Soc 213 (003) Social Deviance Bogart Test04b 05/09/02
Part 01: Text (Thio) Items: New
Ch. 12: Drinking and Alcoholism
01b. Which of the following statements is NOT true of drinking and alcoholism in the US? A. it is one of our biggest health problems, surpassed by only heart disease and cancer B. drunk driving is the leading cause of death among young people 16-24 C. globally, Americans tend to be moderate drinkers (2 drinks per day for men, 1 for women on average) D. one-third of the adult population don’t drink D. most alcoholics end up homeless E. since the 1980s, moderate drinking and abstinence in the US have become more popular and heavy drinking has declined (p. 299-300)
02b. Thio quotes Macbeth in regard to drinking “provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.” What was Thio referring to ?: A. difficulty with stage performance problems among Shakespearian actors B. concentration problems with final exams C. diminishing of success in attempted homicides D. heavy drinking for men makes it difficult to perform sexually, commonly resulting in loss of erections E. studies actually proved that heavy drinking of beer decreased sexual function but consumption of liquor increased sexual function (p. 300-301)
03b. Which of the following are related to heavy use of alcohol? A. alcoholic myopathy B. impaired memory C. premature aging C. impaired ability to learn D. all (A,B & C) E. none (p. 303)
04b. Which of the following groups is more likely to end up as alcoholics? A. lower-status persons B. Hispanics C. Irish Americans D. Native Americans E. all of the answers are correct (p. 306-309)
05b. All BUT which of the following problems indicate alcoholism? A. social drinking with a group of friends B. excessive drinking over an extended period C. an irresistible craving for alcohol C. experiencing physical discomfort when drinking stops D. divorce, car accident or inability to work because of uncontrolled drinking (p. 311)
06b. According to one classic sociological theory, _____ cause(s) alcoholism by not providing approved alternatives to resolve stress, such as eating or hashish. A. peer group influence B. unresolved early childhood trauma C. culture D. being anti-social D. having vulnerable personality traits (p. 319).
07b._____’s success is due in great measure to the group support provided to alcoholics by people who have deep, personal understanding of drinking problems, especially for “escape drinkers.” A. AA B. SADD C. MADD D. UNM E. NAACP (p. 322)
Ch. 13: White Collar and Governmental Deviance
08b. As opposed to the blue-collar or street criminal, which of the following are characteristic of the white-collar criminal? A. has resources of power B. uses position to avoid detection, prosecution or conviction C. appears respectable D. is more skilled E. all of the answers are correct (p. 327-328)
09b. In 1993 nearly 400 people were stricken with E. coli, and 4 children died, after eating hamburgers at Jack in the Box restaurants. This is an example of _____ . A. corporate deviance against employees B. corporate deviance against customers C. occupational deviance against customers D. occupational deviance against employees E. corporate deviance against the government (p. 329-330)
10b. Researchers at Cornell medical school found that 50% of pace-maker implant surgeries and 36% of eye surgeries were unnecessary. This is called: A. medical misconduct B. professional deviance C. fee splitting D. A, B & C are correct E. just A & B are correct (p. 338)
11b. All BUT which of the following are characteristic of employee thieves according to the study by Altheide et al. in your text? A. middle class B. solid, respectable citizens C. do not pay taxes D. quickly angered by the thought of welfare chiselers E. believe in the virtues of hard work and honesty (p. 335)
12b. An example of _____ is that the penalty for bank fraud committed by a bank’s executive or owner averages only 2.4 years in prison, compared with 7.8 years for bank robbery perpetrated by a lower-income person. A. lax law enforcement B. deviant opportunity C. political corruption D. abusing the frank (p. 344)
13b. According to your text, _____ in this country usually includes _____, management of public funds for personal gain, and the illegal use of mail privileges. A. official violence, kickbacks B. political corruption, kickbacks C. political corruption, price-fixing D. election improprieties, official violence E. political corruption, embezzlement (p. 345)
14b. According to your text, causes of governmental deviance include all BUT which of the following? A. superabundance of ambiguous laws B. governmental complexity C. fear of loss D. abuse of power (p. 350-351)
Ch. 14: Disreputable Economic Deviance
15b All BUT which of the following are patterns of robbery? A. most occur in large cities B. most occur during the warm summer months C. most occur outdoors D. most robberies are armed E. bank robbery is relatively rare (p. 357-358)
16b. One factor in the increase in car jacking is: A. the increased sophistication of car security devices B. increase in joyriding C. the absence of capable guardians D. the increase in the numbers of “boosters” and “snitches” E. increased pressures by the Mafia on car thieves (p. 363)
17b. The most popular times for burglars to commit their crimes are: A. between 12 midnight and 3am B. 12-2am and 4-6am C. 1-3am and 9-11am D. 9-11am and 1-3pm E. 1-3pm and 12-3am (p. 363)
18b. Most shoplifters are ____, predominantly _____. A. snitches, juvenile B. snitches, homeless C. boosters, juvenile, D. boosters, older people living in poverty E. snitches, older people living in poverty (p. 365)
19b. Which of the following are reasons the Mafia infiltrates legitimate businesses? A. as a front for carrying out illegitimate schemes B. to invest “bad” money from illegal activities for legitimate profits C. to establish a legitimate source of income for paying taxes D. A, B & C are correct E. neither A nor B nor C is correct (p. 369)
20b. What is the basic social cause of organized crime? A. strong demand for illicit drugs and other vices B. great opportunity for illicit gain in the business world C. large numbers of ambitious poor or immigrants who cannot achieve the American Dream the conventional way D. A, B & C are correct E. neither A nor B nor C is correct (p. 377)
Part 2: Video and Lecture Items (Newly Constructed)
V13A: How to Lose $500 Million
21b. According to this video, Phar-mor was a competitor feared by A. Sears, B. Wallmart, C. K-Mart, D. Costco, E. Savon.
22b. Phar-mor kept track of its real losses in a(n) _____ not seen by CEO David Shapira. A. special computer file, B. the accounts of the World Basketball league, C. brokerage account belonging to Pat Finn, D. IRA for the top managers, E. “sub-ledger”.
23b. When Mickey Monus said Phar-mor could maintain its coverup by whiting out payees on the check registers, _____ was the first to refuse. A. Pat Finn, B. Stan Cherylstein, C. John Anderson, D. Charity Imery, E. David Shapira.
24b. As the coverup was coming apart, Pat Finn taped a conversation in which he asked Mickey Monus A. “if you are going to protect me and the guys?”, B. “if I take the rap will you pay my legal fees?”, C. “have you worked out a plea with Shapira?”, D. “do you have enough in reserves to make this good?”, E. “are you still in charge?.”
25b. When Cherlystein and Finn went to Gerry Gold for legal advice, Gold said A. “Blame the auditors.” B. “I can only represent one of you.” C. “Tell the SEC everything but only on condition of immunity.” D. “When somebody loses $100 million, you can’t walk away.”
V13C: High Crimes and Misdemeanors
26b. The Regan/Bush administration secretly cooperated with _____ in supplying the Ayatollah of Iran with weapons despite American law declaring Iran “a terrorist nation” and imposing an arms embargo. A. the Soviet Union, B. Iraq, C. Israel, D. Egypt, E. Afghanistan. (p. 3)
27b. Contrary to Congressional legislation, the Regan/Bush administration secretly provided arms to overthrow _____ in _____. A. the Ayatollah, Iran; B. the Sandanistas, Nicaragua; C. the Contras, Nicaragua; D. Saddam Hussein, Iraq; E. Suazo, Honduras. (pp. 3-4)
28b. According to this video, in its covert dealings with Nicaragua, the Regan/Bush administration had an obligation to, but failed to, A. make a formal presidential finding for covert action, B. notify Congress, C. tell the truth to the House Intelligence Committee, D. maintain official records, E. all of the above. (p. 8)
29b. _____ wrote a memo urging Secretary of State Schultz to save the President from those lying to him and to get him to disown the cover-up. A. Robert McFarlane, B. John Poindexter, C. V.P. Bush, D. Judge Sofaer, E. Lt. Col. Oliver North. (p. 17)
30b. In his summary statement, Moyers calls the Iran-Contra affair, a(n) A. coup, B. success for the American Constitution, C. a gentlemen’s agreement to disagree, D. example of media as medium, E. sign that the Viet Nam War remains unresolved.
V13D: Waco: The Inside Story
31b. The Davidian disaster began as a firefight between the Davidians and ____, the longest shootout in American law enforcement history. A. the Waco Sheriff Posse; B. the Texas Rangers; C. a Texas militia, D. agents of the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; E. a militia group out of Fort Worth.
32b. According to the video, David Koresh breaks his promise (“word”) that everyone would come out of the compound if A. Koresh was granted immunity from prosecution, B. Janet Reno apologized for the initial assault on the compound, C. President Clinton would personally guarantee that no one would be killed, D. Koresh could have national radio time to express his message, E. the FBI would be withdrawn from the scene.
33b. The video draws a clear contrast between differing approaches to handling the Davidian standoff, that between A. two FBI teams, B. the FBI and the ATF, C. the FBI and the local Sheriff posse, D. the FBI and local editorials, E. the ATF and its official guidelines.
34b. The highest authority for approving the use of tear gas was given by A. President Clinton, B. Attorney General Reno, C. FBI Director William Sessions, D. HRT leader Jeff Jamar, E. Texas Governor George Bush.
35b. As to whether Waco was a mass suicide, Frontline says the medical answers are “mixed.” According to the CountyMedical Examiner, Dr. Nizam Peerwani, there were _____ people who died of gunshot wounds. A. no, B. 5, C. 20, D. 60, E. 100.
Lviii: New Crim Theory: Spitzer
36a. Spitzer is most clearly and explicitly identified as a(n) _____ theorist. A. conflict, B. New Criminology, C. Marxist, D. critical, E. all of the above.
37a. Spitzer complained that traditional theories of deviance suffer from all of the following limitations EXCEPT A. focus on powerless, B. non-structural analysis, C. ahistorical analysis, D. preoccupation with social control, E. inattention to the political economy as a whole.
38a. Spitzer used the historical examples of mental retardation, drug criminalization, and mental illness as illustrations of _____ in the emergence of American capitalism. A. deviance production, B. cultural lag, C. class alienation, D. religious extremism, E. the declining emphasis on profits.
39a. In Spitzer’s (and Marx’s) perspective, the emergence of a “relative surplus-population” is most clearly illustrative of A. a class for itself, B. a key contradiction in capitalism, C. the insensitivity of the ruling class, D. the transition from capitalism to socialism, E. the law of declining rate of return.
40a. In Spitzer’s perspective, student radicals in American higher education illustrate _____ in the capitalist order. A. unwitting cooptation, B. disguised fetishism of knowledge, C. an unintended contradiction in class rule, D. the licensing of the intelligentsia, E. value of utopian socialism.