Minutes - Faculty Senate 2014 09 16
YU 203 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Chair Notbohm called meeting to order 2:30 p.m.
Present: Maguire, Kronzer, Kropid, Simpson, Bezroukov, Augsburger, Cross, Stocker, Arnhold Davies, Sloboda, Nikoi, Jones
Wachter, Hensrud, Blue,Pinnow, McCauley, Cleary
Approval of Agenda
Motion (Hembd/Jones) to approve agenda dated September 16, 2014. Motion carried
Approval of Minutes-May 20, 2014
Motion (Maguire/Jones) to approve minutes dated May 20, 2014. Motion carried.
Receive Executive Minutes
Motion (Kropid/Nikoi) to receive Executive minutes dated: 2014 06 18,2014 07 09,2014 07 29,
2014 08 20, and 2014 08 26. Motion carried.
Jim and Sue Swenson are on campus today meeting with the Swenson Scholars. UW-Superior regent buddies for the year are Gerald Whitburn (Wausau) and Nicholas Harsy (Madison). Coffee with the Chancellor will begin on September 30th, Fireside Lounge, YU, 3 – 4 p.m.
The custodial RFP bids were due last week and are being reviewed by System. The process will take about a month. The new extended Cabinet will meet tomorrow. An all campus forum is scheduled for October 29th.
The open meeting for academic programs under review will be September 17th. All faculty and academic teaching staff are encouraged to attend,T Ed restructure is taking place (DPI visit of April). Reminder: departments with education classes must attend TEAC meeting. Provost Hensrud thanked Faculty Senate Exec committee for their work with committee reduction. Administration continues their work with reduction of University committees. Parking Appeals committee has been abolished. Parking appeals will become an administration process. Strategic Planning team is prioritizing action plans for items that must be completed this year. Programs are completing annual reports.
ChairNotbohm welcomed the group to the first meeting of the 14-15 academic year of faculty senate.
Items for senate agenda meeting are due by noon of the Wednesday before the full senate meeting. Chair Notbohm will distribute to the senators by noon on Thursday. When possible, items should be submitted as an action item. All documents should be clean (approved) copies, dated and marked draft.
A training module has been developed for IRB. All mentoring faculty must complete the training. Contact EleniPinnow.
A Cabinet Plus meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. Chair Notbohm will attend meetings and report relevant items to senate. Jerry Hembd will represent Senate Exec as a core team member. He will report to Senate Exec.
Councils are being asked to participate in Senate meetings by attending to provide an oral or sending a written report.
Stocker-elections (via Qualtrix) for PBC and Personnel Council are taking place and will end on September 25. Reminder to write in only those candidates that are willing to serve.
Faculty Representative
Sloboda-will attend the meeting at the end of the month. A continued agenda item is the 9/12 payroll option. Other items include faculty salary and compensation issues, impact of tuition freeze on academic programs, and FTE caps (agenda item suggested by Sloboda). Contact Sloboda with issues you would like to see discussed during the BOR meetings.
Academic Program Review Council
Stocker - Review of WLLC and EdL took place over the summer. Work to revise the program review template took place. This will better align with the annual report done by the departments. Templates were presented to three working groups and has been submitted to PBC for review.
Personnel Council
Cleary– Professional development grants are being reviewed.
Planning and Budgetary Council
Nick Danz provided brief written report. The council is waiting for their new member. Nothing to report at this time.
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council
Pinnow-meeting twice per month in SWEN 1058. Pinnow will chair this academic year, Churchill will continue as secretary, Greg K. Moore is the Gen Ed Liaison. UAAC Chair and Secretary are asking departments to identify a point person. That person should be the only one sending documents to UAAC, this will avoid different versions of items.
Graduate Council
Kropid-John Paul has been elected Chair, Mary Jane Burdge, secretary. Agenda items are due Tuesday prior to the meeting. The meetings will take place on the first and third Tuesdayof the month. Graduate learning outcomes are being reviewed. Beecroft Travel Grants are available. Graduate faculty status was granted to 7 returning faculty and one ad hoc instructor.
Academic Staff Senate – No report
Classified Staff Advisory Committee
McCauley- working on (UPS) personnel policies-due in December for Board approval.
Student Senate – No report
OLD Business
I.Recommendations regarding UW-System Overload Policy Guidelines
Guide lines have beenapproved (taken care of by system). The item will be removed from old business.
NEW Business
I. Motion of Commendation
Motion of Commendation for 2014-2015 Senate Chair Wendy Kropid read by Nick Sloboda.
Approval of motion by applause. (Commendation text will be the last page of the minutes)
II. Academic Staff Senate, Classified Staff Senate, and Student Senate Meetings
A member of Faculty Senate should be in attendance at these meetings. A sign-up sheet with list of
meeting dates will be available during the October meeting of senate.
III.Weather Cancellation Recommendation
Discussion of the difficulties encountered by students and faculty last year when evening classes
were canceled very late in the afternoon. Discussion of 4:00 classes and end time of after 5 p.m.
The weather cancellation hotline states that daytime class cancellation will be updated by 6 a.m.
and 2:00 p.m. for evening classes. The 2:00 p.m. announcement needs to be done on time.
IV.Personnel Council Charge for Faculty Exit Interviews (attachment)
Motion (Simpson/Hembd) to approve charge to Personnel Council for Faculty Exit interviews.
What is our role? This is to develop a process for faculty involvement (not a secondary system).
Hembd- as part of a research team for the strategic planning process last year it was found that
there was not a lot of information about exit interviews. Discussion of the charge, add ‘research
current practice for faculty exit interviews and to research what role faculty governance should
play’. Sloboda-exiting faculty view exit interviews with administration differently than with a
faculty member. Admin and faculty can work together. Notbohm -The intent of this is to ask what
can do to improve our institution so we have fewer faculty exits. This is one approach that we can
take. Motion (Hembd/Kropid) to amend charge as stated. Amended motion carried.
Question called. Motion to approve charge to Personnel Council carried.
V. Graduate Council Commencement Motion(attachment)
Approved by Graduate Council. Motion (Kropid/Kronzer) that Faculty Senate endorse the Graduate
Council’s statement regarding commencement. Discussion of the limited number of tickets available
per student for commencement. Kronzer-many graduate students are non-traditional with families.
Completing their degree is an accomplishment for the family as well as the student. Tickets/seats
should be available for all. Discussion of Wessman Arena and the problems with the venue.
The change last year was done late, hurried and not well. What is the best solution for the
students. Discussion. This was a first time move and bumps were encountered, commencement
should take place a second time in order to see how it evolves. Are we sending negative messages
of the value of graduation if we limit the number of seats available for guests. Is there a better
place? Community engagement is an important aspect of the Strategic Plan. Hensrud-sound
experts are hired for all commencements. A discussion about eliminating winter commencement
will be taking place. Could Wessman be made more appealing?
Motion to amend (Sloboda/Hembd) to remove the line that dictates it must be held in Wessman
Arena and add coordination and implementation of spring commencement.
Amendment motion called. One opposed, one abstaining. Amendment motion dies.
Original motion that Faculty Senate endorse Graduate Council’s statement regarding
commencement called. Hand count taken. In favor 6. Opposed 4. Abstaining 2.
Motion passes.
Motion (Cross/Stocker) to approve.
DPI information provided by Liz Blue why the change is necessary.
Motion carried. Notbohm -the TEAC charge should be reviewed.
VI. Policy and Process for Committee Formation (attachment)
Notbohm asks senators to review and take this to their departments.
Submit changes/suggestions to Notbohm by September 30.
Old business October.
Motion to adjourn (Maguire/Simpson). Meeting adjourned 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted on this 24th day of September 2014 by Linda Sharp, Clerical Assistant.
Commendation of Wendy Kropid
Whereas the University of Wisconsin—Superior Faculty Senate is the principal faculty governance body at our Institution; and
Whereas the University of Wisconsin—Superior Faculty Senate has been chaired and led for the last two years by Wendy Kropid; and
Whereas the University of Wisconsin—Superior Faculty Senate Executive has been guided and chaired for the last two years by Wendy Kropid; and
Whereas the Senate Executive has come to understand and in fact appreciate Wendy’s extra, extra large five inch ring binders in which she meticulously documented and organized faculty senate issues ; and
Whereas the Senate Executive has appreciated Wendy’s assiduous and conscientious attention to details in planning, researching, and coordinating meeting agenda items; and
Whereas the Senate Executive has benefited greatly from Wendy’s consistent principles of fairness, equity, and evenhandedness in charting the at times surprisingly rough waters of faculty governance; and
Whereas the Senate Executive has benefited from Wendy’s occasional incorporation of her educational leadership expertise, and, in the process, providing all us, free of charge, an abridged master’s level course in the fundamentals of how to understand rubrics and assessment portfolios, and on the many different ways of engaging in performance and other metrics ; and
Whereas the Senate Executive, after watching Wendy not only run senate executive and senate meetings, but also after watching Wendy attend countless meetings on a variety of committees on program prioritization, meetings with academic staff, classified staff, and student governance, meetings with the Dean, the Provost and with the Chancellor’s Extended cabinet, and meetings with multiple university-wide planning committees (strategic and otherwise), the Senate Executive is hoping that someday Wendy will share with us her discovery of how to fit more than 24 hours into a day;
Therefore, be it resolved that the University of Wisconsin—Superior Faculty Senate and Senate Executive commend Wendy Kropid for her hard work and commitment to the University of Wisconsin—Superior; and,
Be it further resolved that the University of Wisconsin—Superior Faculty Senate and Senate Executive thank her for her two years of dedicated service to this body in support of faculty governance.