation Tool for Effective Schoolwide Reading Programs by Kame’enui & Simmons, 2000, a collation of research-based systemic literacy practices
o Examples of walk-throughs focused on the elements of elementary and secondary literacy that are aligned with the QI Guides for Literacy, page 68-71
o These tools were selected by the RSE-TASC Literacy Work Group as being aligned with the research-based practices identified in the Literacy QI Guides
o Savannah-Chatham template for creating a customized walk-through, page 72
o This tool was selected to allow SESIS to create a targeted walk through tool using the Literacy QI Guides
Use this self-assessment tool to determine if the critical systemic elements are in place for the school literacy program.
Feature / Components / In place / In Process / NoI. Measurable Goals, Objectives & Priorities Defined / 1. Measurable goals for reading achievement are clearly defined at each grade.
2. Goals show a progression of skills within and between grades.
3. All teachers can state what the school goals are in literacy and how their current unit aligns with those goals.
II. Assessment System in Place / 1. Administrator and teachers can name a system for managing and analyzing data from reading assessments.
2. Tools have been identified for purposes of:
1) screening, 2) progress monitoring, 3) diagnostic evaluation and 4) program evaluation.
3. Assessments used are technically adequate, i.e., have high reliability and validity.
4. Benchmarks for expected performance are established for each grade for at least 3 points during the year.
5. Assessment data are used for making decisions in designing and implementing reading interventions for students.
6. All teachers have been trained in the administration, scoring and use of relevant assessment tools.
III. Core, Supplemental & Intervention Instructional Programs and Materials Identified / 1. A comprehensive or core reading program based on scientific evidence is adopted for use school-wide.
2. Core instruction addresses the 5 research-based components of reading; i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary & comprehension; through core curriculum and supplemental materials.
3. Scientifically-based intensive interventions are in place for students who fall below benchmarks (Tier 2).
4. Teachers have been trained in the core curriculum and in the intensive interventions.
5. There is a system in place for ensuring programs and materials are implemented with a high level of fidelity.
IV. Instructional Time Allocated / 1. Sufficient time is allocated for literacy instruction; e.g., 90 minute reading blocks.
2. Reading time is prioritized and protected.
3. Additional time is clearly allocated for small group instruction for students not making benchmarks that does not supplant time for the core curriculum.
V. Differentiated Instruction with Adequate Grouping & Scheduling Implemented / 1. Data are used to match each student to the appropriate instructional level.
2. Progress is monitored to determine when to move students between tiers and groups based on instructional needs.
3. 1:1 or small group instruction is scheduled for students at greatest risk.
4. Flexible grouping is used when appropriate to maximize learning opportunities.
Feature / Components / In place / In Process / No
VI. Administrative Structure in Place / 1. There is a school-wide team to plan and develop the literacy program and the administrator is an active member.
2. The team reports progress to the staff at least 3 times a year.
3. There is a structure in place for teachers and support staff to share information about individual students on an on-going basis.
4. AIS and Special Education services are coordinated and integrated with general education reading instruction.
5. Special Education referrals include data from progress monitoring assessments and on student response to core and intensive interventions.
VII. Professional Development Provided / 1. Professional development is provided to staff in the selected curricula.
2. Professional development is provided to staff in assessment tools and data-driven decision-making.
3. On-going professional development efforts are explicitly linked to practices and programs that have been shown to be effective through documented research.
Elementary Literacy Walk-through based on JustRead Florida Reading Walk Through referenced in Literacy QIs: available at
Literacy Walk-Through Grades 4 to 12
Adapted from: Rissman, L. M., Miller, D. H., & Torgesen, J. K. (2009). Adolescent literacy walk-through for principals: A guide for instructional leaders. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research Corporation, Center on Instruction
School/District: ______SESIS: ______
Initial classrooms: ______Date:______
Visit 2 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 3 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 4 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 5 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 6 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 7 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 8 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit9 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visit 10 classrooms: ______Date: ______
Visits / Look For / Notes1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Vocabulary & Content Knowledge Instruction
Teaches domain-specific vocabulary
Teachers all-purpose academic words
Teaches multisyllabic word reading strategies
Teaches content concepts
Teaches content facts
Comprehension Strategy Instruction
Teaches comprehension monitoring strategies
Explicitly teaches or models the use of:
· Graphic organizers
· Semantic organizers
· Summarization/paraphrasing
· Question asking/generating
· Text structure
· Text features
· Making inferences
Provides texts at multiple reading levels
Word Study Instruction
Based on individual student assessment data, provides instruction in work reading skills:
· Consonant and sound spellings
· Vowel sound spellings
· Segmenting words into syllables
· Identifying syllable types
· Creating words using syllables
· Learning base/root words
· recognizing inflections
· recognizing affixes (prefixes/suffixes)
Fluency Instruction
Provides opportunities for reading fluency practice such as:
· repeated timed readings
· partner reading
· student-adult reading
· choral or unison reading
· tape-assisted reading
· teacher read aloud
· readers theatre
· reading connected text with corrective feedback
Discussion of Reading Content
Provides opportunities for discussion-oriented instruction of text subject matter
including assisting and encouraging students in:
· taking a position
· using others’ questions and comments to build discussion
· expressing opinions
· making connections across time and subjects
· questioning the author
Savannah Chatham Make Your Own Targeted Walk-Thru
Classroom Walkthrough Form
Teacher: Grade/Subject:
School: Date:
Instructional Expectation/Focus of the Walkthrough: (To be completed prior to Walkthrough)
Artifacts: Tangible objects/documents in the classroom that are central to learning and help to substantiate the expectation – Student work products; teacher produced materials. (Before assuming the artifact is not present, ask questions.)
Check if observed (To be completed prior to walkthrough)
Evidence: Observed behaviors of teachers/students that support the expectation.
(To be completed prior to walkthrough)
Evidence: Questions to students and/or teachers which show understanding of the expectation.
(To be completed prior to the walkthrough) (To be completed by Observer)
Originally developed by Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools