NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 2 and Year 3 Autumn Term
Mixed Age Planning Year 2 & Year 3
Autumn Term
Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section2
3 / Counting and properties of number / Say the number names in order to at least 100, from and back to zero
Count reliably up to 100 objects by grouping them: for example tens
Describe and extend simple number sequences: count on or back in ones or tens, starting from any two-digit number
Read and write whole numbers to at least 100 in figures and words / Numbers to 100, then 1000 / · The sequence to 100
Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding
Reading numbers from scales / Read and write whole numbers to 1000 in figures and words.
Read and begin to write the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers.
Say the number that is 1, 10 or 100 more or less than any given two- or three-digit number. / Numbers to 1000 / · Number names, ordinal numbers
· The sequence to 1000
TOOLBOX / 23 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension book page / Resource Sheets
10-11, 84-89
NG, Shortcut 2 / 14, 15 / Numbers to 100, then 1000: 1-5 / 12 / 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23
7-9, 43-54, 73-78
NC, Shortcuts 1-3
NG, Shortcuts 1-3 / 1-5 / 3-6, 9-10, 22 / 1 / 1 / 8-11, 29-35,
Day 1 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter / Tune-in TF 84
From 0 to 20
Revising the number sequence to 20 /
Tune-in TF 73
Number names to twentyDoor numbers
/Main Teaching / 1 The 100-square TF 84
Introducing the number sequence to 100 /
1 Doors TF 74
Number names for multiples of 10 and 100
/ /Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 86
2 Pupil Sheet 143 100-square with plastic pockets
Activity Book pages 1-3 TF 89 /
Pupil Activities TF 74-75
2 Pupil Sheet 5Number names, multiples of 100
Activity Book page 22 TF 77
/ / /Plenary /
Pupil Activities TF 86
1 Number cards 0-100 /Pupil Activities TF 74-75
1 Pupil Sheet 4Number names, multiples of 10 /
Additional notes /
Pupil Activities TF 86
3 100-square with plastic pockets4 Pupil Sheet 15 / Give pupils a selection of 100 to 1000 flashcards, e.g. 456, 782. Ask them to write the number.
Extra Resources / Follow-up for Activity Book pages 1-3 TF 89
Home Activity 12
/ Follow-up for Activity Book
page 22 TF 78
Day 2 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter /
Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10-11
/Tune-in TF 43-44
Zero to one hundredRevising the number sequence to 100
/Main Teaching /
2 What a lot! TF 87
Counting in ones /1 One thousand TF 44-45
Introducing the number sequence to 1000/ /
Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 87
1 Cubes and labels2 Labelled containers
Activity Book pp 4 TF 89 /
Pupil Activities TF 46
1 Numbers after, more and lessSequences before, after, between, and one, two more/less
Activity Book pages 3-6 TF 52
/ / /Plenary /
Pupil Activities TF 87
2 Labelled containers /Pupil Activities TF 46
1 Numbers after, more and lessSequences before, after, between, and one, two more/less
Ask the pupils to answer the questions orally only. /
Additional notes /
Pupil Activities TF 87
1 Cubes and labelsAsk the children to hold the bags before emptying out the cubes and guess how many are inside. How close was their guess? /
Pupil Activities TF 46
2 Pupil Sheets 1 and 2Extra Resources / Discuss Pupil Activities. / Follow-up for Activity Book
pages 3-6 TF 52-53
Home Activity 1
Check-up 1
Day 3 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter /
Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10-11
/ Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000TF 7-9
/Main Teaching / 3 A lot more!
Counting in tens /
4 Tens TF 48-50
Adding/subtracting 10 and multiples of 10
5 Number lines TF 50-51
Adding/subtracting 100 and multiples of 100 / /Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 88
1 Bags of cubes and containers2 Containers of cubes
Activity Book page 5 /
Activity Book page 9
Pupil Activities TF 511 Connection cards
Activity Book page 10 TF 53
/ / /Plenary /
Pupil Activities TF 88
2 Containers of cubes / Pupil Activities TF 512 Pupil Sheet 3
Connection cards template
Give two-digit multiples of 10 and addition/subtractions which do not cross 100. /Additional notes /
Pupil Activities TF 88
1 Bags of cubes and containersDon’t give the children the containers labelled 10. Ask children to make piles of ten themselves when counting. / Pupil Activities TF 51
2 Pupil Sheet 3
Connection cards template
Include multiples of 10 additions/subtractions which cross 100, e.g. 460 add 80.Extra Resources /
Discuss Pupil Activities
/ Follow-up for Activity Bookpages 9-10 TF 53
Mixed Age Planning Year 2 & Year 3
Autumn Term
Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section2
3 / Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding
Money and 'real life' problems
Making decisions and checking results / Know what each digit in a two-digit number represents, including 0 as a place holder, and partition two-digit numbers into a multiple of ten, ones
Use mental addition and subtraction to solve simple word problems involving numbers in 'real life'
Recognise all coins. Find totals, give change, work out which coins to pay / Numbers to 100, then 1000
Money / · Introducing place value
· Using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins
Understanding + and -
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -) / Extend understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction, read and begin to write the related vocabulary, and continue to recognize that addition can be done in any order.
Use the +, - and = signs.
Know by heart:
all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20. / Addition to 100
Subtraction to 100 / · Addition facts to 20
· Consolidation of facts to 20
TOOLBOX / 23 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension book page / Resource Sheets
2-4, 10-11, 90-95, 190-194
NG, Shortcut 2 / 16, 33-35 / Numbers to 100, then 1000: 6-8
Money and Fractions: 1-4 / 23 / 7
14 / 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23
9-16, 85-89,
NF, Shortcut 1 / 12-13 / 1-4, 17-20 / 4, 8 / 7 / 14-17, 29-35, 39-40, 49
Day 1 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter / Tune-in TF 90
Counting in tens /
Tune-in TF 84
Mental addition
Revising addition facts to 20
/Main Teaching / 1 10p and 1p coins TF 90
Introducing place value
2 Cubes TF 91
Introducing place value / 1 Addition facts for 11 to 20
TF 85
Adding single-digit numbers or 10 / /
Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 92
1 Straws and elastic bands2 Multilink cubes
Activity Book pages 6, 7 TF 94 /
Pupil Activity TF 85-86
1 Adding single-digit numbers or 10Textbook pages 1-2 TF 88
/ / /Plenary /
Pupil Activities TF 92
1 Straws and elastic bands4 Pupil Sheet 16 /
Pupil Activity TF 85-86
1 Adding single-digit numbers or 10Provide pupils with partially written cards to complete, e.g.
7 + __. /
Additional notes /
Pupil Activities TF 92
2 Multilink cubes3 Sets of cards
Use the sets of cards for games of snap or pelmanism. /
Pupil Activity TF 85-86
1 Adding single-digit numbers or 10Ask pupils to include additions of 3 or more numbers, e.g. 7 + 3 + 4.
Extra Resources / Follow-up for Activity Book pages 6, 7 TF 94
Check-up 7
/ Follow-up for Textbook pages 1-2 TF 89
Home Activity 4
Day 2 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter /
Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10-11
/Specific Starter for Addition to 100
TF 9-13
/Main Teaching /
3 Tens TF 93
Counting on/back in tens, 10 more/less /2 Adding a teens number and a single-digit number
TF 86-87
/ /Activities / Activity Book page 8 /
Pupil Activity TF87-88
1 Adding a teens number and a single-digit number
Textbook pages 3-4 TF 88
/ / /Plenary / Activity Book page 8
Provide pupils with a 100 square to help them find their answers. /
Pupil Activity TF87-88
1 Adding a teens number and a single-digit number
Provide pupils with partially written cards to complete, e.g. 3+__. /Additional notes / Activity Book page 8
Give pairs of pupils a set of cards showing the numbers 40 – 60 and a die labelled ‘10 more’ and ’10 less’. Each pupil takes a card to give them a starting number. They then take it in turns to roll the die and follow the instructions to create a new number. The first person to pass 100 wins. /
Pupil Activity TF87-88
Ask pupils to include additions of one two-digit number and two single-digit numbers, e.g. 11+3+2. Can they find all possible answers?Extra Resources / Follow-up to Activity Book page 8 TF 95 / Follow-up for Textbook pages 3-4 TF 89
Day 3 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter /
Tune-in TF 190
Money bagsUsing 1p, 2p, 5p, and 10p coins /
Tune-in TF 120
Mental subtractionRevising subtraction facts to 20
/Main Teaching / 1 Cashcards TF 190
Coin collections with 10p / 1 Counters TF 120-121
Consolidating subtraction facts to 19 / /
Activities / Activity Book pages 1, 2 TF 194 /
Pupil Activities TF 121
1 Subtraction bingoTextbook page 17 TF 125
/ / /Plenary / Activity Book pages 1, 2 TF 194
Provide pupils with coins for p1. For p2 ask them to simply lay out the coins required and show you their answers without recording. Work as a group to record solutions. /
Pupil Activities TF 121
2 Subtraction pairs /Additional notes / Activity Book pages 1, 2 TF 194
Provide pupils with a set of cards showing some coins and a value greater than their total, e.g. a 10p coin and a 1p coin and the total 18p. Pupils must choose a card and decide what coins are missing to give the required total. /
Pupil Activities TF 121
1 Subtraction bingoPut numbers from 10 to 20 on the bingo cards with matching question cards.
Extra Resources /
Follow-up to Activity Book pages 1, 2 TF194
/ Follow-up for Textbook page 17TF 125
Day 4 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter / Generic Starter TF 2-4 /
Specific Starter for Subtraction to 100
TF 13-16 /Main Teaching /
2 Cashline TF 191
Introducing the 20p coin / 2 Ten-frames TF 122Consolidating subtraction facts for 20 / /
Activities /
Pupil Activity TF 192
Pupil Sheet 33 /Pupil Activity TF 122
1 Pupil Sheet 12Subtraction facts for 20 dominoes
Textbook page 18 TF 125
/ / /Plenary /
Pupil Activity TF 192
Pupil Sheet 33Work with the pupils as a group and hold each set of coins in your hand asking them to give the total. Invite children to suggest other ways of making 20p. Ask them to work in pairs to choose one way and record it. /
Pupil Activity TF 122
Use Pupil Sheet 3 as a domino template to practice all subtraction facts for a smaller number, e.g. 15.
/Additional notes /
Pupil Activity TF 192
Pupil Sheet 33Ask pupils to list all the different ways they could make 20p. /
Pupil Activity TF 122
Use Pupil Sheet 3 as a domino template to practice a mixture of subtraction facts for all numbers to 20, e.g. 19-7, 17-8.
Extra Resources / Discuss Pupil Activity /Follow-up for Textbook page 18
TF 125Review /
Day 5 /
Year 2
/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICTStarter / Generic Starter TF 2-4 / Specific Starter for Subtraction to 100TF 13-16 /
Main Teaching /
3 Cashpoint TF 192
Introducing the 20p coin / 3 Cubes TF 123-124Subtracting teens numbers from teens numbers or 20 / /
Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 193
2 Pupil Sheet 353 Class shop box of money
Activity Book pages 3, 4 TF 194 /
Pupil Activities TF 124
2 Pupil Sheet 13Subtraction facts to 20 game
Textbook pages 19-20 TF 125
/ / /Plenary /
Pupil Activities TF 193
1 Pupil Sheet 343 Class shop box of money /
Pupil Activities TF 124
1 Differences to 20/
Additional notes /
Pupil Activities TF 193
3 Class shop box of moneyInclude items priced from 50p to 99p. /
Pupil Activities TF 124
2 Pupil Sheet 13Subtraction facts to 20 game
Use a 1 to 12 die or spinner.
Extra Resources / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 3, 4 TF 194Home Activity 23
Check-up 14 /
Follow-up for Textbook pages 19-20
TF 125