AlGeo I


Course: Yearlong with two semesters Grade level: HS

Prerequisite Courses: Math Level 8 Credits: 1.0

Course Description

This course formalizes and extends middle-school mathematics, deepening their understanding of linear relationships. The course begins with a review of relationships between quantities, building from unit conversion to a study of expressions, equations, and inequalities. Students contrast linear and exponential relationships, including a study of sequences, as well as applications such as growth and decay. Students review one-, two-, and multi-step equations, formally reasoning about each step using properties of equality. Students extend this reasoning to systems of linear equations. Students use descriptive statistics to analyze data before turning their attention to transformations and the relationship between Algebra and Geometry on the coordinate plane.

Course Objectives

Throughout the course, you will meet the following goals:

·  Analyze and interpret the structure of expressions and write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems

·  Communicate effectively using graphic, numeric, symbolic, and verbal representations

·  Recognize the graph of given data as being linear, quadratic, or exponential

·  Solve equations and inequalities in one variable and represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically

·  Create and solve equations that describe numbers or relationships

·  Model and solve problems with linear systems graphically Student Expectations

This course requires the same level of commitment from you as a traditional classroom course would. You have access to this class 24/7 permitting you to put the time in. Expect to plan your time to complete the class assigned in the hexter(s) timeframe for the following activities:

·  Interactive lessons that include a mixture of instructional videos and tasks

·  Assignments in which you apply and extend learning

·  Assessments, including quizzes, tests, and cumulative exams

·  Project(s)


Your teacher will communicate with you regularly through discussions, e-mail, and system announcements. You will also communicate with classmates, either via online tools (Google Email) or face to face, as you collaborate on projects, ask and answer questions in your content group, and develop your speaking and listening skills.

Grading Policy

You will be graded on the work you do online and the work you submit electronically to your teacher. To complete the semesters/course, all assignments and assessments are completed satisfactorily or proficiently (80% or score 3 as a minimum). One proficient project is required for each semester.

Scope and Sequence

When you log into Edgenuity, you can view the entire course map—an interactive scope and sequence of all topics you will study. Summaries of units are below:

Semester 1

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Unit 1:   Relationships Between Quantities

Learning Target: MA.09.EE.01.04 Expressions can be represented in multiple, equivalent forms

Learning Target: MA.09.EE.02.04 Solving Linear Equations & Inequalities in One Variable

Learning Target: MA.09.F.04 Function Notation

Unit 2:   Reasoning with Equations

Learning Target: MA.09.EE.03.04 Graph Equations & Inequalities

Learning Target: MA09.F.01.04 Graphing Functions denoting Key Features

Learning Target: MA:.09.F05.04 calculate & Interpret Avera Rate of Change of a Function

Learning Target: MA:09.F.07.04 Compare properties of two functions

Learning Target: MA.09.F.02.04 Construct and Compare Linear & Exponential Functions

Learning Target: MA.09.F.02.04 Arithmetic & Geometric Sequences

Semester 2

Unit 3:   Linear and Exponential Relationships

Learning Target: Learning Target: MA.09.F.02.04 Construct and Compare Linear & Exponential Functions

Learning Target: MA.09.EE.04.04 Solve Systems of Equations & Inequalities

Unit 4:   Parallel Lines

Learning Target: MA.09.G.01.04 Using Coordinates to find distance (Distance Formula)

Unit 5:   Congruence, Proof, and Constructions

Learning Target: MA.09.G.02.04 Transformations

Learning Target: MA.09.G.03.04 Definition of congruence in terms of Rigid Motion

Unit 6:   Descriptive Statistics

Learning Target: MA.09.SP.01.04 Interpret Differences in Shape, Center, & Spread of Data

Learning Target: MA.09.SP.02.04 Summarize Data using Frequency Tables

William J. Lester


Lead Teacher Westminster Virtual Academy

Hidden Lake High School

7300 Lowell Blvd.

Westminster, CO

303.720.5262 WVA Computer Lab Phone

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