User Guide - Reports
Version 2.4.71
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
Table of Contents
Table of Contents i
Introduction 1
Guide 1
Bordereaux 2
Exporting Grid Data 4
Cognos Reports 6
Guide 6
Cognos Toolbars 6
Cognos Header Options 6
Cognos Tab Bar 7
Cognos Main Toolbar 8
Cognos Grid Navigation 8
Cognos Grid Header 9
Cognos Report Toolbar 9
Cognos Core Reports 11
Assured Summary 11
Assured State Summary 12
Distributor Commission Summary 13
Summary By Policy Term 14
Individual Transactions 15
Insurer Bound Premium Summary 16
Monthly Bound Premium Summary (Bound Date / Effective Date) 17
Monthly Submission Status Metrics 19
Policy Term Register 22
Policy Transaction Register 23
Index 26
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
Welcome to the Bridge insurance access portal. The system provides a full workflow, from the administration of products and coverage, to the submission and management of individual policies.
Access to all features, options, and data are controlled by the settings in your user account. This guide is for users with access to the reporting features, for analysis of system data.
This guide assumes the user is familiar with the general functions of the system. For instructions on logging in and using common features throughout the system, see the User Guide - Introduction document.
The instructions are divided into the following major categories. Click a link to jump to the appropriate section.
Bordereaux / Easy-to-use report system focused on retrieving data related to bound policies.Exporting Grid Data / Many grids throughout the system support data export. The filters and column organizations of the table itself define the data structure, and the full content of the table can be exported into a variety of file formats.
Cognos Reports / Detailed reporting system with access to nearly all system data. This includes a selection of customizable core reports.
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
The Bordereaux feature allows for the creation of reports which can be customized to show any number and variety of fields contained within policies created under a specific product. The report retrieves bound policies only. The output file is in Excel format, allowing for easy filtering and creation of charts and tables.
In the main menu, select Policies, then select Excel Bordereaux. The Export Settings page opens.
Fill in the export details.
Master Cover / Select a master cover (product). The chosen master cover determines which policies are included in the report (along with the date fields below), and defines the available options in the Fields list.Fields Last Retrieved On / Once a master cover has been selected, this field displays the date and time when the workflow was last published. This can be used to determine if recent changes to the workflow are included in the report.
Bound Start Date / Bound End Date / The Bound Start Date and Bound End Date fields can be used together or separately to control which policies are included in the report. Any submission that was bound before the beginning date or after the end date are not included in the report.
/ Note: The Bordereaux report performs an extensive search through the database for each policy. Specifying a wide date range for master covers with a significant number of policies could cause the report to take a while to generate.
Fields / All fields in the workflow attached to the selected master cover are listed here. The fields in the Included column are included in the report.
Click Export.
The system processes the report, and a standard File Download window appears. Choose to Open or Save the report in Excel format.
The report includes the fields selected in the Bordereaux page, plus all common details from each bound policy in the date range for the selected master cover. This includes the following sections:
· Policy numbers, dates, type, and status.
· Referral and/or Rejection reasons.
· Insured details.
· Distributor details.
· The calculated values for every premium type under the same Line of Business as the master cover. This ensures that any premiums that were added manually are included in the report.
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
Exporting Grid Data
The content of a grid can be exported in a variety of formats, useful for reports or record keeping.
The content of the grid will be exported as it appears, so columns can be added, removed, and reorganized, and all data can be filtered and sorted. The export will include the information as it is displayed. If there is more than one page of data, the data from all pages will be included.
Once the data is ready for export, click the Export Grid button in the bottom right of the grid to view the export options.
Export root table / This option is selected by default and cannot be changed.Export selected child table / This option is unavailable.
HTML / Exports the data into a new browser window.
PDF / Exports the data as a PDF file that will open in a new browser window.
XML / Exports the data in XML format into a new browser window.
EXCEL / Generates an Excel file that can be saved or opened.
TIFF / Generates a graphic file in TIFF format that can be saved or opened.
RTF / Generates an RTF file that can be saved or opened.
TEXT / Exports the data in Txt format into a new browser window.
Portrait / Landscape / If the selected export format supports page formatting, this option will define if the output should be in portrait or landscape orientation.
Click Export Now to export the grid data with the selected settings.
For formats that generate a file, a standard Save / Open dialogue box will appear. Select if you want to Open the file in a suitable program, Save the file to your computer, or Cancel the export.
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
Cognos Reports
IBM Cognos Connection is a database reports system that runs alongside the Bridge system.
A selection of core reports have been provided, meeting the most common requirements. These reports can be exported, e-mailed, and even set to run on a schedule.
To access the Cognos system, log into Bridge normally, and click Reports in the main menu. The Cognos system will open in a new window. Login is automatic, using the same account used to login to Bridge.
Click a link to jump to the appropriate section.
Toolbars / Describes the options available through the various toolbars.Core Reports / How to generate and navigate the default reports included in the system.
Cognos Toolbars
Most of the actions available in the system are accessed through the toolbars and icons throughout the main screen. These toolbars are described below, section by section. Many options are for advanced features that are not detailed here, so the listing below focuses on options relevant to the core reports and general usage of the system.
Cognos Header Options
The header options are at the top of the page and includes options for the entire system.
Log On / Login and account validation is handled through Bridge. If you are timed out in Cognos, close the window and click the Reports menu item in Bridge to open a new Cognos window.Refresh / - Reloads the screen to update information that may have changed.
Home / - The Home controls allow a specific page or view to be bookmarked, returning to that point with a single click.
· Home / The default option, this returns you to your default or selected home page.
· Set View as Home / This options sets the current page or view as your home page.
Return / - Only available when viewing a report, this option returns to the reports grid.
Help / - Provides additional Help resources for Cognos.
Cognos Tab Bar
Multiple tabs can be maintained to group related folders and reports.
Tab Menu / - Provides options for managing tabs to organize reports.· Add tabs... / Opens the controls to convert folders into tabs for quick access.
· Remove this tab / Removes the currently selected tab.
· Modify the sequence of tabs... / Opens the controls to reorganize the order of the tabs.
Scroll Left/Right / - If there are more tabs than fit on the screen, these controls scroll left and right to access any additional tabs.
Cognos Main Toolbar
The main toolbar provides controls for navigation through the folders and tools for managing folders and reports.
Navigation Links / This line lists all parent folders leading to the current folder. Click on a link to jump to any previous folder.List View / - This is the default view for the reports list, with columns displaying the report name, the date of the last change, and multiple options.
Details View / - This view shows multiple columns of reports, with each report displaying the report name, the report description (if provided), the date of the last change, and a link to the options.
New Folder / - Opens a brief dialogue box for the creation of a new folder.
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete / - Standard options for editing text or items.
Cognos Grid Navigation
The grid navigation tools can be used to move through the grid one page at a time, jump to the beginning or end, or restrict the grid to a specific range of entries. The grid navigation bar appears above and below the grid.
Entries / These fields display the range of entries currently shown in the grid. These values can be entered manually, then click Go To , and the grid updates to show just the selected range.Previous Page / Next Page / - Navigates to the previous or next page in the grid.
First Page / Last Page / - Navigates to the first or last page in the grid.
Cognos Grid Header
The grid header provides options for sorting and selecting data.
Selection Checkboxes / The checkboxes can be selected for individual items in the grid, or the checkbox in the header can be used to select or deselect all entries currently displayed in the grid.Sorting / The grid can be sorted on either the Name or Modified columns. Click the sort icon to cycle between ascending order , descending order , and no sorting .
Cognos Report Toolbar
The report toolbar is available when viewing a report, and includes options for navigation, bookmarks, and export.
View in HTML Format / - Select a format for the report. In any format other than HTML, the report will generate with the current parameters and cannot be changed.· View in HTML Format / - This is the default format, and can be selected to return to the normal system when viewing a report in another format.
· View in PDF Format / - Generates the report in a PDF file that can be saved from within the browser.
· View in XML Format / - Displays the report in XML code format.
· View in Excel Options / - Select a format for Excel. The report will be generated as a file that can be opened or saved.
o View in Excel 2007 Format / - Generate the report in Excel 2007 format.
o View in Excel 2002 Format / - Generate the report in Excel 2002 format.
o View in CSV Format / - Generate the report in Excel CSV format.
Version 2.4.71 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Reports
Cognos Core Reports
A selection of reports are included by default when Cognos is configured for a licensee. These reports cover the most common usage scenarios for many licensees.
Assured Summary
The Assured Summary report provides details about the number of policies by country, with the option to shift to another report to view the same results for individual states or provinces.
When the report is selected from the reports grid, it opens with the default settings.
Product Master Cover / Select a single master cover, or select the default Product Master Cover option to include all master covers.Distributor / Select a single distributor, or select the default Distributor option to include all distributors.
Effective Date From/To / Enter the dates, or select them from the calendar lookup , to restrict the results to policies that take effect during the selected range.
Click Run Report to refresh the report with the new settings.
The first level of the report presents the client policy statistics divided by country. The Gross Premium and Net Premium are provided with totals, as well as the Policy Count and Transaction Count per country. A pie chart (not pictured here) is also included representing the Policy Count per country.
Click a link in the Assured Country column to view the client distribution by state or province. This opens a new report, Assured State Summary, detailed below. As this is a different report, there is no navigation option to return to the Assured Summary Report. The report will need to be run again from the reports list.
Assured State Summary
The Assured State Summary report is accessed by selecting a country in the Assured Summary report, detailed above. This report provides details about the number of policies per client, divided by state or province.
The selected parameters from the previous report are passed to the new report, but can be modified.
Product Master Cover / Select a single master cover, or select the default Product Master Cover option to include all master covers.Distributor / Select a single distributor, or select the default Distributor option to include all distributors.
Assured Country / Select a country to view all results for states or provinces within that country. The available options are not limited to the results of the Assured Summary report.
Effective Date From/To / Enter the dates, or select them from the calendar lookup , to restrict the results to policies that take effect during the selected range.
Click Run Report to refresh the report with the new settings.