Pack 20 Committee Meeting Minutes
August 30, 2016
1)Call to Order
i)Committee Meeting of Pack 20 at 6:15 pm on August 30, 2016, Faith Lutheran Church.
i)Melanie Schwanke, Landis Seabolt, Mary Sekowski, Amanda Vance, Shannon Downes, Valerie Collinsworth
3)Next Committee Meeting, October 4th Faith Lutheran 6:00-8:00 pm, please refer to our online calendar
4)Open Issues (from previous minutes)
i)Banner-Spencer Swan-Tabled
ii)Lettering on Trailer tabled until affordable and necessary (inquiring where Troop 230 got theirs done)
5)New Business
i)Recruiting Leadership and Scouts
(1)Welcome Mrs. Mary Sekowski as Treasurer and Mrs. Landis Seabolt as Webelos Leader. Thank you for your time and willingness to contribute.
(2)Mrs. Seabolt will be reaching out to Mr. Weed to solicit his help with den throughout the year.
(3)Mrs. Collinsworth will connect with Mr. McCracken ask about Asst. Cubmaster and M.C. the Raingutter Regatta
(4)Mr. Wallace/Ms. Wallace declined Awards Chair, however are happy to help with other events. Mrs. Collinsworth will be asking him if he can help setup and run Raingutter Regatta
(5)Tiger Den Leader for 2016-2017 open position
(6)Lion Den Leader Position open
(7)Awards Chair Replacement open
(8)Pack received parent/scout recruitment information and fliers from council (reprinting as times and dates were wrong).
(a)Will be dropping fliers in backpacks at Columbine (with calendar and parent night invite)
(b)Will have our scouts hand “peer to peer” cards out on Aug 12 or 13 (tbd).
(c)Talk about recruiter patch with scouts.
(d)Lunch Date with boys by council-Jake Webb, Steve Leininger, and Dee Strube (our scouts will wear uniforms and pass out P2P cards August 12 or 13-tbd)
(9)Have 13 boys interested in Scouts from Columbine Registration night.
(a)Invited to parent night via email and connected them with online scout calendar and Committee Chair and Cubmaster.
ii)Parent Orientation is Thursday, September 15, Columbine(will have poster signs directing parents to Cafeteria-Mrs. Collinsworth?)
(a)Dues average $4 per month ($2-council and $2 to Pack). For New Scouts joining in September-$60, in October- $56, in November, $52, fromDecember-December $48. Current scout parents will be paying $48 in September (to expedite recharter in December and to be considerate of the holiday budget)Boys at any stage will still be able to receive the Boy’s Life Magazine for $12 more.
(i)When the dues are received the scout/parent will receive a T-Shirt, Raingutter Regatta Boat and Neckerchief.
(ii)Parent is responsible for Book, Uniform and any other accessories (belt, hat, brag jacket, etc)
(b)Parent Orientation Agenda-5 Stations ran by assigned individuals
(i)#1 Welcome-Greeter, parent sign-in, large recruitment envelope Need: Pens-To be assigned
(ii)#2 What We Do- Pack Activities,Cub Scout Excitement, Fundraisers-Mr. Downes and Mr. Schwanke
(iii)#3 and #4 (combined)- Registration-fill out form and collect, explain dues in detail, collect payment,give Rain Gutter Regatta Boats and remind that siblings or parents are $5. Need: Pens- Mrs. Sekowski and Mrs. Vance
(iv)#5 Den Leaders-Give Schedule, Den Card, Neckerchief, Pack Orientation pamphlet, and T-Shirts (?)Answer questions
iii)Popcorn Guidelines-Popcorn Kernel-Mr. Erich Schwanke
(1)Door-to-Door Sales start Sept 9.
(2)New Vendor-Camp Masters
(3)Pack Sales Goal $6900
(4)ShowNSell will be at City Market and Safeway (around Sept 17, dates to come)
(a)Only 2 boys working each hour (1 older & 1 younger)-parents must be in attendance.
(b)Extra tin sales (for ex: if there are only 2 caramel tins on the table and customer wants 10) will be rotated equally between the scouts (as long as parent can commit to delivering popcorn to that customer)
(c)Typically, we receive $300 in donations at ShowNSell!
(5)Final date (in November) when money is due IS FINAL. There will be NO LATE ORDERS. There is NO room to budge-will be conveyed to pack at large, please reinforce at den meetings.
(a)Picture of order form will be taken for precaution.
(6)Trailer-Storage for Popcorn-make trailer ready with shelves and organization-Mr. Schwanke
(7)Popcorn Pick up was proposed to have at WPCC, Mr. Schwanke will be official in charge.
(8)Along with popcorn program awards, there will be a 1, 2, & 3 place sales awards form our pack.
(a)At October Pack Meeting 3-$5 Walmart Gift Cards will be given to top scouts as an incentive (maybe this should be 5 as there could be a top seller from each den)-Mr. Schwanke
(i)When Program Prizes arrive, the pack prizes are
- 1-$25 Walmart Gift Card
- 2-$15 Walmart Gift Card and Mini-Murph Pizza Box from Papa M.
- 3-$10 Walmart Gift Card and Mini-Murph Pizza Box from Papa M.
(9)For Popcorn: it was explored to do a “Show and Deliver.” Was decided against for 2016 due to lack of prior preparation (maps, trailer ready, budget for popcorn advance purchase), however may be entertained in the future.
(10) ShowNSell 2016 purchase: (exact numbers to come)
(a)Caramel Corn
(b)Chocolate Drizzle
(c)Movie Theater-Microwave
(d)Sea Salt
(e)Mauve Popping Corn
(f)Broncos Tin-2
iv)Sept 8 Pack Meeting Highlights (agenda to come)
(1)Popcorn Craft at 5:30-5:45
(2)Uniform Inspection 5:45-5:55 (done by leaders-eventually just AOL’s alone)
(3)Flags ready 5:55
(4)Flags Begin 6:00
(5)WELCOME Back!
(6)Recite Scout Law and Oath (among others)
(7)Cubmaster minute/theme: Helpful
(8)POPCORN!-Mr. Schwanke
(9)Take Scouts for popcorn craft and skit with Popcorn Kernel in Gym-Erich (35-45 minutes)
(a)Council Contest for making the 1st meeting the most fun-popcorn machine-Mrs. Schwanke
(10)Address Parents (following not in official order)
(a)Dues/The Square(Credit Card Reader)-Mrs. Sekowksi (RaingutterRegatt Boats)
(b)Uniform inspection/Scout expectation-Mr. Downes
(c)Communication/emails/phone/facebook/website/shutterfly-Mrs. Collinsworth
(d)Leadership/Parent Roles/Lions Den/Tiger Den/Raingutter Regatta/Parade/ BG/PWD-Mrs. Schwanke
(e)Recruitment-P2P cards, Lunch Date/wear uniform-Mr. Downes
(f)More info to come in agenda to leaders
v)Other Important Information
(1)Oct or Nov pack meeting council will be presenting to our parents on Friends of Scouting.
(2)Farmers Market Booth next July and August for Bake Sale and Recruiting (no more than 4 boys)-tabled until March
(3)Potential conversion/integration for our Pack to have meetings at WPCC (our charter organization)-Mr. Vance
(4)Implementing Card Reader (The Square)-passing processing fee on to customer. Mrs. Vance to inquire on fee percentage.
(a)Will make payments for Popcorn, B/G, Dues, etc. much smoother and convenient.
(5)Lion Den is Approved!!!-Pack 20 will have Kindergarteners included!
(6)Gateway Pack is still trying to come back; we cannot recruit them as per council as of yet.
(7)Cub Scout Flier to be posted on multiple local Facebook pages inviting parents to Parent Night on Sept 15. -Mrs. Schwanke
6)Meeting Adjourned 8:20pm