SHS “Pirate Pride” Band—SUMMER, 2016 ACTIVITIES
Mon.-Fri., July 25—29: FULL BAND CAMP (Mandatory!)
Band Camp will run each day from 8:00am-3:00pm
During the weeks before Band Camp, be sure to get outside, in the summer heat, as much as you can. During band camp, we will be "outside" for most of the time between 8:00am and 11:00am each day. Even though we will take frequent water breaks, you will be MUCH more comfortable during Band Camp if you are used to being outside, NOW, during those hours! Being at a pool or a lake is OK, but that, by itself, will not really get you used to the conditions during Band Camp.
Please take a few minutes to read over the following suggestions. Many years of experience have shown these ideas to be useful to having a fun, productive time during Band Camp!
BEFORE BAND CAMP: Get your instrument out and PRACTICE! Any kind of playing is OK; music from last year (concert music, marching music, stands tunes, etc.), scales & arpeggios, warmups, etc. Get your "chops" ready to play! Make sure you get outside, “in the heat”. If your neighbors “allow” it, try playing your instrument outside, in the heat, too—it IS different from playing inside!
1 --Eat a balanced breakfast each morning, even if you don't normally do so. Try to finish eating before 7:30am, to allow your stomach time to settle a bit before heading outside! Eat BEFORE you get to the Band Room--no food is allowed in the Band Room! You will need to eat more than just a piece of toast or a pop-tart. If you do NOT eat a good breakfast, you will NOT be comfortable during morning rehearsals! (It's mentioned below, but you must also be sure to each a balanced dinner each night before band camp rehearsals, and be sure to drink plenty of water!)
2 --Wear tennis shoes/sneakers--NOT sandals, nor flip-flops!
3 --Wear shorts, a comfortable t-shirt, and bring a hat, sunglasses, and sun-screen if you need to. A loose-fitting long-sleeve shirt is OK, too, for outside drill.
(IMPORTANT: You will see items regarding WATER several times in this memo!- - )
4a --BRING WATER, either in a water bottle, or in a 'back-pack'-style hydration system.
4b --We always emphasize drinking WATER during rehearsals, over colas, soft drinks, lemonade, even Gatorade-type drinks. (Drink Gatorade-type drinks at lunch or after rehearsal/dinner/evening)
4c --DURING REHEARSALS, WATER is preferable, and universally is better for your health!
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5 --Eat a good dinner/supper each night. Eating a balanced diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables, along with some protein and carbs, would be great!
7 --Get lots of rest. When you get up the next morning… start over, and refer back to #1, above! All of these factors are critical for your health!
(Be on-time...which means, be EARLY!):
7:59AM (except Monday)—Roll call—MEET IN THE BAND ROOM! We will have marching rehearsal every morning—either marching fundamentals, parade formation, or half-time drill.
MONDAY-ONLY—FULL BAND: report to the band room at 10:30am, with instruments! If you are expecting a school-owned instrument, and have not checked it out, THIS is when to do so!For the rest of the week, be prepared to start at 8:00 (“7:59”) with instruments, ready to play- IN THE BAND ROOM; listen for announcements, day-to-day, for taking instruments "out back", behind the band room, or to the street.
LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED EACH DAY—do NOT leave campus!; Drink some water, and eat right away. You will be given plenty of time to cool off and relax a bit.
********Be sure to drink lots of water during lunch. It's OK to drink some "Gatorade"-type
drinks during lunch--try to avoid colas and other sugary drinks.
Be sure to drink lots of water !!
12:00PM-- rehearsals resume--meet inside, WITH your instrument, for announcements. We will usually start with full band, then sectionals. There may be some short sessions outside, too. We will all return around 2:30pm for full band run-throughs of music.
3:00PM-- rehearsals end.
(Have I mentioned to drink plenty of water?)
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- - Thursday, Aug. 11--SCHOOL BEGINS! Yes, we will play, in class, on the 1st day of school! However, there will be NO after-school practice on THIS day.
- - Tuesday, Aug. 16 & Thursday, Aug. 18: 3:00pm-4:30pm: Weekly After-School Rehearsals begin. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED, and will be part of your grade.
- - Friday, Aug. 19—Pre-season Jamboree; we will probably NOT attend this event.
- - Friday, Aug. 26—Season/Home Opener (vs. North Bay Haven). Away we go!!!