JUNE 8, 2010
During my travels in the last two months especially, I have learned information that I must pass on to you in warning--for your wisdom. This article contains some shocking truths. But, it is a fact that statistically about 95% of people do not change their opinions or viewpoints by which they conduct their lives when presented with factual truth. The western world has been so programmed in lies and deception, coated with a thin layer of truth, that few distinguish the difference between the deception and the Truth. Therefore most reject Truth and hang on to the misconceptions and deceptions. But, I must report these things for the 5% who love truth enough to stop hurting themselves, and who want to take positive measures to help themselves.
There is an old story of a man who had a bruised arm who goes to the doctor and says: “Every time I hit my arm with my fist it hurts. Is there something you can do to take away the pain?” To which the doctor replies: “Stop hitting your arm”. So many continue to make decisions that harm themselves and then cry out in pain for someone to bring them relief, instead of confronting the issue and rearrange their lives to do something positive to stop the problem at its source.
Another day of putting it is that many are so busy mopping up the water pouring out of the facet onto the floor that they have no time to turn off the water at the source. We must go to the source, repent of our laziness, and begin to get things right so that we do not continue as we are. Truth demands change, and few people want to change. Most want to hear soothing words from someone that lets them remain in the mess they’re in. Honest people change daily as the need arises, we must daily allow Him to change us by His Spirit into the image of Elohim (II Corinthians 3:17-18).
Here are some current happenings that we must know about and deal with in order to make positive decisions to save ourselves, and the lives of our children.
After World War II America brought many Nazi scientists into the U.S. to continue their work under what was called “Operation Paperclip”. In 1946, the head of the Nazi V2 missile project, Von Braun, and additional Nazi rocket scientists, were brought in under the Office of Special Services (predecessor of the CIA). Von Braun built Germany’s first rocket. They were brought to White Sands Air Force Base in New Mexico to begin development of America’s Space Program. By then, the Nazis already had anti-gravity technology and other space technology that their scientists say they got from space beings. Some of their work was moved to the South Pole, where their interaction with aliens (fallen angels) continued. Nazi scientists of medicine were also brought in under “Operation Paperclip”—doctors that continued experiments on the American people that they were conducting on Jews in concentration camps—like DNA manipulation, the creation of diseases, and the creation of abnormally in the
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body through vaccines and experimental medicines—altering the very cellular make-up of the body.
The FDA receives multi-millions of dollars from experimental drug creators in pharmaceutical labs, which it holds onto. The FDA approves of experimental drugs without testing them. When someone gets sick or dies from the drug, they use their stored money for combating lawsuits, with the argument that the advertisements for the drugs give people the warnings of side effects. Yes, they do give warnings of side effects, while music is playing and some happy scene is showing how great the drug is—few hear what is said about side effects, they just want what the drug does. What the drug companies call “side effects” are really dangerous chemicals—non-organic chemicals that destroy body cells.
It has been found that, statistically, every 20 minutes a child gets autism, directly traced to vaccines. Now, one out of every 67 children is getting autism in the United States. Autism is a genetically inherited disease—not a transmitted disease. It has been proven that they are getting autism from vaccines. It is a phenomenon in America only.
A man I talked to is a friend to a family who had two very brilliant young boys—genius level students in school. Because of vaccines they are now totally autistic, and unable to function in any normal capacity.
Beware! Get away from dependency and the control of pediatricians and doctors, for if you come under their control, they have the power to have your children taken from you and put in state foster homes if you do not do as they say. The “Child Protection Agency” is cracking down more and more on parents who won’t do as their doctors and pediatricians say. If you are wise, you will learn how to use colloidal silver, herbs, natural cures, and essential oils coupled with prayer.
On the Health Care Bill in the U.S. ride all sorts of destructive things—like the right of the government to bring in Hamas refugees into the US and instate them as citizens—all in the name of new immigration laws.
From the London Daily Mail, March 29, 2010: “Obama sets sights on merging Mexico and the United States, as an off-shoot of the health care reform—to modify the immigration system to provide health care for illegal aliens”.
The health care bill was signed March 22—or 322. The letterhead of the satanic Skull and Bones fraternity features a large skull and crossbones, and the number 322 in its midst. The organization must maintain 322 members at all times. March 22nd is an important date to the Illuminati, also. It is the day the sun enters the sign of Aries—god of war, bloodshed and turmoil”. Obama signed the bill with 22 different multicolored pens. Nothing is done outside of an occult signature.
Who is Barry Hussein Sorento? Why did he change his name in college to Barak Hussein Obama? Why did he leave the “Hussein” in there? It is a very aristocratic Muslim name. Hamas is now looking to him as a savior, putting up billboards in Gaza, calling him to help them.
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Our nations founders did nothing outside of astrological charts, and so it is with our government through our history, and NASA, and the Pentagon. And how “coincidental” that it was on March 22nd the eruption of the Iceland volcano began—Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah, fayah, plah, yer, kul, duhl). Ponder that…
Thanks to the experiments of the Nazi doctors, after World War II America began to go quickly from one of the world’s healthiest nations to one of the world’s sickest nations--people dependent on medicines, weak and sickly. And America is also known world wide for having the most fearful people on earth. How sad …but true. Most are so dependent on what they are told, few will take the “bull by the horns” and confront things in order to make changes. Abba Yahuweh has warned over and over for Americans to flee out of America at this time period, clearly described in several chapters of the Scriptures, yet people are so fearful that they are almost impotent in their ability to do anything to help themselves. Many seculars are making positive decisions to get out. America is fast being taken over by Communism and Islam--this is fact, not speculation. Yet, most people are so paralyzed with fear of losing their gods--money, house, car, material possessions, work position, family, friends, retirement funds, etc.--that they are paralyzed to make any solid decisions, so most go into denial and create a belief box that soothes the ever-growing terror of truth they do not want to face. How tragic that people would rather hide inside deceptions and lies rather than embrace Truth – but this is what is happening to the majority!
Most processed foods in America are no more than chemicals made to look and taste good. People’s bodies are slowly starving to death, and disease easily attacks such a weak host.
No one in their right mind would take poisons into their mouth and give them to their children. Yet people, without thought, let doctors inject these poisons into their children’s blood stream, into their own bloodstream, and call it “healing”, or “preventative medicine”. It is slow suicide, and in some cases with the elderly, it is fast murder. I’ve heard nurses say that flu vaccines for the elderly are nicknamed “old people killer”. If you refuse to stop allowing your children to be vaccinated, just know that you are condoning the slow death of your children, the damaging of their minds, and the changing of their cellular structure.
The Times News reported on March 1st, 2010, that much of the sodium fluoride that is being added to our drinking water is now being imported from China. The fluoride that is manufactured by the Shanghai Mintchem Development Company, LTD, contains high levels of arsenic and lead with 50 and 40 milligrams per bag respectively… As of January 1st 2010, colloidal silver, a powerful and natural anti-biotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal substance, which is perfectly safe, has been banned and outlawed by the European Union.
We have now learned that Senator John McCain and Byron Dorgan have introduced a dietary supplement bill that would regulate natural products from
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the manufacturer to the retail store level. It would allow the Federal Government to arbitrarily by nutritional substances by the FDA”. (From Last Trumpet Newsletter by David Meyer, June 2010) Get a good supply of Vitamin C and other important natural supplements before they are banned.
Our body only runs on organic substances, and we’re ingesting chemical--non-organic substances—that are changing the cell structure of the body.
I remember hearing Steve Quayle say a few years ago, that they are reconstructing our body make up to provide us as food for the DNA creatures they are creating—Nephilim/giants—which are returning. At first I thought “he’s out on a limb” I was skeptical. But, now, with what most are eating, breathing, and drinking, American bodies are slowly being changed—so that Yahuweh’s perfect human creation is being changed into something else.
Revelation 18:23: “For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by their pharmaceuticals (“pharmakia/sorceries”—Greek) all the nations were led astray.” “The great ones of the earth” … see their end: Revelation 6:14-15.
The most wealthy and powerful people on earth all have their hand in America’s great drug trade – “legal” and illegal. Fact! America is the world #1 illegal drug trader. Afghanistan is about protecting America’s drug-growing industry. On April 6, 2010, the Pentagon requested another 33 billion for the war in Afghanistan. The nation has prospered since our troops arrived. Afghanistan is not only the world’s largest producer of opium, but it has overtaken Morocco as the top produced of hashish. It appears Afghanistan’s agriculture has done quite well with our troops to protect it.
Here is revelation from the Hebrew wording of Isaiah 47:8b-15: “…I am, and there is none but me. I do not sit as a widow nor do I know the loss of children. Both of these come to you suddenly in one day—the loss of children and widowhood. They shall come upon you in completeness because of your proliferation of pharmaceuticals and because of your stand with your pharmaceutical associations. You have trusted in your evil; you have said `no one sees me’. Your wisdom and your knowledge have led you astray. And you have said in your heart `I am and there is none but me’. But evil shall come upon you—you not knowing from where it arises, and trouble falling upon you, you being unable to put it off, and ruin come upon you suddenly, which you know not. Stand now with your proliferation of your pharmaceuticals and your pharmaceutical associations [witchcraft and potent spells] in which you’ve labored from your youth, if so you are able to profit…They will be burned up with none to help. So they shall be to you with whom you have labored and your merchandise from your youth. They shall wander—each one his own way—there is none to save you”. (Revelation 18:8 – Judgment comes in one day, and Revelation 18:10, NYC ‘s judgment comes in one hour)
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Coca cola has a new and “improved” formula. A friend heard this from a well-known chemist/scientist who was hired by Coca Cola to create the new formula. It contains a deadly toxin—but at a level too low to be reported by the FDA standards. She asked the head CEO why she was assigned to do this, since the toxin formula is dangerous to the public’s health. He threatened her, basically saying that people have died for asking such questions.
350 products Americans use every day contains aluminum, like toothpaste and baking powder, fluoride in our water system is a poison, and on and on. These are at low levels, but the body builds up these non-organic things, and there are problems in later life. Why do so many products now contain “high fructose corn syrup”? Read labels! Question ingredients that are being put in lots of foods.
Much of America’s food is genetically altered, altering our cells and basic DNA.
This is the result of “Operation Paperclip”—America is one giant guinea pig lab.
Chemists are making food that tastes like food, but is not. It was asked: “Will
DNA altering chemicals come next?” Of course they will … so that humans will be altered into non-human creatures without minds that are human.
Do you remember the movie “Solient Green”? Do you remember that people were reduced to eating little green wafers for food? Older people were required to go to death centers where they were injected, and died as if falling asleep.
And then at the end of the movie you find out that “solient green is people” ground up. This is coming. Cows have been fed the bodies of dead cows in their grain that has resulted in “mad cow disease”. It was an experiment to see how a mammal body would react to eating their own kind.
Then the additives of pig enzymes and jellyfish enzymes, and vaccines, too, to our corn and other vegetable crops are resulting in the defiling of our bodies.
Why would any sane person want to continue in such an evil Frankenstein-type laboratory? Much of the “Third World’s” food supply is still good – being grown by local farmers. Much of the water is pure, coming from unpolluted rivers and underground sources, and in many countries the air is free of chem-trails. Prices of food are reasonable, too. I enjoy getting little roasted chickens at the store where I am--real chickens, not chemically plumped ones. The chicken breasts sold in the U.S. are almost the size of a whole real chicken that has no chemicals pumped into it.
Just basic intelligence would lead a person to get out of such a death-trap country before it goes totally under. Abba wants free and healthy servants. Our bodies must not be victims of Nazi scientists’ experiments and the American-based Eugenics program. (Refer to: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”)
On March 23, 2010, CNN reported a story that revealed that 30 billion children got Rotarix vaccine tainted with pig virus. A February 2010 issue of The Journal
of Modern Genetics revealed “Gender-Bonder Chemicals Are Turning Boys into Girls”. A 326-page report issued by the government of Denmark confirmed that
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“endocrine-disturbing chemicals are continuing to produce a lower number of male and causing the feminization of existing males. Chemicals such as PUCs,
flame retardants, phthalates, dioxins, PBCs and Bisphenol-A, all mimic estrogen in the body. They are being blamed for failing sperm counts world wide”.
The London Daily Mail reported on March 11, 2010, an incident in 1951 in a quiet village in Southern France that struck people with mass insanity and hallucinations. It has now been admitted that America’s CIA spiked French bread with LSD as an experiment.
The Monsanto Corporation has the patent on genetically altered foods. It has been discovered that the modified food crops are killing bees. Without bees our crops are doomed.
There is a book out called The 666s Are in the Seeds by Michael W. White. This is a book about an American farmer who was sued by Monsanto for using his own seeds to sow his fields. This giant corporation has been quietly modifying the DNA of various seeds needed for farm crops in order to patent them. Their
plan is to corner the seed market. Under their patent rights, no farmer can save their seeds back for the next year’s crop. He who controls the patent controls the