Daily Discussion Questions:
Name: ______________________
Economics and culture in Post-Classical China
1. What factors promoted an economic surge during the Tang and Song dynasties?
2. What agricultural methods led to increases in crop production and food availability—in turn what were the impacts of this food surplus?
3. Discuss the patriarchal societies of the Tang and Song dynasties.
4. How is this distinction strange when you consider the role of Empress Wu, one of the great Tang leaders?
5. Discuss the rise of technology, innovation and industry during PC China. How might their development compare to that of the PC Islamic world?
6. What impact did Tang innovations in Naval technology have on China?
7. What is “flying cash” and how might that be compared with the Islamic “sakh”?
8. What were the impacts of Chinese reliance on papermoney?
9. The Arab merchant Suleiman noted that in the ninth century, “No one in China is treated unjustly.” Was he exaggerating? Why did China always look so impressive to foreign visitors?
1. On the map of Asia below, trace the spread of Buddhism from its origins in India to east Asia. Use different colors to illustrate the different periods of its spread.
2. On the map of Asia below, color in the approximate territories of the Tang, the Abbasid, and the Byzantine empires. Why are these three referred to as the “anchors” of the postclassical world? How did the territories they encompassed influence the trade and communications patterns of the postclassical world?
Thought Question: Use back side:
43. Examine the spread of Buddhism into China. How did Buddhist thought influence China? How did China influence Buddhism?