Notes of GNPHN Web conference
Date: March 23rd at 2pm GMT
Steering Group
Name / Organisation / ApologiesCheryll Adams / Director, Institute of Health Visiting, UK / absent
RosBryar / Professor of Community and Primary Care Nursing, City University, London / absent
Maura Connolly / Network Administrator, ICHN, Ireland / present
Johanna Downey / President ICHN Dublin / present
Kari Glavin / Head of Master and Postgraduate studies, Department of Nursing, Diakonova University, Norway / absent
Christina Lindhart / Board Member. The Association of Health Visitors Denmark / present
Mary O’Dowd / Founder Member GNPH Ireland / present
Linda Revelling Smith / Assistant Professor, Nursing, Winona State University, USA Chairperson / Present
Teresa Obwaya / Global Health Ministry, Nigeria / absent
Agenda items
No / Agenda item / Decision/Action- Welcome to Christina Lindhart
- Notes of Last meeting
- Matters arising not on the agenda
The notes of the last meeting were agreed.
There were no matters arising not on the agenda
GNPHN Governance
- Constitution
- Business plan
It was agreed that all members of the steering group would review the Constitution and send their comments to Maura Connolly by 15th May
It was agreed to circular the draft constitution to allcurrent paid up members for comments. MC/MOD
Members of the steering committee were requested to review the business plan document and to discuss with the Chairperson what area of work they would like to lead.
Mary queried if the Network should be registered. Mary agreed to follow explore further.
- Word did not find any entries for your table of contents.
- Uptake
- No Of Countries
The Associate members are the Institute of Health Visiting UK
The Danish Health Visitors Association
The Sacred Heart University Connecticut USA
This is on going and all members of the steering group are encouraged to promote the Network at every opportunity.
Christina requested copies of the banner and flyers. MC to action
- Current balance
- Financial planning
- Funding
Financial planning and funding were deferred until the next meeting
Conference 2016
- Note the date and venue
Billund, Denmark
- Conference planning 2016
- Conference planning 2018
It was agreed that the Networks four thematic areas would be included in the programme i.e. Practice. Policy. Research and Education
It was agreed that there would be a planned session for Network members to meet in order to agree the Constitution and to plan for the future.
It was acknowledged that the content of the programme would be the responsibility of the Danish organising group.
It was suggested that the organising group might like to consider the UN sustainable development goals in selecting the conference title and programme content. Relevant website
Mary and Maura agreed to support Chrisitina and the organising group.
Maura agreed to send Christiana the resume of the 2013 conference together with the Global flyer and banner texts.
Aims Review
- To raise the profile of public health nursing practice making this group of professionals more visible and thereby able to influence health policy locally, nationally and globally.
- To develop public health nursing practice by sharing the experiences of public health nurses, health visitors and other practitioners, educators, leaders and researchers in this area from around the world.
- To use the knowledge of those countries with well-developed public health nursing practice to support those without such a service so that they might develop their own public health care service.
- To develop a shared definition of public health nursing practice that will be able to reflect the culture, professional traditions, social-economic climate and the policy of individual countries throughout the world.
It was agreed to keep these on the agenda for each meeting
Linda agreed to start a discussion on the website relating to this aim.
It was agreed that all current members would be asked to contribute to this discussion . MC/MOD
Chapters / The organizational chart developed by Linda was welcomed. Linda agreed to revise and then to put up on the website
AOB / There was no any other business
Dates of Next Meeting s 2015 @ 2 pm GMT
Fridays April 10th /June 12th/September 11th/November 13th / It was agreed to cancel the April meeting. The next meeting will therefore be
Friday June 12th 2015
Notes of the GNPHN Steering Group meeting 23rd March 2015