Doctor of Clinical Practice Programme
Research Proposal Guidance (summative assessment 1)
This research proposal constitutes assignment 1 for the Designing and Implementing Research unit. It is not possible to give precise guidance on the target size/ word count since proposals are likely to vary considerably in the amount of material to be presented. However the proposal should be no more than 3,500 words (+/- 10%), excluding references and appendices.
The grade awarded for the research proposal will be pass or fail.
A pass grade will be awarded for project proposals that are sound in design and meet the criteria stated on the assessment form. However, gaining a pass for this assignment should not necessarily be seen as an end point, which prevents further refinement of the research plans in discussion with your supervisors.
A 'fail' grade will be awarded when not all criteria have been met and/or there are major issues, which have not been addressed adequately.
Guidance on proposal preparation and structure
1.Using an existing template
With guidance from your supervisor you are encouraged to use a research proposal template from a recognised funding body such as the Department of Health, Research Councils etc to structure your research proposal. Reference must be made to the source of the template.
Please note - Templates for submissions to Ethical Committees are not acceptable.
- Alternatively you may choose to use the headings on the following page.
Doctor of Clinical Practice Programme
Research Proposal Template
Suggested headings for use if a template from a recognised funding body has not been selected
- Short title of project
Full title of project:
- Aims and objectives of project
- Scientific background - including a selection of relevant literature
- Brief outline of project - study design
- Operational definitions, if appropriate
- Methodology
- Methodological approach and justification
- Sampling strategy
- Method of selecting sample
-including sample size (and statistical power if appropriate)
-recruitment, inclusion and exclusion criteria
-gaining consent
-maintaining confidentiality and anonymity
- Data collection
-Pilot study or exploratory work
-Main study
- Ethical issues - what particular ethical problems or considerations do you consider to be important or difficult with the proposed study?
- Equipment
- Data analysis
- Time line
- Expected contribution of research to practice, and dissemination strategies
- References
- Appendices
-copies of previously Validated instruments to be used (if appropriate)
-other material as appropriate
Research proposal assessment guidance
Name of student:
PART A: Please indicate by ticking the appropriate box, how well the proposal meets the criteria specified. In order to pass the criteria must be fully met.
Criteria fully met / Criteria not metTitle
1 / The title is an accurate reflection of the study / The title does not accurately reflect the study
Operational Definitions
2 / Operational Definitions given if appropriate / Operational Definitions not given as appropriate or absent
3 / Shows that the enquiry has a clear focus on practice / The enquiry fails to focus on practice
4 / Puts the need for exploration of the issue(s) into context /
The need for the study not put into context
Background (supporting literature)5 / Presents an appropriate selection of relevant literature and justifies the need for study / Background literature isnarrow and/or shallow, too broad, irrelevant, the need for the study is unclear
6 / Critically evaluates the scope and significance of the literature / Uncritical approach
7 / Develops a coherent argument by integration of sources / Fragmented, unstructured presentation
8 / Clearly states research questions/aims/hypotheses / Research questions/aims/hypotheses unclear
9 / Describes precisely and in detail the methodology to be followed including its rigour and appropriateness / Methodology not described clearly or critically
10 / Provides a clear plan for appropriate data collection, presents specimens of tools to be used / Plan for data collection unclear, tools not appropriate to the task, all specimens of tools not presented
11 / Appropriate approaches for analysis are identified / Analysis inappropriate, sketchy or unfocused
Ethical Considerations
12 / Demonstrates appreciation of the effects of the study on the sample population, the researcher and the environment / Effects of intervention or enquiry not fully considered
13 / Presents details of the consent process and procedure for data handling / Lack of clarity regarding consent and data handling procedures
Structure and Presentation
14 / Content demonstrates a connection between each of the key elements of the proposal / Content is muddled and haphazard
15 / References are full and accurate / Sources are unacknowledged or incorrectly given
16 / Style is scholarly / Style does not demonstrate appropriate level of scholarship
Signed (Supervisor 1):Date: ______
Supervisor's Name (print):
Signed (Supervisor 2):Date: ______
Supervisor's Name (print):
Agreed Decision: PASS / FAIL
Doctor of Clinical Practice
Assessment of Research Proposals
Student Name:
Feedback to Student:
Signed (Supervisor 1):Date:______
Supervisor's Name (print):
Signed (Supervisor 2):Date:
Supervisor's Name (print):