Dear Friends!

An International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science(IADCES), incollaborationwiththeUniversity of Chicago (USA)invites you to publish in the scientific periodical journal

The Quarterly Review of Biology

ISSN 0033-5770

The premier review journal in biology, The Quarterly Review of Biology has presented insightful historical, philosophical, and technical treatments of important biological topics since 1926. The QRB publishes outstanding review articles of generous length that are guided by an expansive, inclusive, and often humanistic understanding of biology. Beyond the core biological sciences, the QRB is also an important review journal for scholars in related areas, which include policy studies and the history and philosophy of science. A comprehensive section of reviews on new biological books provides educators and researchers alike with information on the latest publications in the life sciences. TheJournalincludesmajorarticlesandreviewarticles, andan unusually extensive range of reviews of books published throughout the world in English and other languages. ArticlesareacceptedinEnglish, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Bulgarian, Russian and the Ukrainian languages.

Publishingperiodicity – 4issuesannually.

Articlesforissue No. 2(Vol.92)/ 2017 are accepted up to 25 February 2017.

Partofthe print run is dispatched to the libraries of major universities worldwide.

TheJournalisintendedforstudents, Master’sDegreestudents, post-graduate students, Ph.D. students, post-graduate degree seekers, recent graduates, instructors, and research workers in different countries.

The edition materials are posted in ScopusandWebofScience.

Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.441
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 3.556

InCites-JCR ranking:#8 out of 86 in Biology

Impact factor: 5.000

*2015JournalCitationReports®, ThomsonReuters

Issuedispatchdate – within 180 workdays following the Articles submission deadline.

Main subjects areas of the Journal:

  • AgriculturalandBiologicalSciences
  • LifeSciences
  • Philosophy and History of Science


Daniel E. Dykhuizen, Stony Brook University

James D. Thomson, University of Toronto
John J. Wiens, University of Arizona
Gregory A. Wray, Duke University
Associate Editors
AnuragAgrawal, Cornell University
Daniel T. Blumstein, University of California, Los Angeles
Liliana M. Dávalos, Stony Brook University
Paul W. Ewald, University of Louisville
Benjamin Gilbert, University of Toronto
Kent E. Holsinger, University of Connecticut
Duncan J. Irschick, University of Massachusetts
Karl J. Niklas, Cornell University
Rafael Lucas Rodríguez, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Lorna Role, Stony Brook University
Kaustuv Roy, University of California, San Diego
Michael Ruse, Florida State University
Andrew Sih, University of California, Davis
Michael J. Wade, Indiana University

Book Review Consultants
H. ReşitAkçakaya, Stony Brook University
Sandra L. Baldauf, Uppsala University
Michael A. Bell, Stony Brook University
Barry W. Brook, University of Tasmania
Elof A. Carlson, Stony Brook University
John G. Fleagle, Stony Brook University
Jarrod B. French, Stony Brook University
Apostolos P. Georgopoulos, University of Minnesota
Lev R. Ginzburg, Stony Brook University
Jeremy Kerr, University of Ottawa
Jeffrey S. Levinton, Stony Brook University
Christopher R. Noto, University of Wisconsin, Parkside
Ingrid M. Parker, University of California, Santa Cruz
A. Townsend Peterson, University of Kansas
Joshua S. Rest, Stony Brook University
Chelsea D. Specht, University of California, Berkeley
John R. True, Stony Brook University
Fernando E. Vega, United States Department of Agriculture
Mary Jane West-Eberhard, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Emeritus Editors
Albert D. Carlson, Stony Brook University
Frank C. Erk, Stony Brook University

How to publish an Article

  1. Send the Article and information about the author to the Editorial Board address:.
  2. Articles are accepted only via email.
  3. Afterthereview, youwillreceive a mail message in 20 days with a full cost estimate and all payment options.
  4. PayforArticleprocessing and publishing servicesto the payment details received.
  5. After the Journal has been published, we will send it to you at once by postal delivery.

Prices for Services

Service / Price
Publication of 1 (one) article up to 8 pages of the text in the journal / 60 euros
Figures (photos, diagrams), formulas or tables included in the text of the article / + 20% to the total cost of the publication of the article
Publication of 1 (one) page of the text running over the included article length / 6euros

Methods of payment:

  • Money transfer to a bank account in Euro to Australia or the USA (Note!Whenusingthispaymentmethod, the bank commission is up to 20 Euro).
  • InternationalSkrill payment system – paying from an organisation’s business account via Skrill.
  • International WebMoney payment system – paying from an organisation’s individual account via WebMoney.
  • Payment is in Euro.

TheArticletextshallbesent together with information about the authoraccording to the following form:

Kind of edition / The Quarterly Review of Biology,June 2017,
Vol. 92, Num. 2
English language
Author’s full name
Article title
Article subject area
Place of employment or study, position
Academic degree and title
Contact telephoneandemail address
Number of Journal copies
Homemailing addresswith the postal index for sending the edition.
After the address – Surname and name of package recipient

Generalrequirementsforpreparing Articles and information about the author

Name of filewith information about the author (application for publication) / Separate file with name“Application – Author’s surname”
(e.g., Application –Ross)
NameoffilewithArticle / Separatefilewithname “Article subject name – Author’s surname”
(e.g., Philosophy of Science–Ross)
Types of files / MicrosoftWord 97-2013 (doc, rtf)
Page size / А4
Margins / Upperand bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right– 1.5 cm
Font / Arial, size 14, interval 1.5
Text justification / Width
Paragraph (indent) / 1.25 cm
Pagenumbering / None
Article abstract / TheArticleabstract, 5-7 sentences long, is placed before the text body. TheabstracttranslatedintoEnglishshall also be sent.
Keywords / Articlekeywords, uptoeight, areplaced after the abstract. KeywordstranslatedintoEnglishshall also be sent.
References / Referencesarelistedintheorder of their citing in the text pages and are placed enumerated in the end of the Article. An example of preparing references is given inAnnex 1.
Figures/Diagrams / Black and white, inserted in the text
Formulas / Created using the Word Equation Editor
Article length / From 8 pages and more

Typical preparation of the Article title page

IftheArticleisinRussian oranotherlanguage (exceptEnglish), the first text blocks are as follows:“Title – Information about the author - Abstract–Keywords”translated into English.

IftheArticleisinEnglish,thereisnoneedtotranslatethe blocks “Title – Information about the author - Abstract–Keywords” into Russian or another language and place them in the text.

Annex 1

Example of preparing the Article in English


Amanda Ross,University of Oxford

Abstract: Text. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text. Text
Keywords: Text. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text. Text

Text.Text.Text[1]. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text[2]. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.


  1. Aretha F. Ball, To Know Is Not Enough: Knowledge, Power, and the Zone of Research, Education and Research, October 2014, 41: P.283
  2. Алексеев М.И. Образование и наука. Москва, 2015. - С.111

An example of preparing the Article in Russian or another language (except English)


Amanda Ross,University of Oxford

Abstract: Text. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text. Text
Keywords: Text. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text. Text



Аннотация: Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст.

Ключевые слова: Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст.

Текст. Текст. Текст[1]. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст [2]. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст.

Список литературы:

  1. Aretha F. Ball, To Know Is Not Enough: Knowledge, Power, and the Zone of Research, Education and Research, October 2014, 41: P.283
  2. Алексеев М.И. Образование и наука. Москва, 2015. - С.111