Data Management
The Henderson Library subject liaisons are available to collaborate with researchers on data management plans (DMP’s) for grant proposals. The institutional repository isprovided as a freely accessible, perpetual, online archive for the intellectual output of anyone at Georgia Southern University. The repository can be a crucial element of a faculty data management plan. The Library also provides a template for your DMP. Simply save a copy of this document and edit as appropriate. The librarians, along with the Office of Research Services and Sponsored Programs, are happy to assist you with your data management plan.
Data Management Plan Template
Template for Georgia Southern University
(adapted from the University of Virginia Libraries’ template; for NSF proposals, refer also to for social science proposals, refer also to
Drafted by Jonathan H. Harwell, Coordinator of Content Management, Zach S. Henderson Library, Georgia Southern University. Updated Oct. 7, 2013, by Debra Skinner, Coordinator of Cataloging/Metadata, Henderson Library.
Instructions: Please use the outline below as a general suggestion, filling in the blanks and making other edits as appropriate. Please delete the highlighted explanations before submitting the Data Management Plan. Your finished Data Management Plan should consist of two pages or less. You can condense this outline into a paragraph format to save space.
I. Types of Data
A.The research will generate data in the form of ______. (describe the type of data, the content of the data, and the expected amount of data)
B.The data will be generated via ______. (describe the way the data will be created; if existing data will be used, note the source and explain)
II.Data and Metadata Standards
A.The data will be generated in ___ file format(s), because ______.
B.Details about the data (metadata) will assist in its interpretation and/or re-use. The research will provide metadata in the form of ______. (keywords? classification scheme? dates/places?) The metadata will follow the standard of ______(if applicable) because ______.
III.Policies for Access and Sharing, with Provisions for Appropriate Protection/Privacy (choice of 3 alternatives below)
A.The data will be and remain publicly available via Georgia Southern University’s institutional repository, Digital Commons@Georgia Southern, an open-access digital archive for the scholarly output of the Georgia Southern University community. This institutional repository is part of the University System of Georgia’s GALILEO Knowledge Repository (GKR) as well as the Digital Commons network of repositories and provides a perpetual archive, indexed by major search engines. The data and metadata are managed by professional librarians, with technical assistance from information technology professionals.
A.The data will be deposited with the digital repository of the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) to ensure that the research community has long-term access to the data. ICPSR will make the research data from this project available to the broader social science research community.
A.(Explain alternative plan for sharing access to the data, including whether it will be shared freely and publicly.)
B.The data will be made available ______. (when? explain any embargo period that might apply) The principal investigator retains the right to use the data before making it available to others. (include this sentence if appropriate)
IV.Provisions for Appropriate Protection of Privacy, Confidentiality, Security, Intellectual Property, or Other Rights or Requirements
A.Ethical and/or privacy issues involve ______. These will be resolved by ______. (anonymization? confidentiality? consent forms?)
B.This research complies with the obligations of the Georgia Southern University Institutional Review Board. (explain what has been done to comply with these obligations)
C.The dataset is/is not covered by copyright. (If it is covered by copyright, add the following sentence:) ______owns the copyright and other intellectual property, and (if applicable) the dataset will be licensed via ______.
D.There will/will not be restrictions on the sharing of the data, ______. (in order to protect intellectual property, copyright, or patentable data)
V.Policies and Provisions for Re-use and/or Re-distribution
A.The data will/will not require permission restrictions. Explain.
B.______(certain groups or entities?) are likely to be interested in the data. The data is expected to be used for ______purposes.
C.(if applicable) The data will not be shared or re-used because ______(specific ethical considerations? non-disclosure agreement?)
VI.Plans for Archiving and Preservation of Access
A.The long-term strategy for maintaining, curating, and archiving the data involves depositing it in the ______(Digital Commons@Georgia Southern? ICPSR?) repository, for long-term preservation and to ensure that the research community has continuing access to the data. (If not depositing in a repository, explain the plan for long-term preservation of the data, including backup procedures.)
B.(if applicable) Data cleaning and/or anonymization will be done prior to preservation and/or sharing of the data.
C.Along with the data and metadata, additional documentation to be deposited will consist of ______(reports? white papers? a copy of the proposal?)