FoodMapper is mapping growing spaces used by community groups who produce fruit and vegetables or rear small scale livestock. Please complete one survey for each growing space in your area. Use extra sheets if you need to give more information. Information can be entered electronically onto FoodMapper
Your NamePhone number
Parish/town council area
- Location of the site
Name of site – actual or identifying
NB If you do not intend to plot this land on FoodMapper yourself, please include a map (hand drawn or photocopied) so that the land can easily by identified!
- Who owns the land?
Name of owner
Contact name
Web address
- Who manages/uses the site? (if different to landowner) i.e. Parish Council/ Allotment Society
Name of Community Group
Contact name and position
Web address
- Current Land use:
Allotments (how many plots, is there a waiting list, how long, is it statutory, temporary or private?)
Community Garden, number of members
Community Orchard, number of members
Community Support Agriculture/ Harvest Share, number of shares
Animal Co-op
Other, describe usage
- Type of tenure?
What is the type of tenure?
How long do agreements last?
Date of establishment?
- Any obvious problems? (please tick all the appropriate boxes)
Are there any problems on site? / Poor drainage / Vandalism
Fly tipping / Other
- Description of the site (please tick all the appropriate boxes)
Boundaries / Fence / Road
Hedge / Path
Slope / Steep / Flat
Moderate / Undulating
Aspect / North / South
East / West
Access / Public / Controlled
Distance to the road in metres / Less than 5 / Less than 50
Less than 10 / 100 of more
Less than 25
- Access to facilities
Access to water – number of taps, troughs, no water supply
Is there any tool storage?
Is there crop storage?
Are there loos?
Is there provision of a community space for meetings/ crop storage? Please give a description
Is there a power supply?
- Presence of livestock (please tick all appropriate boxes)
Does the site have… / Poultry / Pig
Bees / Goats
Rabbits / Cows
Sheep / Other
- Development Status
Does the site require planning permission for change of use?
Is the site earmarked for housing?
- Time spent mapping land parcel
This is for our Big Lottery Fund report, include time spent researching and mapping / 1 hour / Half a week
Half a day / Week
Full day / More
Thank you for taking the time to complete this, if you would like to know more about FoodMapper, please contact Geofutures at