Systematic Theology – Week 4
Systematic Study of Theology
Course Outline
Week 1√ Introduction
I. √ BibliologyThe Doctrine of Scripture
Week 2II. √ Theology ProperThe Doctrine of God
III.√ ChristologyThe Doctrine of Christ
Week 3IV.√ PneumatologyThe Doctrine of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit
V. √ AngelologyThe Doctrine of Angels
Week 4VI√ AnthropologyThe Doctrine of Man
VII.√ HamartologyThe Doctrine of Sin
VII.√ SoteriologyThe Doctrine of Salvation
Week 5IX.EcclesiologyThe Doctrine of The Church
X.EschatologyThe Doctrine of the End Times
Week 6Theology ProperThe Names of God
Week 7Theology ProperThe Goodness of God
Week 8Theology ProperThe Greatness of God
Week 9Theology ProperGod’s Nearness and Distance
Week 10Theology ProperGod’s Three-in-Oneness
Week 11Theology ProperGod’s Plan and Providence
Our purpose: To be prepared to provide a clear and ready apologetic to all who ask.
1 Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
Sanctify– to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purification or consecration; (mentally) to venerate (to regard with reverential respect)
Ready – fit (as in physically – how do we do that?), prepared
Always – Implies an earnest readiness and desire
Answer– apologia (ap-ol-og-ee'-ah); a plea ("apology"); Used as a “defense” in the Bible
Apology – Sometimes infers “an admission of guilt”
Noun version also means a “defense, explanation, an assurance”
Asketh– ask, beg, call for, crave, desire, require.
Reason– reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; a computation
Hope– to anticipate, usually with pleasure; expectation or confidence that something is going to happen
Last Week’s Review
IV. Pneumatology – The Doctrine of the Holy Ghost/Spirit
1.The name “Holy Spirit” means:
a.Holy – hagios (hag'-ee-os); from hagos (an awful thing); sacred (pure, morally blameless, consecrated)
b.Spirit/Ghost – used interchangeably – pneuma (pnyoo'-mah); a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc.
2.The Attributes of the Holy Spirit
a.Eternal [Heb 9:14] – Christ’s blood was offered to God through the eternal Spirit.
b.Omnipotent [Luke 1:35] – Alludes to His power coming over Mary.
c.Omniscient [1 Cor 2:10,11] – The Spirit investigates the mysteries of God.
d.Omnipresent[Ps 139:7-13] – David expresses his inability to flee from the Holy Spirit.
3.The Personalities of the Holy Spirit
a.Vexed [Is 63:10] – God’s people caused the Holy Spirit to worry and be angered.
b.Grieved [Eph 4:30] – Believers are instructed not to distress or make sad the Holy Spirit
4.The Work of the Holy Spirit in this World
a.Creates [Job 33:4] – The Holy Spirit played a role in the creation of man.
b.Convicts [John 16:8-11] – Admonish (reprove, convict, convince) the world of sin and the righteousness of God (Possibly seen as an instrument of God’s natural revelation to man)
5.Ministry to Believers
a.Takes hold of our frailties…and intercedes to God for us
[Rom 8:26-27] “…God knows…the mind of the spirit…”
i.[vs 26-27] – Taken Together – The Holy Spirit knows (takes hold of) our frailties; God knows the Holy Spirit’s purpose; The Spirit intercedes for us!
Last Week’s Review
V. Angelology – The Doctrine of Angels
1.“Angel” – From a root word meaning, “to dispatch as a messenger or deputy, bringing tidings; from God”.
a.Angels were created by God (Ps 148:2,5)
2.Angels (messenger) – member of order of heavenly beings
a.Spirits (Heb 1:14) – Who minister to [attend, provide a service] the “heirs of salvation”.
b.Superior to human nature (Heb 2:7) – Man is created “a little lower [less rank/influence]” than angels.
c.They are not, however, omnipotent nor omniscient. They are not perfect (Job 4:18).
3.[Ex 25:20; Isa 6:2; Ezek 1:5-6] – Angels in God's presence include cherubim, seraphim, and living creatures (or living beings).
a.Cherubim (imaginary winged creature) – Created by God as guardians over that which was precious [Gen 3:24] – Garden of Eden, the Mercy Seat, Ark of the Covenant, Tabernacle
i.[Ezek 28:14-16] – Satan was a fallen Cherub.
ii.Living Creatures [Ez 1:5] –Likeness of man with 4 faces (man, lion, ox, eagle) and 4 wings
b.Seraphim (fiery or poisonous creature) – Created by God to guard over His throne and sing His praise and adoration
i.Described with 6 Wings – 2 to fly, 2 to cover feet and 2 to cover their faces
4.Fallen Angels
a.Pride [1 Tim 3:6] – They fell from their perfect state due to pride
b.Everlasting Chains [2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6] – Because they left their first estate, eternal imprisonment is their payment
c.Make war on Saints [Rev 12:7-17] – Satan and his angels war on believers
d.Hell is prepared for [Matt 25:41] – everlasting fire was prepared for Satan and his angels.
5.Unfallen Angels
a.Known for their reverence for God and their obedience to His will.
b.Of special importance in the Old Testament is the ANGEL of THE LORD (Gen: 22:11; 31:11).
i.This angel is depicted as a visible manifestation of God Himself (Ex 23:20-21).
ii.Similarities to Jesus lead most scholars to conclude that He is the pre-incarnate Word (John 1:1) present with God at the creation of the world (John 1:1,14).
6.Attributes & Characteristics:
a.Immortal [Luke 20:36] – The believer is like the angels, i.e., neither shall they die.
b.Unmarried [Matt 22:30] –Jesus answers to the Seduces that angels do not marry.
c.Visible (Gen 18:2) – Three angels appeared as men to Abraham.
d.Invisible (Numbers 22:22,23) – Angel is invisible to Balaam’s donkey.
e.Obedient (Ps. 103:20) – The angels are blessed for their obedience.
f.Possessing emotions (Luke 15:10) – They rejoice at the salvation of even one sinner.
7.Ministry to Believers and to Jesus
a.Only known to appear to God’s people (e.g., Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, Jesus, Peter, Paul)
b.Charged with our care (Ps 91:11-12) – They protect us and hedge about us.
i.Protect the people of God (Ps 34:7).
ii.Relieve hunger and thirst (Mark 1:13) – Here their ministry was to Jesus
iii.Deliverance from danger (Acts 5:19; 12:6-11) – Delivered Paul & Peter from prison.
c.Guidance & instruction (Gen 24:40)
i.Sometimes through human dreams; Jacob – (Gen 28:12)
8.Ministry to Unbelievers
a.Destruction (Gen 19:13) – Two angels following God’s bidding at Sodom
b.Pestilence (2 Sam 24:15-17) – Bringing destruction to Jerusalem
c.Sudden death (Acts 12:23) – The angel of the Lord smote Herod
d.Persecution (Ps 35:5-6) – used to persecute David’s enemies
9.The frequency with which angels participate in human affairs has diminished since Pentecost, probably because of the larger role that is now played by the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians.
VI. Anthropology – The Doctrine of Man
1.Man was created uniquely by God.
a.[Gen 1:26] God (“Elohiym” - plural) said let us make man
i.Make – To bring about or create
ii.Man (adam – aw-dawm) – unique species or mankind.
iii.Likeness – model or shape; manner or similitude
iv.Image – has the idea of a shadow or illusion, i.e., a representative figure
v.Given dominion (to subjugate – subdue or suppress) over air, sea, earth
vi.[Ps 139:14] - “…fearfully (reverentially) and wonderfully (distinctly, distinguished) made…”
b.[Gen 2:7] The LORD (Jehovah (Yahweh) – the Great I AM) God (Elohiym)formed man
i.To mould into a form as a potter would form his clay
c.[Gen 9:6] – …in the image of God made he man”.
i.God – Elohiym, plural.
ii.Image – shadow, resemblance – often described as Mind, Emotion and Will.
1.Mind – The ability to think
2.Emotion – The ability to feel
3.Will – The ability to do
2.Man was created for God’s glory and pleasure
a.[Is 43:7] – Created for God’s glory (abundant splendor)
b.[Rev 4:11] – Created for God’s purpose (choice, purpose, inclination)
3.In terms of bodily organism – we belong to the animal world.
a.Our spirit separates us from animals and gives us an exalted rank.
iii.We are rationale beings (the ability to think).
iv.We are moral beings (innate sense of right and wrong).
v.We are religious beings (innate understanding of a higher being).
b.Man is uniquely capable of communion with God.
c.Man is uniquely represented as sinful and in need of God’s redemption.
VII. Hamartology – The Doctrine of Sin
1.[1 John 3:4] – Sin is the transgression of the Law, or of God's will – violation or illegal action
a.Not doing what God's law requires --- and/or --- Doing what God’s law forbids.
b.The transgression (violation) can occur
i.[1 John 3:15] – Thought – If you hate (heart/mind) your brother you commit murder
ii.[Matt 5:22] – Word – Verbalizing anger can result in severe punishment
1.Reflects three levels of capital punishment under Jewish Law
a.Exhibiting rash anger – beheading inflicted from judgment
b.Referring to someone as “worthless” (Raca) – stoning by the council or Sanhedrin
c.Referring to someone as “fool) – burning in a place called “valley of the son of Hinnon”
iii.[Rom 1:32] – Deed – Commit (practicing repeatedly, habitually) sin and approve of those that do also.
2.[Eccl 7:29] – Mankind was created without sin, morally upright and inclined to do good
a.[Rom 5:12] – Sin (offence, wrong-doing, crime) entered into human experience through Adam
i.Sin (transgression of the law) entered the world through Adam…
ii.…but death passed upon all mankind because all have sinned (missed the mark)
iii.[Matt 15:19] – Out of this perverted nature arise all the sins that people commit
b.[Rom 3:23] – “…for all have sinned and come short…” No person is free from involvement in sin.
3.Sin is rebellion against God's law – the standard of righteousness
a.Sin is not represented in the Bible as the absence of good
b.Sin is not represented as an illusion that stems from our human limitations.
c.Sin is portrayed as a real and positive evil.
i.More than unwise, inexpedient, calamitous behavior that produces sorrow and distress.
4.[Rom 8:7] –Our sinful state sets us at enmity with God
a.Enmity – hostility or opposition – to God
b.[Eph 2:1] – Because we are sinners, we are dead (nekros – literally and figuratively a corpse)
Note: We are not condemned because we sin. We are condemned because we are sinners!
5.[James 2:10] – “…whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all…”
a.Since God demands righteousness, sin must be defined in terms of mankind's relation to God.
b.Sin is thus the faithless rebellion of the creature against the just authority of his Creator.
c.For this reason, breaking God's law at any point involves transgression at every point.
d.If just one link breaks – we will still fall – we miss the mark
VIII. Soteriology – The Doctrine of Salvation
1.Salvation – [Act 16:31] delivered to safety or protection…to be preserved or to be made whole
a.Roman Catholic Theology – Salvation through grace, transmitted via sacraments of the church
i.Grace is earned by our humanly works – conferred by the official Church
b.Liberation Theology– the poor are “…delivered…” from the yoke of the wealthy
i.Salvation comes to those that are involved in delivering the weak and poor
c.Existential Theology–stepping into authentic existence by abandoning selfish strivings for security and putting our confidence in God
i.E.g. The cross does not represent Jesus’ death as substitutional payment, but rather…
ii.We must put to death our strivings for self-gratification and security apart from God
d.Secular Theology – Salvation is not “through” religion, but rather “from” religion
i.Realizing one’s capabilities and utilizing them, Becoming independent of God
ii.Coming of age and affirming oneself – getting involved in the world
e.Evangelical Theology
i.Sinner Condemned Helpless Repent/Believe/Confess Saved Secure
2.New Testament / Biblical Salvation
a.Adoption [Rom 8:15, 23] –(placing as a son).
i.A legal term that expresses the process by which a man brings another person into his family, endowing him with the status and privileges of a biological son or daughter
b.Redemption [Gal 4:4-5] – (to buy up; to purchase)
i.[1 Peter 1: 18-19] The cost of our redemption is the "the precious blood of Christ" which is also called an atoning sacrifice,
c.Atonement [Rom 5:9-11]– (restoration to favor)
i."at-one-ment" – The act by which God restores a relationship of harmony and unity between Himself and human beings.
d.Justification – (to render just or innocent) – sinful human beings made acceptable to a holy God.
i.[Rom 3:24] Justified by Grace (giving to us what we do not deserve) through redemption
ii.[Rom 3:28] Justified by Faith (conviction resulting from persuasion)
iii.Note: Propitiation = “an atoning victim”
e.Regeneration – Spiritual change brought about in a person's life by an act of God.
i.[Titus 3:5] “…by the washing (immersion/baptism) of regeneration (spiritual change) and renewing (renovation) of the Holy Spirit…”
f.Preservation–God has “set his mark” upon us as believers
i.[Eph 4:30]“…sealed (stamped for security or preservation) unto the day of redemption…”
g.Related topics for another Study
i.Repentance, Faith, Conversion, forgiveness, ransom, reconciliation, regeneration (before or after salvation), Sanctification
1.Calvinism (Lapsarianism (supra, infra, subla))
2.Arminianism (Pelagianism and semipelagianism)