CIOFF® List 2010



CouncilExecutive Committee2

Chairmen of the Commissions3

Representatives of the Sectors 4

Youth Representative4

Appointed OfficersPermanent Representative at UNESCO5

Recording Secretary5

Coordinator for the Festivals Calendar5

Legal Adviser5


MembersHonorary Members6

National Sections7

Associate and Corresponding Members16


Election Committee19


Festivals Commission21

Finance Commission22

Legal Commission23

CIOFF YouthYouth Coordinating Committee24

Working GroupsOn Folkloriada25

For Children26

On Public Relations27

On Training and Education28

The attached CIOFF® List 2010 has been prepared by Philippe BEAUSSANT, Secretary General of CIOFF®
and Norbert Mueller, Chairman CIOFF® Festivals Commission

Changes (address, phone) or new connections (fax, e-mail) have to be announced to the Secretary General () and to Norbert Mueller (Germany)

February09, 2010


Executive Commitee

President / Dr. Udomsak Sakmunwong
19/112 Soiruenrudee
Sukumvit Road
Khetwatana, Bangkok 10110
Thailand / Tel. Private 66 87 090 2123
Tel. Office 66 865554566
Fax office 66 54 228 762
Vice President / Mr. Jerzy Chmiel
Ul. ZWM 15 m 65
02786 Warszawa
Poland / Tel. private 48 22 6419 325
Fax private 48 22 6419 325

Vice President / Mr. Alcides Hugo Ifrán
Av. Facundo Zuviria 4833
3000 Santa Fe
Argentina / Tel./ Fax office 54 342 455 4035
Tel. private 54 342 497 0490
Secretary General / Mr. Philippe Beaussant
Festival de Confolens
3 Place Emile Roux
16500 Confolens
France / Tel. office 33 5 4529 0707
Fax office 33 5 4585 3717

Treasurer / Folklore Suomi Finland
Mr. Esa Vilhonen
Tuomaankuja 5C
FI – 00730 Helsinki
Finland / Tel. mobile 358 500 828908
Fax office 358 10 252 2372


Chairmen of Commissions

Cultural Commission / Mr. Renaud Albasini
Rue du Télé
1908 Riddes
Switzerland / Tel. office 41 27 327 3030
Tel. private 41 27 306 3874
Fax office 41 27 327-3031
Fax private 41 27 306 67 85
Festivals Commission / Mr. Norbert Mueller
Ortsstraße 19
64646 Heppenheim
Germany / Tel. private 49 6252 692 04
Fax private 49 6252 692 06
Finance Commission / Mr. Dan Ronen
Davison 6 St.
Jerusalem 93706
Israel / Tel /Fax : 972077 2090827
Tel private : 972 2 6790827
Legal Commission / Dr. Cyrill Renz
Centre CIOFF Suisse
Route de Pensier 18
1782 Cormagens – Switzerland / Tel. private +41 26 466 1892
Fax private +4126 466 1892


Representatives of Sectors

Asian and Oceanian Sector / Mr. Muammer Arslan
Halkali Soyak OlympiaKent
D 5 Blok Daire 40
34303 Kucukcekmece – Istanbul
Turkey / Tel. office 90 212 4950422
Tel. private 90532351 3969
Fax office 90 212 4951965
Central European Sector / Mrs. Susanne Kramer
10 A route d’Arlon
L- 7415 Brouch – Luxembourg / Tel.Fax private 352 23 639 551
Tel/Fax office 352 3203 28

Latin American and CaribbeanSector / Mrs. Socorro Maciel
Rua Rodrigues de Abreu 203
Bairro Maurício de Nassau
CEP 55.012-700 Caruaru-(Pernambuco)
Brasil / Tel. office 55 81 3723 8823
Fax office 55 81 3723 8823
North American Sector / Ms. Barbara Campbell
4 Crescent Ave
Halifax, NS - B3N IT3 – Canada / Tel. private 902 477 6772
Northern European Sector / Mrs. Olga Maloney
Stockton Business Centre
70 Brunswick Street
TS18 1DW Stockton on Tees
United Kingdom / Tel. office 44 164 265 1060
Fax office 44 164 260 2839

South European and African Sector / Mr Rafaël Maldonado
Afligidos 4 – 2
06080 Badajoz – Spain / Tel office 34924243746
Fax office 34924245434

Youth Coordinating Committee

President / Ramiro Mansutti
Güemes 5317
3000 Santa Fe
Argentina / Tel 54 342 400 1693


Appointed officers

Permanent Representative to UNESCO / vacant / Email
Recording Secretary / Miss An Van Achter
Herenstraat 8
9170 St. Gillis Waas
Belgium / Tel. private 32 495 251 012
Coordinator for the Festivals Calendar / Mr. Wolfgang Denke-Otterbein
An den Feldwiesen 7
36110 Schlitz
Germany / Tel. private 49 6642 911 0500
Tel. mobile 49 1752 796 310
Fax private 49 6642 405 777
Legal Adviser / Vacant
Webmaster / Mr. Norbert Mueller
Ortsstraße 19
64646 Heppenheim
Germany / Tel. private 49 6252 692 04
Fax private 49 6252 692 06


Honorary Members

Honorary President / Mr. Henri Coursaget
Le Champ du Monde
16500 Confolens – France / Tel. private 33 5 45 840 876

Honorary Members / Mr. Kari Bergholm
Runeberginkatu 39 A37
00100 Helsinki - Finland / Tel. private 358 9 496 485
Fax private 358 9 496 205
Mr. Guy Landry
Folklore Canada International
C.P.9, Station Delorimier
H2H 2N6 Montréal – Québec - Canada / Tel. office 1 514 524 8552
Fax office 1 514 524 0269

Mrs. Rosemarie Engel
Mollstrasse 26
10249 Berlin – Germany / Tel. private 4930 241 550 5
Fax private 4930 241 550 5
Mr. François Gouaud
41 Avenue Carnot
16150 Chabanais – France / Tel. private 33 5 4589 0444
Mr. Rolf Leander
Västra Tullgatan, 1 A, plane 5
82430 Hudiksvall – Sweden / Tel. private 46 650 93 227
Mr. João Moreira
Posto de Turismo de Santarém
Rua Capelo Ivens, n.º 63
2000-039 Santarém – Portugal / Tel. 351 96 806 79 52
Mr. Bruno Ravnikar
Ane Ziherlove 4
1000 Ljubljana – Slovenia / Tel. private 386 1 510 8402

Mr. Siegfried Verbeelen
Sparrenlaan 9
2900 Schoten – Belgium / Tel. private 32 3 658 5766
Fax private 32 3 685 1956

Mrs. Sirkka Viitanen
Mikael Lybeckinkatu 12 B 6
00250 Helsinki – Finland / Tel. private 358 9 446 724
Mr. Jean Roche
Association Nationale des Cultures
et Traditions
BP 58
03800 Gannat - France / Tel. office 334 7090 1267
Tel. private 336 1524 2773
Fax office 334 7090 6636

National Sections

Albania / CIOFF Albania
Mr Niko Mihali
Shoqeria Kulturore «Elena GJIKA»
Lagja Partizani Pall 127/9
Permet - Albania / Tel. + Fax +355422 55759
Youth Member / CIOFF Argentina
Mr. Abel Cerrutti
Int. Da Silva 645
2550 Bell Ville
Cordoba - Argentina
Daiana Jacquier / Tel. +54 3534 418 167
Armenia / CIOFF Armenia
Mr Tigran Hakobyan
Arshakunyats Str. 28/7
Yerevan – Armenia / Tel. +374 1044 1580
Fax +374 1058 9211
Email cioff
Youth Member / CIOFF Austria
Mr. Friedrich Stradner
Alpenstrasse 24
8700 Leoben – Austria
Ullmann Magdalena / Tel. private +43 3842 28 217
Fax private +43 3842 44310 39
Tel mobil +43 664 38 18 190

Belgium / CIOFF Belgium
Mr Piet Walravens
Groot Tenbroek 7
1700 Dilbeek – Belgium / Tel/Fax office +32 2 4539051
Youth Member / CIOFF Brazil
Mrs. Socorro Maciel
Rua Rodrigues de Abreu 203
Bairro Maurício de Nassau
CEP 55.012-700 Caruaru-(Pernambuco)
Mathews Neve / Tel. office +55 81 3723 8823
Fax office +55 81 3723 8823
Youth Member / CIOFF Bulgaria
Mr. Emil Pavlov
1 Bulgaria sqr, National Palace of Culture PRONO, fl.14, off.12-15,
Sofia 1463 – Bulgaria
Atanassya Boradjiva / Tel. office +359 2 8650137
Tel. private +359 8 88209966
Fax office +359 2 963 1013

Canada / CIOFF Canada
Mr. Guy Landry
Folklore Canada International
C.P.9, Station Delorimier
H2H 2N6 Montréal-Québec – Canada / Tel. office +1 514 524 8552
Fax office +1 514 524 0269

Chile / CIOFF Chile
Mrs. Eugenia Cirano-Rojas
Av. 18 de Septiembre 1980
Paine – Chile / Tel. office +56 2 824 1046
Tel. private +56 2 563 1357
Fax office +56 2 696 5541
China / CIOFF China
Ms. Wei Zhongke
China Mass Culture Association
83 Beiheyan Dajie, Dongcheng District
Beijing, 100 009 – China / Tel. office + fax+86 10 8403 1603
Chinese Hong Kong / CIOFF Chinese Hong Kong
Ms. Elaine Yeung
14/F, Leisure and Cultural Services
1-3 Pai Tau Street
Sha Tin – Hong-Kong / Tel. office +852 26018239
Fax office +852 2694 1364

Chinese Taipei / CIOFF Chinese Taipei
Mrs. Catherine Shu-Tzeng Chang
189, 1 Sec. Beicheng Rd.
26543 Luo-dong - Chinese Taipei / Tel. office 886 3 951 4208
Fax office 886 3 951 1786

Youth Member / CIOFF Colombia
Mr Henrique Jatib Thome
Barrio Armenia, calle Santa Ana # 49-13
Cartagena de Indias – Colombia
Freddy Gomez / Mobile +57 312 602 1909
Tel. Fax+575 662 56 21

Youth Member / CIOFF Costa-Rica
Mr. Hans Leiton Gutierrez
Desamparados – El Porvenir
PO BOX : 942-2400
San-Jose – Costa-Rica
Johan Sewell / Tel. office +506 8340 5832
Tel. private +506 259 5839

Croatia / CIOFF Croatia
Mr. Ante Cukrov
V. Spincica 7
52440 Porec-Croatia / Tel-fax private. 385 52 431 156

Youth Member / CIOFF Cuba
Mrs. Nisia Agüero Benitez
Calle 45 No. 775 entre Conill y Tulipán
Nuevo Vedado
Ciudad de La Habana – Cuba
Cantero Roger / Tel. office 53 867 1405
Tel. private 53 838 2256 1046
Cyprus / CIOFF Cyprus
Mr. Andreas Theodosiou
Allagis 1
7040 Voroklini
Larnaca – Cyprus / Tel office 357 996 548 98
Fax private 357 246 451 80
Czech Republic / CIOFFCzechRepublic
Dr Jan Krist
Narodni Ustav Lidove Kultury
Zámek 672
69662 Straznice – CzechRepublic / Tel. office 420 518 306 610
Fax office 420 518 306 615

Denmark / CIOFF Denmark
M. Lonni Stryg
Priorskov 3, Nagelsti
DK-4800 Nykobing F - Denmark / Tel. private 45 54 82 44 31
Tel. private 45 60 22 17 86
Youth Member / CIOFF Estonia
Mrs. Ingrid Rüütel
Executive Secretary Ms. Anne Ojalo
J. Vilmsi 55
10147 Tallinn–Estonia
Laura Liinat / Tel. office 372 601 5727
Fax office 372 601 5727

Youth Member / CIOFF Finland
Folklore Suomi Finland
Mr. Esa Vilhonen
Secretary General
Ms Annukka Kyytinen
Vernissakatu 8A
FI – 01300 Vantaa - Finland
Jenni Hentinen / Tel. office 358 958 406 213
Fax office 358 958 406 200

Youth Member / CIOFF France
Anne Marie Ciolfi
“Empi et Riaume”
Quai St Claire, Parc Mitterand
26100 Romans- France
Emmanuel Landrieau President
Elise Meunier Vice President (International) / Tel. office 33475023052
Fax office 33475021679

Georgia / CIOFF Georgia
Mr. Levan Kasradze
22, Av. Rustaveli
0108 Tbilisi - Georgia / Tel. private 995 3252 7290
Tel mobile 99577726262
Fax private 995 3252 7381
Youth Member / CIOFF Germany
Mr. Norbert Mueller
Ortsstrasse 19
64646 Heppenheim – Germany
Fey Martina / Tel. private 49 6252 69204
Fax private 49 6252 69206

Greece / CIOFF Greece
Dimitris Kotikas
25, 16 th October St.
60100 Katerini - Greece / Tel. office 30 23510 35581
Fax office 30 23510 35581

Haiti / CIOFF Haiti
Ms. Yvrose Green
42 route de Peguy-Ville
Pétion Ville - Haiti / Tel. office +509 3453 7447
Tel. private +509 3865 6868
Tel. Mobile +509 3726 1714
Fax private 509 256 9563
Honduras / CIOFF Honduras
Padre Jesús FCO. Valladares Azugaay
Apartado # 133 - Festival las Culturas
Choluteca – Honduras / Tel. office 504 782 0132
Tel. private 504 782 0139
Fax office 504 882 0397
Hungary / CIOFF Hungary
Mrs. Héra Eva
Szilagyi Dezso Ter 6
1251BudapestP.F. 22 – Hungary / Tel. Fax office 361 201 7931

Indonesia / CIOFF Indonesia
Seni Budaya Nusantara
Mr Said Rachmat
Jalan Tomang Utara III / 270
Jakarta Barat 11440 – Indonesia / Tel. 62 21 560 6358
Mobile 62 818 180 122
Fax 62 21 565 7882
Youth member / Shivam Nrutya Cultural AcademyGujarat
Mrs Bhavna A. Bhavsar
Plot Nr. 29; opp. JaganPark
Near Akashganga Appartment
396191 Chala -Vapi – India
Dr. Sunny Bhavsar / Tel. office 91 260 32 93473
Fax office 91 260 24 64913
Mobile 91 989 80 69 234
Israel / CIOFF Israel
Dr. Dan Ronen
Davidson 6 st.
Jerusalem 93706 – Israel / Tel private 972 2 6790827
Tel/Fax 972077 2090827
Youth Member / CIOFF Italy
Mr. Sergio Piemonti
Via Margotti, 11
34170 Gorizia – Italy
Irene Pimpinella / Tel. 39 048 153 5415
Tel private 39 328 7740 852
Fax 39 048 153 5415

Japan / CIOFF Japan
Mrs. Emiko Hori
2-23-3 Higashi Tamagawa Setagaya - ku
Tokyo - Japan 158-0084 / Tel. office 81-3-3728-1156
Fax office 81-3-3720-6889
Korea, Rep. of
Youth Member / CIOFF Korea, Rep. of
Mr. Ki Soo Kim
31-3, Bongsan Dong, Anseong Si
Gyeonggi Do, 456-701 - Korea, Rep. Of
Somi Kim / Tel. office 82 31 678 2498
Fax office 82 31 673 4641

Latvia / CIOFF Latvia
Mrs. Liana Ose
Rododendru 3 - 36
Riga – Latvia LV 1083 / Tel. office 371 46 398 806
Tel. private 371 618 37917
Fax office 371 46 398 805
Lithuania / Lithuanian CIOFFAssociation
Prof. Rimantas Sliuzinskas
Dept of Baltic Studies & Ethnology
University of Klaipéda
H. Manto 84
92294 Klaipeda – Lithuania / Tel. office 370 464 101 90
Tel. private 370 462 299 04
Fax office 370 46398999
Luxembourg / CIOFF Luxembourg
Mrs. Susanne Kramer
10 A route d’Arlon
L- 7415 Brouch – Luxembourg / Tel/Fax office 352 32 032 8
Tel/Fax private 352 23 639 551

Macedonia FYROM / CIOFF Macedonia Fyrom
Mr. Blagoja Jovanoski
Ul.Drezdenska b.b.
P.F. 459-1000 Skopje – Macedonia Fyrom / Tel. office 389 2 3066 808
Fax office 389 2 3066 808
Malaysia / CIOFF Malaysia
Mr. Hassim Salim
No. C – 374, Taman Putra
Bukit Baru,
75150 Melaka - Malaysia / Tel. office 606 281 6569
Fax. office 606 281 6569
Tel. private 601 923 826 35
Fax private 606 385 3755
Youth Member / CIOFF Mexico
Mr Arturo H. Cueto Juárez
Juan Rulfo # 150, Colinas de San Jeronimo
64630 Monterrey, N.L. - Mexico
Joaquín Smith / Tel private : 52 81 8347 0144

Moldova / CIOFF Moldova
Mr. Eugen Suruceanu
Str. Sfatul Tarii, 18
Moldova national section CIOFF
2012 Chisinau – Moldova / Tel. office 373 22 234 655
Tel. Private 373 69 136 029
Fax office 373 22 234 495
Montenegro / CIOFF Montenegro
Mr Dusan Banjevic
Str Bratstvai Jedinstva 57
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro / Tel/Fax 381 (2) 81 620741

Youth Member / CIOFF Netherlands
Mrs. Hélène van Laanen-Hendriks
Kruisbergstraat 17
6444 Brunssum – Netherlands
Anne-Wietske Enequist / Tel. office 31 45 527 4141
Fax office 31 45 527 5260
Tel. Private 31- 45 564 1525
Tel office 31 45 522 4040

New Zealand / CIOFF New Zealand
Miss Eve Jane Baker
C/- 36 Frazer Avenue, Johnsonville
Wellington 6037 – New-Zealand / Tel. private 644 2482 582
Tel mobile 64 027 485 9063
Norway / CIOFF Norway
Noregs Ungdomslag
Tollbugt 17
Pb 414 Sentrum
0103 OSLO
NORWAY / Tel. private 241 411 01
Fax. office 241411 10
Youth Member / CIOFF Paraguay
Mr. Mario Garcia Siani
Calle Yegros 1061
Asuncion – Paraguay
Oscar Delgado / Tel. office 595 21 451 703
Tel. private 595 21 906 773
Fax office 595 21 228 255
Fax private 595 21 228 255
Youth Member / CIOFF Peru
Lic. Humberto Valdivia Yóplac
Cristobal de Peralta sur 505 - Surco
L-33 Lima – Peru
Sandra Saavedra / Tel. office 5113444779
Fax office 511 344 4779

Philippines / CIOFF Philippines
Mrs. Corazon Iñigo
79th–7th Avenue, Cubao
Quezon City 1300 – Philippines / Tel. office 632 911 5221
Fax office 632 832 3683
Fax private 632 911 5221

Poland / CIOFF Poland
Mr. Jerzy Chmiel
Ul. ZWM 15 m 65
02786 Warszawa - Poland / Tel. private 48 22 6419 325
Fax private 48 22 6419 325

Portugal / CIOFF Portugal
Ms. Cristina Paula Baptista
Fundação INATEL
Calçada de Sant' Ana, 180
1169-062 Lisboa - Portugal / Tel. office 351 21 0027 000
Fax office 351 21 0027 140

Puerto Rico / CIOFF Puerto Rico
Mrs. Estela Ortiz-Aguilu
MG 22 Ave la marina
Marina Bahia, Cataño, PR 00962-6701
Puerto-Rico / Tel. private 1 787 788 4059
Mobile 1 787 423 9669
Fax private 1 787 788 4059
Romania / CIOFF Romania
Mr. Marin Barbu
Str Col. IOSIF Albu
NR 82 Bucuresti – Romania / Tel. office +40 21 3451 522
Fax office +40 21 3451 522
Russia / CIOFF Russia
Mr. Yury Guryanov
Sverchkov Lane 8, Building 3
101000 Moscow – Russia / Tel. office 7495 621 9284
Fax office 7495 621 7917
Email office

Serbie / CIOFF Serbia
Mr Milan Andrijanic
Resavska 76
11000 BEOGRAD – Serbia / Tel. Office 381 11 3628 099
Slovenia / CIOFF Slovenia
Mrs. Magdalena Tovornik
Medvedova 10
1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia / Tel. private: 3861 2317813
Tel. office 3861 478 1316
Tel. mobile: 386 31371502
South Africa
Youth Member / CIOFF South Africa
Mr. Jan Lombard, President
Po Box 74186
Lynnwood Ridge /0040 - City of Tshwane
Nomalanga Shongwe / Tel : 27 12 807 4087
Fax : 27 12 807 3267
Tel mobile 27 82 9035 048

Spain / CIOFF Spain
Mr. Rafael Maldonado
Afligidos 4-2°
06080 Badajoz – Spain / Tel. office 34 924 243 746
Fax office 34 924 245 434

Swaziland / CIOFF Swaziland
Desmond Lee Nkosinathi Maphanga
The Swaziland National Council of Arts and Culture
Manzini – Swaziland / Tel. 268 505 4437, 268 602 5350
Tel private 268505 7370
Fax 268 505 3228

Sweden / CIOFF Sweden
Mr. Ulf H. Svensson
c/o Svenska Folkdansringen
Box 340 56
Torggatan 3, Stora Essingen
100 26 Stockholm - Sweden / Tel. office 46 86 95 0015
Youth Member / CIOFF Switzerland
Dr. Cyrill Renz
Centre CIOFF Suisse
Route de Pensier 18
1782 Cormagens – Switzerland
Jean-Olivier Vörös / Tel. private +4126 466 1892
Fax private +4126 466 1892

Thailand / CIOFF Thailand
Mr. Somchai Seanglai
Office of the National Culture Commission
14 Thiamruammitr Road, Huay Kwang,
Bangkok 10310 - Thailand / Tel. +66 2645 3056
Fax office +66 2645 2976
Youth Member / CIOFF Turkey
Mr. Savas Tugsavul
Bahcelievler Orhan Veli sok. No:3/5
Istanbul - Turkey
Pynar Arpaci / Tel. office +90 212 5542021
Tel mobile +90 532 321 8525
Fax office +90 212 5542021

Ukraina / CIOFF Ukraine
Mr. Yuriy Voynarovskyy
B. Khmelnitskyy Str. 1
43025 Lutsk – Ukraina / Tel. +380 332 720 436
Fax +380 332 720 436
United Kingdom / CIOFF United Kingdom
Mr. Joe Maloney
Stockton Business Centre
70 Brunswick Street
TS18 1DW Stockton on Tees
United Kingdom / Tel. office 44 1642 651 060
Tel. private 44 1642 553 220
Fax office 44 1642 602 839

Youth Member / CIOFF USA
Dr. Alexander P. Durtka Jr.
International Institute of Wisconsin
1110 N. Old World Third St., Suite 420
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 – USA
Lauren Jahn / Tel. office 1414 225 6220
Tel. private 1414 744 8837
Fax office 1414 225 6235

Venezuela / CIOFF Venezuela
Lic. Maria Fernanda Grisel
Bloque 07.pb-0005-urb.Dona Barbara , Parroquia Dalla Costa Ciudad Guayana
Municipio Caroni (Estado Bolívar)
Venezuela / Tel/Fax office 58 4148981076

Associate and Corresponding Members

Associate members

Bosnia-Herzegovina / “UHAKUD-U-BIH”
Ms. Anka Raic
Trg Hrvatskih Velikana b.b
88000 Mostar – Bosnia- Herzegovina / Tel. office 387 36 321 022
Fax office 387 36 398362

Congo RDC
Youth Member / Mr. Jacques Matuetue
Président du Conseil National pour la Promotion de la Musique Traditionnelle du Congo
BP 5399
Kinshasa 10, RD du Congo
Milandu Origine / Tel office 243 81 99 999 41
Tel private 243 81 99 999 40
Fax 1801 6590 302
Mauritania / Cheik OULD ABBA
Tadamoun Elvennanine
BP 4273
Nouakchott - Mauritanie / Tel.: 222 521 7577
Tel private 222 638 6664
Tel private 222 05 0919
Tahiti / Fédération des Femmes Océaniennes
Mickaela FOLITUU
BP 61839 FAAA Centre
98702 TAHITI
Polynésie Française / Tel. 97165682040
Fax 97165680068
United Arab Emirates / Mr ABDULAZIZ AL MUSALLAM
Directorate of Heritage and Culture
Po box 2258
SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates / Email

Corresponding members

Algeria / Vacant
Australia / Mrs. Dianna Laska Moore
P. O. Box 3166
World Dance Company
Yeronga, Queensland 4104 – Australia / Tel. private 617 3892 3601
Fax private 617 3892 6423
Belarus / Ministry of Culture
Mr Vasiliy Chernik,
Pr. Peramozhtsau, 11,
220004, Minsk - Republic of Belarus / Tel. 375 17 203 7363
Fax 375 17 203 9045
Belize /

CIOFF Belize

Diane C. Haylock
National Institute of Culture & History
Government House – House of Culture
Regent Street
Belize City–Belize / Tel. office +501-227-0518
Fax office +501-227-0102

Benin / Mr Gille BOKPE (Préseident)
Mr Marcel ZOUNON (Secrétaire)
Recette Principale 1
BP 2633 Cotonou / Tel private 229 02 0252
Tel office 229 33 4829
Fax office 229 33 4829
Fax private 229 33 9933
Brasil / Association “ABRASOFFA”
Mrs. Helena Lourenço
Av. Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 476
11.015-202 Santos – Sao Paulo - Brasil / Tel. 5513 3222 5772
Fax 5513 3235 1122
Burkina Faso / Mr Koudbi KOALA
Association Benebnooma
BP 196, Koudougou / Email
Central Africa / CIOFF Central Africa
Mrs. Beatrice Epaye
BP 971
Bangui – Central Africa / Tel. office 236 614 941
Tel. private 236 501 225
Fax office 236 619 072
Youth Member / Mr. Njiasse Njoya Prince Aboubakar
BP 86
Foumban -Cameroon
Yamekue Isaac / Tel. + Fax office 237 231 7323
Tel private 237 965 2965
Cyprus / GönyeliMunicipality Folk Dance Festival
Mr Adem Oksüzoglu
Halkali Street N°34
Lefkosa - PO Box 10 Mersin/Turkey / Tel private 905 338 688 878
Tel office 903 922 231 767
Fax 903 922 231 767

Cyprus / IskeleMunicipality Folk Dance Festival
Mr. Ozlem Kadiraga (Director)
1, Bozdag street
PO Box 10 Mersin/TURKIYE / Tel office 90 392 37 12 999
Tel private 90533 86 13 294
Fax office 90.392 37 12 299
Fax private 90 392 36 61 797

Guinea / Dr. Moussa Kourouma
Chief of the Department Culture for the UNESCO National Commission of Guinea / Email
Ivory Coast / Mr. Gervais BOZOA
Secretary General
BP V 39
Abidjan, Ivory Coast / Tel . +225 0562 4501 + 4009 9973
Mali / Mr. Mamadou Cherif Diabate
BP 171
Festival des Arts et de la Culture
Kita-Mali / Tel. office 223 212 474
Fax office 223 214 205
Morocco / Mr. Ouhi Bouazza
17, rue Michlifen Agdal
Ministère des Affaires Culturelles
Rabat- Maroc / Tel. office 212 7672 694
Tel. private 212 7670 890
Fax office 212 7671 006
Fax private 212 7670 890
Niger / Mr. Danté Alhassane
BP 11 221
Agence de Conception et de Diffusion Culturelle
Niamey-Niger / Tel. office 227 733 190
Fax office 227 734 768
Senegal / CIOFF Senegal
Mr. Yahya Ndoye
Secretaire General CIOFF Sénégal
Cité Apecsy N° 375
BP : 29942
Yoff Village - Dakar- Senegal / Email
Togo / Mr. Amedome Min-Dianey Loius
BP 13 048
Lomé-Togo / Tel. office 228 041 997
Tel. private 228 212 620
Fax office 228 213 472
Tunisia / Mrs. Salwa Ben Hafaiedh
13 bis, rue du Trésor
1008 Tunis- Tunisia / Tel.- Fax private 2161 200 120
Tel.-Fax office 2161 341 639



Mr. Leszek Choluj
Ul.Armii Krajowei 151
40-672 Katowice
Poland / Tel. private 48 3220 61082
Fax private 48 3220 281 57
CIOFF Turkey
Mr. Savas Tugsavul
Bahcelievler Orhan Veli sok. No:3/5
Turkey / Tel. office +90 212 5542021
Tel mobile +90 532 321 8525
Fax office +90 212 5542021

Election Committee

Chairman / Mr Jean-François PROUX
« Bray »
41800 Saint Quentin les Troo
France / Tel. Office 33 2 54 85 35 16
Tel. Private 33 2 54 85 27 29
Fax office 33 2 54 85 34 07

Members / Mr.Cocian IOAN
Cluj-Napoca Str. I.P.
Reteganu N 4
Jud Cluj – Romania / Tel. 407 448 291 30
Tel. 407 235 434 83
Fax 407 645 980 24
Mr. Hans Leiton Gutierrez
Danzas y Tradiciones Costa-Rica Tiquicia
PO BOX : 942-2400
San-Jose – Costa-Rica / Tel. 506 8340 5832
Tel. Fax 506 259 58 39
Mr. Franco Mallozzi
Via Monticelli 15
04026 Minturno (LT), Italy / Tel. +39 0771 658 600
Tel. +39 0771 660 8202
Fax +39 0771 660 8201


Chairman / Mr. Renaud Albasini
Rue du Télé
1908 Riddes – Switzerland / Tel. office 4127 327 3030
Tel. private 4127 306 3874
Fax office 4127 327 3031
Fax private 4127 306 67 85
Members / Mr Piet Walravens
Groot Tenbroek 7
1700 Dilbeek – Belgium / Tel/Fax office 32 2 453 9051
Mr. Wang Guilin
China Mass Culture Association
A-83 Beiheyan Dajie, Dongcheng District
Beijing, 100 009 – China / Tel office 86 10 8403 1603
Fax office 86 10 8403 1603
Dr. Alexander P. Durtka, Jr.
International Institute of Wisconsin
1110 N. Old WorldThird St, Suite 420
Milwaukee, Wisconsin53203 - USA / Tel. Office 1414 225 6220
Tel. private 1414 744 8837
Fax office 1414 225 6235
Mrs Ingrid Rüütel
J. Vilmsi 55
10147 Talinn - Estonia / Tel. + fax 372 601 57 27
Beatriz Sangoy
Villa California
3001 San José del Rincón
Santa Fe – Argentina / Tel 54 342497 0490
Representative at UNESCO / Vacant
Youth Member / Elise Meunier / Email


Chairman / Mr. Norbert Mueller
Ortsstraße 19
64646 Heppenheim - Germany / Tel. private 49 6252 692 04
Fax private 49 6252 692 06
Members / Mrs. Susanne Kramer
BP 111
7502 Mersch – Luxembourg / Tel.Fax private +352 2363 9551
Tel/Fax office +352 3203 28

Mr. Arturo H. Cueto Juárez
Juan Rulfo #150
Colinas de San Jeronimo
Monterrey (NL) 64630 - Mexico / Tel. +52 8 183 470 144
M. Rolf Kaufman
PO Box 124
Hazelwood, NC28738
USA / Tel.private +1 828 456 7979
Tel mobile +1 828 421 3622
Fax +1 828 452 5762
Member ex officio / Mr Wolfgang Denke-Otterbein
An den Feldwiesen 7
36110 Schlitz – Germany / Tel.private 49 6642 911 0500
Tel. mobile 49 1752 796 310
Fax private 49 6642 405 777
Youth Member / Georgi Stamboliev, Bulgaria / Email: