Frau Rockefeller’s German classes
Class expectations / procedures and contact information
Please read and complete, and then have your child return the contact information
(This form is on my website for future reference)
Class Requirements:
Students will come to class prepared and on time with completed assignments and all other necessary materials. Students will be required to speak German, to the best of their abilities, daily. There will be projects and oral presentations in German corresponding with the theme for each unit. Participation in class includes being prepared, paying attention, cooperating, volunteering frequently, group work activities; and speaking German daily. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will be handled according to school policy. Parents / Guardians will be contacted by the end of the school day if problems occur.
- Pencils or pens to take notes and complete activities in class
- Dry erase marker(s) (low-odor) to use with the class set of mini white boards
- 3 Ring Binder Notebook to be kept in classroom
- Chromebook and ear buds/head phones
Grades: Students will be assessed in the following categories.
Grammar (G)
- Assignments are graded as listed above
- Grades are entered approximately 1 week after the due date
- Please be aware that written and oral assessments take longer to grade. I read and listen to each product carefully in order to give a fair grade.
- Late work will only be accepted in the case of excused absences according to the school policy. Please reference the online Student Handbook.
Cell Phones:
- Cell Phones (off and stored under or away from student desk or on teacher desk) – If cell phone is confiscated the …
- 1st time – Returned at end of day by teacher to student with a phone call to parent/guardian
- 2nd time – Returned to parent/guardian by front office after phone call to parent/guardian
Teacher contactSchool phone:
•Odd days at Matoaca High School (804) 590-3108
•Even days at Bird High School (804) 768-6110
------Please continue reading the back and then sign at the bottom – detach and return bottom------
Google Form version
Preferred method of contact (since I travel between schools) is via email: . Please contact me with questions, concerns, or suggestions.
My personal website: I make regular updates for parents and guardians in Google Classroom or Synergy but there are many resources located on my personal website for students and parents/guardians.
Class Activities and Topics for different levels:
Level 1
•1st Semester
•Unit 1(Greetings, Basics, Classroom, School)
•Unit 2 (Family, Birthdays, Hobbies, School)
Project “Wikispace”:
- Students will create an online Level 1 Study Guide to be shared with other German classes in the Chesterfield County Public School System. - or - A combined cooking class with a Culinary Arts Instructor/Class in CCPS.
Level 2
•1st Semester Units 1-2(Holidays, Homelife)
Project “Pen Pals”:
- Students will communicate in German in an appropriate manner with a partner school in a German speaking country.
Level 3
•1st Semester Units 1 - 2
Health, Illness, Sickness, Fitness
City/Town life (errands and fun)
Levels 4/ 5/AP
Textbook: Denk Mall! Deutsch ohne Grenzen, Vista Higher Learning,2012
Textbook: Kaleidoskop, Houghton Mifflin Co 6th Edition, 2002
Short Novel: Emil und die Detektive; Eric Kästner, Klett, 2006
Film: Emil und die Detektive; Vogel, Schrader, Weisonger, 2001
1st Semester Units 1-3
•Unit 1 Family and Community,
•Unit 2 Self Identity
•Unit 3 Literature, Music and Art
Levels 3-5/AP
Project “Stammtisch Freitag”:
- These are Fridays during which the class will participate in a typical afternoon German Kaffeeklatsch (will have hot chocolate and no coffee)while students present a current event topic of their choice to the class. This is a graded activity and all levels will present in German to the best of their ability.Donations for this activity will be needed at that time.More detailed information will be given once this activity starts.
Thank you for taking the time to read our class expectations and procedures. Please complete and detach the following and return the next meeting day.
------Detach and return bottom------
We(student and parent/guardian) have read and discussed these requirements, and we agree to abide by them.
Student name (printed): ______
Student signature: ______
Parent/Guardian name(s) (PRINTED) ______
Parent/Guardian signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Email(s) / Phone #:______