25th Purley (St. Mark’s) Scout TroopJanuary 2018 Newsletter
Thank You A big thank you to those families who gave the Leader Team cards and presents this Christmas. As volunteer leaders, we greatly appreciate being thanked and thoroughly enjoyed your gifts.
Bring a friend to Scouts in January! –2 places available NOWfrom the age of 10+
If your child has a friend who would love to join the Troop, please invite them along to a free taster evening. All I need is an e mail by the Tuesday evening beforehand, confirming their name, dob, any medical conditions / allergies / special help / support needed and a contact number for Mum / Dad.
Wednesday 17th January – Jumble Sale Leaflets – please adopt a road
Please show your support by taking home a roadfor delivery door to door. Thank you.
Church Parade dates this term - Sunday 28th January and Mother’s Day 11th March
We look forward to receiving your full support at both. Meet at 9.00am in full smart uniform.
Waitrose Coulsdon - Community Matters - Green Tokens - Vote for us!
We are one of the 3 charities chosen for January and every penny raised will be used to support Kandersteg 2018 so please, please, please, visit Waitrose Coulsdon as many times as you can in January and put the green tokens in our box! AND SPREAD THE WORD FOR US! THANK YOU!
Children's Society Christingle Candle Tubes
If you have not yet returned your candle tube and wish to support this Charity, it is not too late! Candle tubes and donations for the Children's Society are most welcome at Scouts throughout January.
Christmas Good Turn - The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders
We would like to raise enough money - £1700, to sponsor Daisy for one year. St. Mark's raised £210 from their Christmas Services and this will be added to the donations we received at our Beaver, Cub and Scout Christmas parties. If you did not give a donation at the parties and would like to do so, Daisy's fundraising bucket will be at all our Section meetings during January.
Winter Camp 2018, Friday 16thFebruary – Sunday 18thFebruary
Winter Camp detailswill go on our web site “Key Forms / Docs” shortly. We expect a high demand for places so hurry otherwise you WILL miss out. A reminderthat as providers require full payment based on numbers several weeks in advance, please note that once booked, ALLour camp, activity and event fees are non refundableshould someone withdraw unless they find a replacement themselves.
Jumble Sale, Saturday 3rdFebruary 2018at 1pm
Please make a note in your diary now to lend a handon the evening of Friday 2ndfrom 6pm to 9pm and on Saturday 3rdfrom 9am to 12noon for final preparations; 1pm to 3pm selling and from 3pm clearing up. The more help we receive, the more money we make – it’s as simple as that!
If your employer offers matched giving where they match the amount you help to fundraise upto a certain figure then we need you on the team - examples include Vodaphone, Axa, L. & G., Barclays, Lloyds T.S.B., H.S.B.C., Centrica & B.T. & many others. Please let us know if you can help.
The Purley Swimathon, Saturday 24th February at Purley Pool at 7pm Keep the date free! We will be giving out information about the SWIMATHONlater on this month.
Wanted! Donations of Uniform for our second hand uniform shop!
Donations can be brought along to any of our Section meetings and are warmly welcomed.
Best regards, Kerr and the Team.
Check out our web site each week before Scouts at
for “Latest News”, “Events Calendar” and “Current Scout and Group Newsletter”.