Welcome to the Horizon HS Football Program,

On behalf of our football coaches, the athletic department, and Horizon High School, we congratulate you on your desire to be a part of Huskie football. Participating in the Horizon Football Program is a privilege extended to all students who are willing to comply with the Code of Conduct and who strive to represent our school and school district with honor and integrity. By being a part of this program we believe that you will become a better athlete, better student, and a better person.



Preparation in a successful program begins in the weight room and carries over to the practice and game fields. You will be physically and mentally prepared for every game. When you play on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday nights we want you to understand our system and our game plan for that week and have confidence in your ability to execute that plan. Football is a team sport and the good of the team will never be sacrificed for an individual.

As Coaches, we will organize the program to best utilize the time we spend with you. As a player you will be expected to cooperate in this. This means that you must be on time to everything we do—weights, meetings, and practice. This should carry over to school as well. BE ON TIME!

Always conduct yourself in such a manner that you bring honor to yourself, your teammates, your family and to Horizon High School. Football Players will adhere to our set of rules on and off the field. Student athletes who violate the Code of Conduct shall be subject to consequences including, but not limited to, suspension from participation, or removal from the team.


The “Process” is learning how to deal with adversity, or the harshness of life when it gets difficult — how to overcome problems as simple as a forgotten locker combination, to obnoxious peers, to gossip, to people doubting you, to asking for help in the face of self-doubt, to pushing yourself to concentrate when a million other thoughts and temptations are fingertips away. The Process is pushing yourself to get to the morning practice on time when it is still cold and dark outside, or to redouble efforts when another player takes over your spot. It is your resilience in conquering adversity that truly prepares you for life after school. Because school is not the most challenging time you will have in life. You will face far greater challenges than these. The Process is learning to overcome adversity to become a better person, a better student, and a better athlete each day you are a part of the Horizon Football Program.

Kris Heavner, Head Football Coach

Code of Conduct for Student-Athlete/Football Players:

Academics/ Classroom

1.  As a student-athlete you are a student first and an athlete/Football Player second.

2.  Stay on task in all academic settings and strive to become a better student.

3.  You must abide by the district policies regarding academic eligibility, which includes maintaining passing grades. Your GPA can open (or close) doors to your future – always do your best!

4.  Football Players are expected to:

·  Attend classes and consistently put forth their best effort

·  Maintain academic integrity

·  Be prepared for class and turn in homework and projects on-time

·  Prepare for tests

·  Sit in the front of the classroom and participate appropriately

5.  Football games/practices are not an acceptable reason for turning in assignments late or missing class. Prioritize and manage your time accordingly.

6.  Coaches will randomly check classes to verify Football Players are on task and not absent.

7.  Progress reports will be given to each Football Player to be signed and filled out by each of their teachers.

8.  Disrespectful/ inappropriate behavior or poor performance in the classroom will result in consequences to be determined by the Coaches.

Respectful Image

9.  Personal Appearance should project a respectful image. Athletes will abide by the school policy regarding the dress code, which includes “No Hat in House”.

10.  Power Mondays: Football Players will participate in Power Mondays by wearing professional attire every Monday through the start of the school year through the end of the football season. Professional attire is dress pants, dress shirt and tie. If wearing tennis shoes, they should be in good shape and not have holes.

11.  Game Day Dress: Dress Slacks & Jersey

12.  Game Day Uniform: All athletes’ uniforms must look the same and like a team, no individuals and no questions. Any player who wants to wear under armor, etc…must ask the head coach before dressing in any questionable gear. Cleats should be black, white or green.

13.  Practice/Workout Attire: Football Players are expected to wear the designated team workout attire to all workouts and practices.

14.  Respect yourself, your coaches, teammates, and any authority figure in or out of school. Give respect by being a polite young adult and looking people in the eyes when being talked to. If you want respect you must give respect.

15.  The use of formal language is expected when addressing adults; coaches, teachers, officials; males should be addressed "Yes, Sir" or "No, Sir" when giving instruction and at other times during communication, and females should receive "Yes, Ma'am" or "No, Ma'am".

16.  Profanity and cursing are not acceptable. Be aware of your surroundings and adjust your conversation so as not to offend others.

17.  Be honorable and respectable about what you post on Facebook, Twitter, other social media or when texting. It will be monitored and dealt with accordingly. What you post on the internet can affect you in a good way or bad way later in life. Make sure it is a good outcome.

18.  Athletes are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and honorably at all times, both on campus and in the community. Anytime you are wearing Horizon Football apparel, your actions reflect on the Horizon Football Program.

Illegal Activity

19.  Every Football Player must comply with the HORIZON HIGH SCHOOL POLICY specifically relating to the commission of criminal offenses or the illegal use or possession of alcohol or drugs.

20.  The Football Program has a strong stance against illegal drug use. This is a serious problem for our country, our school, and our community. As an athlete you are expected to abstain from using drugs illegally. If a coach or administrator has first-hand knowledge that a player is illegally using, selling, or in possession of drugs the player will immediately be suspended from the Football Program.

21.  Illegal activity will result in suspension from the Football Program. You are responsible for your actions.

Participation Expectations

22.  In Good Standing: Football Players are expected to remain in good standing both during the season and throughout the off-season. This includes attendance at: Workouts, spring football, summer strength and conditioning, practices, meetings, maintaining academic integrity, no disciplinary issues, and working hard each day. Athletes playing other sports are expected to maintain their football season strength and fitness levels.

23.  Off-season Football Workouts: Participation in the Football Workouts and Spring Football 101 (January – May) is expected for all second semester Frosh, Sophomore, and Junior players who plan to participate the next season. Athletes playing other sports are expected to participate when their other sport is not in season.

24.  Summer Strength and Conditioning Program: Participation in the summer strength and conditioning program is essential to ensure players are physically and mentally prepared for the competition season. The summer program begins the first week after school is out and continues through the end of July. There is a break scheduled the week of July 4th, including the weekends before and after, which is the suggested vacation schedule for the players.

25.  Punctuality: Always be on time to practices, games, workouts, meetings and for travel. There are consequences for being late. If you are repeatedly late you will be subject to suspension from a game, multiple games or suspension from the team.

26.  Negative Bantering: All athletes are to be encouraging and hardworking teammates. Harsh comments, criticism or degrading language directed at another teammate will not be tolerated.

27.  Technology: No cell phones, IPods, or electronic devices at practices, meetings, or workouts.

28.  Jewelry: For safety, no earrings or jewelry while participating in practice, workouts, or competition.

29.  Hydration: Players are responsible for hydrating before, during and after practices and workouts, as well as maintaining a healthy balanced diet. Players are expected to bring a gallon of water to each workout. While water stations will be available, having individual water jugs allows the players immediate access to water and minimizes time waiting in line at the water station.

30.  Missing Practice, Workout, Meeting or event: If you must miss any football related event for any reason, contact your Head Coach prior to missing the workout or event. Contact the Head Coach yourself or call the Head Coach and leave a message if you will not be on campus. Do not tell a friend or another student to relay the message. Failure to contact your Head Coach prior to a missed workout, meeting, or practice may result in disciplinary action or suspension. The Head Coach will determine the make-up work required following a missed practice based on these guidelines:

a)  Excused absence(s) due to school-related competition/performance or you are sick AND have a doctor’s note or have a family emergency: No make-up work required.

b)  Other excused absence(s): Make-up work may be required; however, we understand that some emergency situations may occur.

c)  Unexcused absence(s): Make-up work will be required and the student will not be permitted to participate in the next contest if in season.

d)  Summer vacations/Family events: There is a break scheduled the week of July 4th, including the weekends before and after, which is the suggested vacation schedule for the players. Family Vacations are excused, however, bear in mind that inconsistent participation in the Summer Strength and Conditioning Program and Practices will impact a player’s physical and mental readiness for the competition season, and may impact playing time.

NOTE: The Head Coach will decide whether or not an absence is excused, based on individual circumstances.

31.  Missing Practice during the season: If you miss one practice, it will be up to the head coach’s discretion on how much playing time you miss that week but the minimum will be half a quarter.

a)  If you miss two or more practices you are suspended from that week’s game.

b)  Missing practice on a day that we are not in school and it was not excused will result in the player not being able to dress for that week’s game.

c)  If you miss practice and the coaching staff decides that it was not an unavoidable situation or if you are not honest with us, you will be suspended for one game. If this occurs a second time, you will be subject to removal of the team.

32.  Injuries and illness: All injuries must be reported to the coaching staff and/or the athletic trainer immediately. All injured players are expected to attend meetings and practices if permitted by the training staff and doctor’s permission. To insure the safety of the student-athlete he must notify the coach if injury or illness will limit participation at any time. It is the athlete’s responsibility to report to the trainer for preventative or rehabilitative care. This MUST be done immediately after school and must not interfere with any football activities. If you see a doctor for a football related injury, a clearance from that doctor is required to resume football activities.

33.  Recovering from Injury or Illness: If a player is recovering from being sick, hurt, or injured and is cleared to be at practice, then it is expected that the player attend practice. If he is not able to practice then he can sit behind the drill and prepare mentally for the weeks opponent. Help us teach your son the importance of commitment. If there is a chance that your son will be well by “Game Day” and expect to play – he must attend practice. There are many different ways they can help the program by being at practice. Excused to miss practice is by doctor or parent only.

34.  Lockers: Keep your locker and the locker room clean. Keep weights, dumbbells, belts, ropes, etc…in the designated storage areas in the weight room. Check the weight room, locker room, and meeting rooms following practice, workouts and contests to be certain we leave our area cleaner than we found it at home and on the road. Strive to bring honor and credit to Horizon High School.

35.  Football Equipment: You will be assigned equipment, helmet and shoulder pads. You must return the equipment and uniform upon completion of the season. Proper practice gear must be worn at all times. Wear only what has been issued to you. When equipment is issued to you it becomes your sole responsibility. If any equipment is lost you must pay a replacement fee before you will be issued additional equipment.