MCOM 4912: Day-by-day Schedule
(Last updated: 4/15/08)
(All readings available on Blackboard or on the WWW unless otherwise listed)
Class Day# / Class Date / In-class Topic
(Class Discussion
Leader Schedule) / Reading Due / Major Assign. Due?
Day 1 / Tues.,
March 25 / Intro to Class: Language, identity & autobiography
Day 2 / Thurs.,
March 27 / What is (a) language & how does language function? / - de Saussure, F.“Nature of the linguistic sign” AND“Immutability and mutability of the sign” (pp. 71-78)
- Kramsch, C. (1998). “Language and Culture: Meaning as sign” (pp. 15-23)
- Baker & Jones. (1998). Language change: The origin of language & language families (From Encyclopedia of bilingualism & bilingual education) (pp. 127-132)
- Mesthrie, R. (2001). “Sociolinguistics: History and overview” (From Encyclopedia of bilingualism & bilingual education) (pp. 1-4)
- Simpson, JMY. (2001). “Language” (From Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics) (pp. 31-34)
- Joseph, J.E. (2001). “Saussurean tradition and sociolinguistics” (From Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics) (pp. 73-80)
Day 3 / Tues.,
April 1 / Language, reality & thought
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., March 30 at 5 p.m.) / - Whorf, B. (1936). “An American Indian model of the universe.” (From The Language, Ethnicity & race reader, 2003) (pp. 247-252)
- Sapir, E. (1921). “Language: An introduction to the study of speech” (pp. 1-10)
- Steiner, G. (1972). “Whorf, Chomsky and the Student of Literature” (From the journal New Literary History) (pp. 15-27; stop at the top of p. 27!)
- Johannson, S. (1991). “Universal grammar and the innateness hypothesis” (pp. 1-10)
- Kramsch, C. (1998). “The relationship of language & culture” (From Language & culture) (pp. 3-14)
- Colapinto, J. (2007). “The interpreter” (From The New Yorker) (pp. 1-16)
Day 4 / Thurs.,
April 3 / Language, power, ideology & culture
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Tues., April 1 at 5 p.m.) / - Fairclough, N. (2001). “Power & Language” (From Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics) (pp. 591-597)
- Duranti, A. (1997). “Theories of culture” (This is Ch. 2 from, Linguistic anthropology – E-book available through Penrose Library) (pp. 23-50)
- Goglin, I. (2001). “The linguistic marketplace” (From Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics) (pp. 612-613)
- Thompson, J. (1991). “Editor’s Introduction” to Language & symbolic power (pp. 1-31)
-Bourdieu, P.(1991). “The production & reproduction of legitimate language” (From Language & symbolic power) (pp. 43-65) / Group A Commentaries
Day 5 / Tues., April 8 / Global linguistic diversity & language death
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., April 6 at 5 p.m.) / - Woodbury, A. (2000). “What is an endangered language?” (From Linguistic Society of America, LSA) (pp. 1-2)
- Romaine, S. & Nettle, D. (2000). “Where have all the languages gone?” = (This is ch. 1 from Vanishing Voices:The extinction of the world’s languages) (pp. 1-15)
- Romaine, S. & Nettle, D. (2000). “The ecology of language” = (This is ch. 4 from Vanishing Voices) (pp. 78-98)
- Romaine, S. & Nettle, D. (2000). “Why something should be done” = (This is ch. 7 from Vanishing Voices) (pp. 150-175)
- Romaine, S. & Nettle, D. (2000). “Sustainable futures” = (This is ch. 8 from Vanishing Voices) (pp. 176-204)
- de Swaan, A. (2004). “Endangered languages, sociolinguistics, & linguistic sentamentalism” (From the journalEuropean Review) (pp. 567-580). / Group B Commentaries
Day 6 / Thurs., April 10 / Linguistic human rights & linguistic genocide
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Tues., April 8 at 5 p.m.) / - Wright, S. (2007). “What is a language? The difficulties inherent in language rights” (From The language question in Europe & diverse societies) (pp. 81-99)
- Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2000). “Linguistic genocide” (From: Linguistic genocide in education – or worldwide diversity and human rights?) (pp. 311-318 & pp. 365-375)
- Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2000). “Linguistic human rights” (FromLinguistic genocide in education – or worldwide diversity and human rights?) (pp. 482-505)
- Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2001). “The globalisation of (educational) language rights” (From the journalInternational Education) (pp. 201-218) / Group A Commentaries
Day 7 / Tues., April 15 / Educational policy: The key to language maintenance?
Discussion Leader =
(post questions by Sun., April 13 at 5 p.m.) / - Tollefson, J. & Tsui, A. (2004). “The centrality of medium-of-instruction policy in sociopolitical processes.” (From Medium of instruction policies. Which agenda? Whose agenda?) (pp. 1-18)
- “Education through the Medium of the Mother-Tongue: The Single Most Important Means for Saving Indigenous Languages” (2005). (From a Symposium on Immersion Education for First Nations)
- Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2000). “Mother tongue” (From Linguistic genocide in education – or worldwide diversity and human rights?) (pp. 105-115)
- Akkinaso, F. (1993). “Policy & experiment in mother tongue literacy in Nigeria” (From the journalInternational Education) (pp. 255-285)
-Hornberger, N. (2006). “Voice and biliteracy in indigenouslanguage revitalization: Contentious
educational practices in Quechua,
Guarani, and Maori contexts” (From the Journal of Language, Identity & Education) (pp. 277-292). / Group B Commentaries
Day 8 / Thurs., April 17 / The value of multilingualism
Discussion Leader =
(post questions. by Tues., April 15 at 5 p.m.) / - Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2000). “The ideology of monolingual reductionism” (From: Linguistic genocide in education – or worldwide diversity and human rights?) (pp. 238-248)
- Butler, Y. & Hakuta, K. (2004). “Bilingualism & second language acquisition” (From The handbook of bilingualism) (pp. 114-135)
- Hornberger, N. (2002). “Multilingual language policies and the continua of biliteracy: An ecological approach.” (From the journal Language Policy) (pp. 27-50)
- Gunesch, K. (2003). “Multilingualism & cosmopolitanism” (From The multilingual mind) (pp. 213-231). / Group A Commentaries
Day 9 / Tues., April 22 / Language policy & planning: An introduction
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., April 20 at 5 p.m.) / - Spolsky, B. & Shohamy, E. (2000). “Language practice, language ideology, & language policy” (From Language policy and pedagogy) (pp. 1-40)
- Annamalai, E. (2003). “Reflections on a language policy for multilingualism” (From the journal Language Policy) (pp. 113-132)
- Schiffman, H. (1996). “Introduction: Language policy & linguistic culture” (This is ch. 1 from Linguistic culture and language policy – E-book available through Penrose Library) (pp. 1-25) / Group B Commentaries
Day 10 / Thurs., April 24 / Language policy & planning: The U.S. as a case study / - McCarty, T. (2004). “Dangerous difference: A critical-historical analysis of language education policies in the U.S.” (From Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda) (pp. 71-93)
- Wiley, T. (1998). “The imposition of World War 1 Era English-Only policies & the fate of German in N. America” (From Language politics in the U.S.Canada: Myths & realities) (pp. 211-240)
- Dicker, S. (2003). “The possibilities of a pluralistic, multilingual America” (From Languages in America: A pluralist view) (pp. 300-322)
- Lo Bianco, J. (2004). “Uncle Sam and Mr. Unz” (From the journal English Today) (pp. 16-22) / Language Journal Due
Day 11 / Tues., April 29 / English Only? The Official English movement in the U.S.
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., April 27 at 5 p.m.) / - Dicker, S. (2003). “The modern Official-English movment” (From Languages in America: A pluralist view) (pp. 164-215)
- Hayakawa, S.I. (1985). “The case for Official English” (From Language loyalties: A source book on the Offical English controversy) (pp. 94-100)
- Palozzi, V. (2006). “Assessing voter attitude toward language policy issues in the U.S.” (From the journal Language Policy) (pp. 15-39). / Group A Commentaries
Day 12 / Thurs., May 1 / (Multilingual) education policy in the U.S.: The case of (dual) language immersion education / - Lesslow-Hurley, J. (1990). “Education in more than one language” AND “Dual language program models” AND “Legal foundations of dual language instruction” (From The foundations of dual language instruction) (pp. 8-13 & pp. 14-21 & pp. 109-123)
- Frengel, J. (2003). “Two-way immersion programs in the U.S.” (From The multilingual mind) (pp. 47-61)
- Hadi-Tabassum, S. (2006). “Introduction” (From Language, space & power: A critical look at bilingual education) (pp. 1-21)
- Torres-Guzman, M. (2007). “Dual language programs: Key features & results” (From Bilingual education: An introductory reader) (pp. 50-63) / Bibliography Due
Day 13 / Tues., May 6 / Lost in translation: Translation & personal collective identity
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., May 4 at 5 p.m.) / - Hoffman, E. (1990). Lost in translation: A life in a new language.
(This is a book! Please start reading it earlier in the quarter. Do not wait until the last minute to read it!) / Group B Commentaries
Day 14 / Thurs., May 8 / An overview of the global hegemony of English
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Tues., May 6 at 5 p.m.) / - Graddol, D. (1997). The future of English. (pp. 1-14 ONLY)
- Phillipson, R. (1992). “English, the dominant language” (From Linguistic imperialism) (pp. 17-37)
- Alatis, J. & Straehle, C. (1997). “The universe of English: Imperialism, Chauvinsim, & Paranoia” (From World Englishes 2000) (pp. 1-18)
- Tsuda, Y. (1997). Hegemony of English vs. ecology of language: Building equality in international communication” (From World Englishes 2000) (pp. 21-29)
- Pennycook, A. (2001). “English in the world/the world in English” (From Analysing English in a global context: A reader) (pp. 78-87). / Group A Commentaries
Day 15 / Tues., May 13 / Whose (global) English standard(s)?
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., May 11 at 5 p.m.) / - McArthur, T. (1999). “On the origin & nature of standard English” (From the journal World Englishes) (pp. 161-169)
- Milroy, J. (2001). “Language ideologies and the consequences of standardization” (From the Journal of Sociolinguistics) (pp. 530-553)
- Qiong, H. (2004). “Why China English should standalongside British, American, andthe other ‘world Englishes’ “ (From the journal English Today) (pp. 26-33)
- Davies, A. et al. (2003). “Whose norms? International proficiency tests in English” (From the journal World Englishes) (pp. 571-583)
- Smith, R. (2005). Global English: Gift or curse? The case against English as the world’s ‘lingua franca’ “ (From the journal English Today) (pp. 56-62) / Group B Commentaries
Day 16 / Thurs., May 15 / English language teaching: Spreading imperialism or universal good?
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Tues., May 13 at 5 p.m.) / - Pennycook, A. (2007). “ELT & colonialism” (From the International handbook of English language teaching) (pp. 13-23)
- Rajagopalan, K. (2004). “The concept of ‘World English’ andits implications for ELT” (From the ELT Journal) (pp. 111-117)
- McKay, S. (2003). “Teaching English as an international language: The Chilean context” (From the ELT Journal) (pp. 139-147)
- Matsuda, A. (2002). “International understanding through teaching World Englishes” (From the journal World Englishes) (pp. 436-440)
- Modiano, M. (2003). “Euro-English: A Swedish perspective” (From the journal English Today) (pp. 35-41) / Group A Commentaries
Day 17 / Tues., May 20 / Of mono- and multilingualism in a globalizing world: The tongue-tied American?
Discussion Leader =
(post questions, etc. by Sun., May 18 at 5 p.m.) / - Simon, P. (1980). Introduction & Ch. 1 toThe Tongue-tied American(pp. 1-19)
- Varro, G. & Boyd, S. (1998). “Introduction to (American ex-pats in Europe): Probing the background)” (From a special issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language) (pp. 1-30)
- Boyd, S. (1998). “North Americans in the nordic region: Elite bilinguals” (From a special issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language) (pp. 31-49).
- Trimnell, E. (2003). Chapter 1 from Why you need a foreign language and how to learn one. (pp. 9-14)
- Trimnell, E. (2003). Chapter 2 from Why you need a foreign language and how to learn one. (pp. 15-22) / Group B Commentaries
Day 18 / Thurs., May 22 / Software & electronic user interfaces: Programming the future of linguistic (lack of) diversity? / - Kenniston, K. (2001). Language, power, and Software. (From Culture, technology, communication: Towards an intercultural global village) (pp. 283-306)
- Eisenlohr, P. (2004). “Language revitalization & new technologies: Cultures of electronic mediation
and the refiguring of communities” (From the journal Annual Review of Anthropology) (pp. 31-38)
- Koutsogiannis, D. & Mitsikopoulou, B. (2007). “Greeklish and Greekness: Trends and discourses of ‘glocalness’ “(From The multilingual Internet: Language, culture & communication online) (pp. 142-159)
- Constable, P. & Simons, G. (2000). “Language identification and IT: Addressing problems of linguistic diversity on a global scale” (From SIL Electronic Working Papers, 2000-01) (pp. 1-22)
- Boecker, M. et al. (2006). “Increasing Text-Entry usabilityin mobile devices for
languages used in Europe” (From the journal Interactions) (pp. 30-35)
Day 19 / Tues., May 27 / Language & the Internet: The future face of linguistic (lack of) diversity in the information age / - Danet, B. & Herring, S. (2007). “Welcome to the multilingual Internet” (From The multilingual Internet: Language, culture & communication online) (pp. 3-29)
- Pallilo, J. (2007). “How much multilingualsm? Language diversity on the Internet” (From The multilingual Internet: Language, culture & communication online) (pp. 408-427)
- Wahrschauer, M. (2007). “Language choice online: Globalization & identity in Egypt” (From The multilingual Internet: Language, culture & communication online) (pp. 303-316)
- Flammia, M. & Saunders, C. (2007). “Language as power on the Internet” (From Wiley InterScience Journals) (pp. 1899-1903) / Language Journal Due
Day 20 / Thurs., May 29 / Individual Presentations / Individual Presentations
Day 21 / Tues., June 3 / Individual Presentations / Individual Presentations / Final Draft of Seminar Paper Due
demont-heinrich – MCOM 4912 – Spring 2008