Updated on July1, 2013
BoardApproved on:July9, 2013
Woodville Union SchoolDistrict(“WUSD”) provides access to theInternet forits employees,agents, students, andvolunteers,collectivelyreferred to as “users”for educational and businesspurposes, in conformancewith applicable law. ThisInternetAcceptableUseand SafetyPolicy(“policy”)governsall electronicactivityof users usingandaccessingtheWUSD’sInternetsystems,includingWUSD e-mail andWUSD-provided access to theInternet, and applies to theuse of theWUSDInternetSystems both on and offWUSD property.
“TheWUSD’sInternetSystems” meansWUSD-provideddevices,Internetconnections(includingwireless connections)providedbytheWUSD, WUSD-providede-mailaccounts,intranet and anyremote connection toWUSD systems. A user is deemed to access and usetheWUSD’sInternet Systems throughanyelectronicactivityconducted on theWUSD’sInternetSystems using anydevice (whether ornot such deviceis aWUSD-provided device)regardless ofthe user’sphysicallocation.
“WUSD-provided devices” meansanyelectronicdeviceprovided bytheWUSD, including, butnot limited to, desktop computers,laptops,and hand-held devices, such aspersonaldigitalassistants(PDAs), smartphones, iPads, tabletsande-readers.
Student useof theWUSD’sInternetSystems isgovernedbythis policy,WUSD regulations,policiesandguidelines, theWUSD Standards of Conduct and Uniform DisciplinaryMeasures(the“Discipline Code”) and applicablelaw.Employeeuse isgovernedbythis policy,WUSDregulations,policiesandguidelines, the WUSD’semploymentpolicies,applicablecollectivebargainingagreements and applicablelaw.
ByusingtheWUSD’sInternetSystems, a user agrees to follow this policyandallapplicableWUSD regulations, policies and guidelines. All users must report anymisuseof thenetwork or
Internet orreceipt of anycommunication that violates this policyto a teacher, supervisor or otherappropriate WUSD personnel.
PrinciplesofAcceptable andSafe InternetUse
Internet access and e-mailprovided bythe WUSDareintendedforeducational use, instruction,researchand the facilitation of communication,collaboration,and otherWUSD relatedpurposes. Usersaresubject to the same standardsexpected in a classroomand/orprofessionalworkplace.
Monitoring and Privacy
Users haveno right to privacywhile usingtheWUSD’sInternet Systems. The WUSD monitorsusers’ online activitiesandreserves the right to access,review,copy, store,or delete anyelectroniccommunications or files. This includes anyitemsstored onWUSD-provided devices,such as files, e-mails, cookies, andInternethistory.
TheWUSD reserves theright to disclose anyelectronicactivity, including electroniccommunications, to law enforcementofficials or third parties,as appropriate and consistent withapplicablelaw. TheWUSD will fullycooperatewith local,state, orfederalofficials in anylawfulinvestigationconcerningorrelatingto anyillegalactivitiesconductedthrough theWUSD’sInternet Systems.
ProhibitedUses oftheWUSD’sInternetSystems
Usersmaynot engage inanyof theactivities prohibited bythis policywhenusingor accessingtheWUSD’sInternet Systems.
Ifauser is uncertain whetherbehavior is prohibited, heor sheshould contact a teacher,supervisor orother appropriate WUSD personnel. TheWUSD reserves the right to takeimmediateaction regardingactivities that (1)createsecurityand/or safetyissues for theWUSD,students, employees, schools, network or computerresources, or(2)expendWUSD resources oncontent theWUSD determineslackslegitimateeducational orWUSD content or purpose,or(3)theWUSD determines are inappropriate.
Below is anon-exhaustivelist of examples of prohibitedbehavior:
1.Causingharm to others,damage to their propertyorWUSD property,such as:
- Using, postingor distributingprofane,lewd, vulgar, threatening, orabusivelanguage ine-mailmessages, material posted onWUSD webpages, or professional social mediasites;
- Accessing,using, posting, or distributinginformation or materialsthat arepornographicor otherwise obscene,advocateillegal or dangerousacts, or advocate violenceor
discrimination. If users inadvertentlyaccess suchinformation, theyshouldimmediatelydisclose the inadvertentaccess in amanner specified byWUSD;
- Accessing, postingor distributingharassing,discriminatory,inflammatory,or hatefulmaterial, or makingdamagingorfalse statements aboutothers;
- Sending,posting,orotherwise distributingchain letters orengagingin spamming;
- Damagingcomputerequipment,files, dataor theWUSD’sInternetSystemin anyway,includingspreadingcomputerviruses,vandalizingdata, softwareor
equipment,damagingordisablingothers’electronicproperty, orengaging in conductthat couldinterfere orcause adanger ofdisruption to theWUSD’s educational orbusinessenvironment;
- BypassingWUSDInternetProxy,Firewall, orusingconnectionanonymizing methods
- UsingtheWUSD’sInternetSystem in amanner that interferes with the education oftheuseror others or thejobduties of theuseror others;
- Downloading,posting, reproducingor distributing music, photographs, video or otherworks in violation of applicablecopyrightlaws.Anymusic,photographsand/or videoshould onlybedownloaded forWUSD, and not personalpurposes.Ifawork specifieshow thatworkmaybeused, the user should follow the expressedrequirements.If
users areunsurewhether ornot theycan useawork, theyshould request permission fromthe copyright or trademarkowner; or
- Engagingin plagiarism. Plagiarism is takingthe ideas or writings of othersandpresentingthem as if theywereoriginal to the user.
2.Gainingorattemptingtogain unauthorized access to the WUSD’sInternetSystems, or toanythird party’s computer system, such as:
- Malicioustampering, phishingor hackingactivities;
- Intentionallyseekinginformation about passwords belongingto other users;
- Disclosinga user’s password to theWUSD’sInternetSystems to other
individuals. However, students maysharetheirWUSD password with theirparents.
- Modifyingpasswords belongingto other users;
- Attemptingto login through another person's account;
- Attemptingto gain access tomaterialthat is blocked or filteredbythe WUSD;
- Accessing,copying,ormodifyinganother user’s files withoutauthorization;
- Disguising auser’s identity;
- Usingthe password or identifier ofanaccount that does not belongto theuser; or
- Engagingin uses that jeopardize access into others’ accounts or other computernetworks.
3.UsingtheWUSD’sInternetSystems for commercialpurposes, such as:
- UsingtheWUSD’sInternetSystems for personalfinancialgain;
- Conductingfor-profit businessactivities,personaladvertising,orother non-WUSDbusinesscommunications;
- Engagingin fundraising (except as setforth in theChancellor’sRegulationA-610); or
- UsingtheWUSD’sInternetSystems on behalf ofanyelectedofficial,candidate,candidates,slate of candidates ora political organization or committee.
4.Engagingin criminal or otherunlawful activities.
Inaccordance to Children’sInternet Protection Act(“CIPA”),WUSD blocks or filters contentover the InternetthatWUSD considers inappropriate for minors. This includes pornography,obscene material, and other material that maybeharmful to minors.WUSD mayalsoblock orfilterothercontent deemed to be inappropriate, lacking educational orwork-relatedcontent orthat posea threat to the network. WUSD may, inits discretion,disablesuchfilteringfor certainusers forbona-fide research or otherlawful educational or business purposes.
Usersshall not useanywebsite,application, ormethods to bypass filteringofthe network orperformanyother unlawfulactivities.
Protection ofPersonallyIdentifiableConfidentialInformation
TheFamilyEducationalRights and PrivacyAct (“FERPA”) prohibitsWUSD schoolofficialsfromdisclosingpersonallyidentifiable information(“PII”)fromeducationrecordsof WUSDstudents and families to third partieswithoutparentalconsent. However,severalexceptions tothis general rulemayapply.
All users oftheWUSD’sInternet Systems must complywith FERPA, ConfidentialityandRelease of Student Records; RecordsRetention. If youareunsureabout whetherthe activitywillcomplywith FERPA, please contact the WUSD’s Superintendent.
Internal communications with a WUSD attorneymayalso be confidential.Accordingly, usersshould not forward ordistributesuch communications without first checkingwith the attorney.Users should ensurethat e-mails that includeor attachconfidential information are onlysent tothe intendedrecipients.
StudentInternet Safety
1.WUSD Responsibilities:
- WUSD will providecurriculumaboutappropriateonline behavior, includinginteractingwith otherindividuals on social networkingwebsites and in chat rooms, andcyberbullying awareness and response.
- WUSD will work to protect thesafetyand securityofminors when using electronic mail,chat rooms, and otherforms of direct electronic communications.
- As appropriate, WUSD will providestudents,staffandparents withguidelines andinstructions forstudent safetywhile usingtheInternet.
2.Students UsingWUSD’sInternet Systems
- Students must not revealpersonalinformation about themselves or other persons onsocial networkingsites, in chat rooms, in emails or otherdirect electronic
communications, or anyotherforum over the Internet.Forexample,students must notreveal their homeaddress, or telephoneorcell phone number. Students must not displayphotographs of themselves, or the images of others.
- Students should not meetin personanyone theyhavemet onlyon theInternet.
- Students must promptlydisclose to their teacher or otherschool employeeanymessageorotheractivitytheyreceive that is inappropriateor makes them feeluncomfortable.
- Students should not allow WUSD computers to save their passwords.
3.Teachers usingtheWUSDInternetSystems,includingSocial Media for classactivities
- Teachers should educatestudents about appropriate and safeonlinebehavior, includinginteractingwith individuals on social networking websites andin chat rooms andcyberbullying awareness and response. Teachers should refer to theFBI’s Kids SafetyTips ( otherfree educationalInternet safetyresourcesavailable on theInternet.
- Social Media
- “Socialmedia” means anyform ofonlinepublication or presence that allowsinteractive communication,including, but not limited to, socialnetworks,blogs,Internet websites, internetforums,and wikis. Examples of social mediainclude,but are not limited to, Facebook,Twitter, YouTube,Myspace,Google+,andFlickr.
- Schools useavarietyofonline web-based interactive communicationtechnologies to enhancestudents’ educationandlearning.Social mediasites mustbeusedonlyforeducational and schoolrelatedpurposes, in connection withlessons andassignments and to facilitatecommunication with teachersandotherstudents.
- WUSD limitsaccess to thesesites to individuals within theschooland WUSDschoolofficials.Ifaccess to a social mediasitewill extend beyond individualswithin the school orWUSD schoolofficials,thenparent consent is required.
- Teachers must refer to the WUSD’sSocial Media Guidelines,which areincorporated into this policy, ifInternetactivitieswill involve social media.
- Althoughstudentsgenerallywill be supervised when usingtheWUSD’sInternetSystemon schoolproperty, it is not practicablefortheWUSD to monitor andenforce awiderange of social values instudent use oftheInternet.Parentsare primarilyresponsible fortransmittingtheir particularset of familyvalues to theirchildren,and discussingwiththeir children what material is and is notacceptable for theirchildren to access throughtheWUSD’sInternet Systems.
- Parentsareexclusivelyresponsible for monitoringtheirchildren's use oftheInternetwhen theWUSD’sInternetSystems are accessedfrom homeor anon-school
location. TheWUSDmayormaynot employits filteringsystems to screenhome accessto theWUSD’sInternetSystems.Parents should inquirewith the school orWUSD.
Violations ofthisPolicy
WUSD reserves theright to terminate anyuser’s access toWUSDInternetSystems-includingaccess to WUSD e-mail - atanytime.
Ifastudent violates this policy,appropriate disciplinaryaction will betaken consistentwith theWUSD DisciplineCode. If astudent’saccess to the WUSD’sInternet System is revoked,thestudent maynot be penalized academically,and theWUSD will ensurethat the student continuesto haveameaningful opportunityto participate in the educationalprogram.
Employee violations of this policywill behandled byappropriate discipline.
All users must promptlydisclose to their teacher,supervisor,principal ormanager anyinformation theyreceivethat is inappropriate ormakes them feeluncomfortable.
WUSD makes no guaranteesabout thequalityof the services provided andis not responsibleforanyclaims,losses,damages,costs, or otherobligations arisingfrom useof the network oraccounts.Anyadditionalchargesauser accrues dueto theuse of WUSD’snetwork areto bebornebythe user.WUSD alsodeniesanyresponsibilityfor theaccuracyor qualityof theinformationobtainedthrough user access.Anystatement, accessible on the computer network ortheInternet, is understood to be the author's individual point of viewand not that of theWUSD,its affiliates, or employees.
Copies ofthisPolicy and Inquiries
TheWUSD reserves theright to amendand/or revise this policyatanytime as the needarises.This policyis available upon request and insoft copy. For the most up-to-date version of this policy please visit: