SS8H6a&b Study Guide:

Name: ______Class Period: ______

Write out the definitions for the following words:

1)Abolitionist ______

2)Secession: ______

3)Tariff: ______

4)Popular Sovereignty: ______

Answer the following questions:

5)Who was the slave whose case went to the Supreme Court when he argued for his freedom? ______

6)Who was credited with preventing war and secession at the Georgia Platform convention? He became the vice-president of the Confederate States of America. ______

7)Who was the 17th President of the U.S. of A.; his reconstruction plan was stricter than the president before him. ______

8)Who was elected the 16th president of the USA in 1860?

9)What state did the Missouri Compromise admit as a free state? ______

10)Explain, in detail, the three provisions to the Compromise of 1850

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

11)Who was the Republican candidate for president of the USA in 1860? ______

12)What was the purpose of the Fugitive Slave Law? ______

13)Describe, in detail, the North’s position (their stance on the matter) on states’ rights.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

14)Describe, in detail, what the Emancipation Proclamation was and what it did: ______

15)What was the outcome of the Dred Scott Case? ______

16)How was the Kansas-Nebraska Act similar to both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850? ______

17)What was at stake in the Battle of Chickamauga? ______

18)What did General Sherman burn Atlanta and destroy everything on his March to the Sea? ______

19)What did General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox do? ______

20)What is the term that means the right of a state is not to follow a federal law? ______

21) What contributed to lack of success of the Union blockade? ______

22)Explain someone who believed in states’ rights would support: ______

23)What was the result of the Compromise of the 1850? ______

24)EXPLAIN the Missouri Compromise: ______

25)During the Georgia Platform, which man called for Georgia to remain in the Union? ______

26)What was the outcome that resulted from the Compromise of 1850: ______

27)Why did the U.S. Supreme Court rule against Dred Scott? ______

28)What was the “Georgia Platform”? ______

29)Which state was the first state to secede from the Union? ______

30)What were two major battles fought in GA during the Civil War? ______

31)Describe Andersonville: ______

32)Who led the “March to the Sea”? ______

33)What was the bloodiest one-day battle of the Civil War? ______

34)In what state did the Battle of Gettysburg take place? ______

35)Where was the capital of the Confederacy located? ______

36)How did the victory of Gettysburg help the United States? ______

37)Place the following in the correct order (A-D) with A being the earliest and D being the last even to take place in order:

  1. _____ President Lincoln was assassinated in Washington, DC
  2. _____General Lee surrenders at Appomattox
  3. _____General Sherman enters Atlanta
  4. _____Battle of Gettysburg

38)What amendment was added to the United States Constitution after the Civil War? ______