Term 6 Spring 2015
Key Stage 2
Creative Development
Creative Development
(Art, Music, links to Drama and Design Technology) / Focus on different countries – particularly food but also music, smells, clothing, fabric, religion, art
Week 4-6 Pakistan
Week 1-3 China
Week 4-6 Italy
4b Colour –explore colour through food / shading of a colour e.g. apple skin
- Encounter / respond to / explore primary colours – use red/yellow/blue paints in a range of painting activities
- Encounter / respond to / explore mixing two primary colours and observe the effects this can been done in a range of sensory activities
- e.g. printing with welly boots/hand or finger painting, painting overlapping stripes with large brushes or rollers, using dabber pens. Where appropriate create a colour wheel (circle divided into 6 – alternate segments painted with a primary colour and adjacent colours mixed in middle segment to make secondary colours
- Encounter / respond to / explore mixing two primary colours to create a secondary colour using acetate/cellophane
- Encounter / respond to / explore sort colours (look at different shades of same colour) – this can be done with tissue paper, fabric samples, chiffon scarves etc
- Begin to sort colours to make a block colour collage
- Encounter / respond to / explore making tints by adding various amounts of white paint to a primary colour
- Encounter / respond to / explore making shades by adding various amounts of black (or blue) paint to a primary colour
- Encounter / respond to / explore mixing colour on wet paper e.g. by dropping paint onto wet paper, dropping paint onto dry paper and spraying with a plant spray, using felt tip pens to make blobs of colour on filter paper and dipping edge into water
- Encounter / respond to / explore colours in the work of other artists (Monet’s ‘Soleil Levant’ – redspurples, Picasso’s blue period, Van Gogh’s yelloworanges in ‘Sunflowers’)
Learning objectives – Pupil should
- Encounter / respond to /explore copying and continuing a pattern using colour – using paint, tissue squares, beads, cotton reels, balls, scarves, compare bears etc
- Encounter/ respond to /explore copying and continuing a pattern using shapes – use same colour shapes using 2D plastic shapes, gummed shapes, shaped carpet tiles
- Encounter / respond to / explore textured materials
- Encounter / respond to / explore expressing a preference / making a choice between textured materials (rough sandpaper, shiny foil, soft foam, fluffy fur etc
- Encounter / respond to /explore creating a pattern using textured materials (e.g. repeating pattern, chequer board effect, divided wheel)
- Encounter / respond to / explore patterns on fruit /vegetables e.g. on pineapple skin, seed patterns in fruit
- Encounter / respond to / explore patterns on everyday objects – wallpaper, socks, wrapping paper
- Encounter / respond to / explore sorting socks – matching to make patterned pairs
- Encounter / respond to / explore recreating a simple pattern for a wallpaper / wrapping paper
- Encounter / respond to / explore patterns found on artefacts from different cultures e.g. Islamic mosaic art, Chinese calligraphy
- Encounter / respond to / explore imitating patterns found on artefacts from different cultures
- Encounter / respond to / explore commenting on the work of others (make/decorate kites with simple patterns – link to Pakistan Kite Flying festivals – express preferences between kites made by peers)
- Encounter / respond to / explore making patterns using ICT
“High Park’s got talent”
Learning objectives – Pupil should
- Encounter / respond to / explore instruments
- Encounter / respond to /explore handling instruments carefully
- Encounter / respond to /explore playing instruments in different ways – tapping with finger nails/tips, patting with flat of hand, using a beater (wooden and plastic), shaking it etc
- Encounter / respond to /explore playing instruments with control
- Encounter / respond to / explore mutually pleasurable shared experiences by exploring / playing instruments with a partner
- Encounter / respond to / explore watching themselves exploring / playing instruments on video
- Begin to explore / play instruments alongside the video recording of themselves playing instruments
- Encounter / respond to /explore using a microphone and making vocalisations into the microphone
- Encounter / respond to / explore listening to the recording alongside photograph of themselves
- Encounter / respond to /explore developing listening skills – listening carefully
- Begin to identify own voice and the voice of others when listening to recordings (‘guess who’ type game)
- Encounter / respond to / explore listening to music from Pakistan / China / Italy
- Encounter / respond to / explore instruments from Pakistan / China / Italy
- Encounter / respond to / explore listening to different musical styles – e.g. have different music on individual Big Macks)
- Begin to show preferences – as above have as a choosing activity – which one is played most
- Encounter / respond to / explore / anticipate favourite pieces of music
Be aware of any food allergies and dietary needs within the group.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
(Science, History, Geography, Design Technology and RE) / Science
2.2e Teeth and eating
- Encounter/ respond to /explore eating a healthy diet / trying healthy foods
- Encounter / respond to / explore a range of similar foods e.g. if biscuits are preferred, taste healthy biscuits and health bars – link to DT.
- Begin to express a preference
- Encounter/ respond to /explore tasting different foods with different parts of the tongue. Use four solutions: sweet water, slightly salty water, diluted lemon juice and diluted coffee. Use back, front and sides of the tongue. Rinse out after every tasting. Record results.
- Encounter / respond to / explore groups of foods using all available senses, focus on different tastes e.g. salty, sour, sweet
- Encounter / respond to / exploresampling different snacks for one day a week e.g. piece of mango, slice of watermelon with seeds removed.
- Encounter / respond to / explore resources associated with dental hygiene/teeth – feel toothbrushes, look in mirrors, taste toothpaste, smell mouthwash and paste, listen to the sound of water, brushing, teeth chattering
- Encounter/ respond to /explore a variety of different toothbrushes – different sized, different ‘firmness’, electric or battery powered ones, rigid brushes, flexible heads, ones with tongue cleaners etc
- Encounter / respond to / explore looking in a mirror (using a small torch where appropriate) to look at teeth
- Begin to imitate adult actions- opening mouth wide, moving tongue side to side
- Respond to adult commands e.g.’ open your mouth’
- Encounter/ respond to /explore tooth care in a gentle way, either through tasting
- Observe an adult brushing teeth (Make all the wonderful noises associated with it)
- Encounter / respond to / explore appropriate teeth cleaning
Learning objectives – Pupil should
- Encounter / respond to / explore a particular sensory experience and use a preferred method of communication to express likes and dislikes
- Encounter / respond to / explore actively choose items that are of interest and interact with them in increasingly complex ways.
- Encounter / respond to / explore all five senses through a wide range of single and multi-sensory activities
- Encounter / respond to / explore movement in a variety of ways e.g. dancing, Jabadao, rebound, running, exercise using interactive technology e.g.Wii fit/xbox kinect, being out on a walk
- Encounter/ respond to /explore activities that develop body awareness e.g. aromatherapy, peer massage, TacPac, using the ‘body roller’,
- Begin to recognise / use body part names e.g. to request hand massage or foot squeeze
- Encounter/ respond to /explore taking part in relaxation exercises e.g. tightening muscle groups and the relaxing them.
- Begin to show / communicate preferences between activities
2.4 Where in the World is Barnaby Bear?
Learning objectives – Pupil should
- Encounter / respond to / explore / cooperate with shared exploration and supported participation.
- Encounter / respond to / explore communicating preferences and affected responses.
- Encounter / respond to / explore actively choosing items that are of interest and interact with them in increasingly complex ways.
- Encounter / respond to /explore transport to come into school – look at photographs of transport school find own transport, look at photos of escort/driver and name.
- Encounter / respond to / explore what they bring to school with them, for example their home school diary, packed lunch, drink or spare clothes (take photographs of the pupils investigating what is in their bag)
- Encounter/ respond to /explore Barnaby Bear and his bag. Look at his clothes, and what objects he has come into school with – make Barnaby’s bag interesting through sensory investigation – unusual / new foods in packed lunch, music on his MP3 player that he listens to on transport, tactile textured spare clothes etc
- Encounter/ respond to /explore going on a short journey – what items are needed? Swimming, donkeys, walk to shop etc
- Encounter/ respond to /explore packing items for Barnaby to go on the same journey
- Encounter/ respond to /explore sensory experiences of hot; visit ‘hot’ places within the school, go outside on a hot day take the bear outside with the pupils, take photographs to make into aninteractive book
- Encounter/ respond to /explore hot weather clothing –t-shirt and shorts, sun hat, sun glasses, sandals and other items. Label the suitcase with the symbol/ word for hot.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore sensory experiences of cold; visit cold rooms, go outside in cold weather and take the bear outside with the pupils, take photographs to make into an interactive book
- Encounter/ respond to /explore cold weather clothing - thick coat, hat, gloves, ear muffs, bootsand other items. Label the suitcase with the symbol/ word or cold.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore both suitcases and sort several times the things that you need for hot and cold countries. (Take photographs of the pupils sorting the clothes into the suitcases for hot/cold climate)
- Encounter/ respond to /explore packing suitcases - pupils to put clothing of items in the case that are special to them for a ‘holiday’. (A case for Barnaby bear could be packed also) - Investigate what needs to be taken - shorts, swimming costumes, suntan lotion, towels, sunglasses and loose clothing
- Encounter/ respond to /explore sensory aspects of a holiday – sand, sea, smells, sights, tastes, feel of suncream lotion, sand beneath toes, sound of waves, gulls etc Set up a multi-sensory beach area (link to ICT)
- Encounter/ respond to /explore over the term sensory aspects of three countries – India, China and Italy explore the music, food, fabrics, clothing, art/sculpture, smells (through food/spices/fragrances)
Eat - mangoes, dates, custard apples, aubergines, pomegranate, okra, rice, pakoras, samosas, chapattis, curry,poppadums
Smell - Patchouli, sandalwood, marjoram, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin,
Listen - Bhangra music,
Look /touch - fabrics, Muslim artefacts, Islamic art, mosaic art, mosques, Bollywood (or Lollywood – made in Lahore) movies
Eat - Lychees, dragon fruit, bok-choi (Chinese cabbage), bean sprouts, noodles, prawn crackers, stir-fry, water-chestnut
Smell –plum blossom, jasmine, lotus flower
Listen – Chinese folk music, dragon dance music,
Look/touch - fabrics, Buddhist artefacts, calligraphy art, temples, Chinese art
Eat – bell peppers, lemons, limes, olives, zucchini, pasta, pizza, biscotti
Smell – Bergamot, Aniseed,caraway seeds,
Listen – classical, opera, Gregorian Chants,
Look/touch - fabrics, Catholic artefacts, art by Michelangelo, RaphaelandLeonardo da Vinci, churches
There is no discrete planning for History this term – class leaders are to ensure coverage of this curriculum area throughout cross-curricular provision, looking at the P level performance descriptors to identify key skills.
Developing key skills throughout the curriculum areas – stimulating children’s curiosity about the past and present – ordering / sequencing, developing an awareness of time, awareness of routines (timetables/transition timetables e.g. plotting time using a transition timetable with objects of reference in assembly or following an photographic/video recipe in a food tech. session enables children not only to look ahead to what they are doing next but also into the past to see where they have come from), looking at / recording changes over time, use of digital imagery to record events and make e-books to look back at past events, compare and contrast past and present (this ranges from recent past eg that day to looking at the past week, month )
Identify areas within the curriculum strands where this is applicable – embedded learning/skills development rather than a discrete history lesson
Design Technology
2.5.4 Biscuits – making desserts international recipes
Learning objectives – Pupil should
- Encounter/ respond to /explore foods in a sensory way – taste, texture, smell, look
- Encounter/ respond to /explore a sensory exploration of a range of commercially produced biscuits. Compare, taste and evaluate based on size, shape, thickness, flavour, texture, sweet or savoury, favourites
- Encounter/ respond to /explore communicating preferences about biscuits
- Encounter/ respond to /explore making choices
- Encounter/ respond to /explore basic ingredients of biscuits through sensory exploration – touch, taste, smell – flour, sugar, butter, oats, flavourings
- Encounter/ respond to /explore healthy diets – biscuits are nice but to be eaten in moderation as an occasional snack
- Encounter/ respond to /explore making a simple biscuit to a basic biscuit recipe, taste and evaluate.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore following a pictorial / video recipe (adult in class to be videoed making biscuits – video needs to give children time to process information and complete individual stages of task)
- Encounter/ respond to /explore sequencing order of recipe
- Encounter/ respond to /explore using a basic recipe and choosing different flavouring and/or colour and/or additional ingredients to add to the mixture from given range.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore making different types of biscuits using given recipes and methods such as melting, whisking, rubbing in
- Tolerate /cooperate with 1:1 activities which demonstrate a skill
- Encounter / respond to /explore selecting appropriate tools, techniques and materials
- Begin to watch others and copy their actions
- Encounter / respond to / explore celebrating own work and the work of others – eating the end result
- Encounter/ respond to /explore biscuits from other countries to compare tastes and aromas
- Encounter/ respond to /explore making biscuits from other cultures e.g. Italian biscotti, Chinese sesame biscuits.
2.6.4 Why is sharing food important on special occasions?
Learning objectives – Pupil should
- Encounter / respond to / explore begin to respond consistently to familiar people, events and objects
- Begin to greet familiar people – peers and adults
- Encounter/ respond to /explore shared interaction with familiar adults / peers associated around food e.g. making simple snack items, taking turns to stir cake mixture, sharing snack
- Encounter/ respond to /explore sharing a ‘special’ social snack together (encourage interaction at an appropriate level – handing out plates/food, making requests)
- Encounter/ respond to /explore photos/videos of pleasurable shared activities based around food
- Encounter/ respond to /explore tasting samples of different foods (some familiar and might be liked, others not so familiar and may not liked)
- Encounter/ respond to /explore communicating likes /dislikes
- Begin to identify the foods, using a variety of responses, e.g. verbal communication, switches, symbols, photographs.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore making a collage or multi-media presentation using different images of foods, packaging from foods and words/symbols associated with food.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore a class party and/or picnic
- Begin to actively participate in organising a class party/picnic - choosing what foods to make or take, taking into consideration what others like and dislike, counting cups and plates needed, packing resources/setting up the table etc.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore special meals in other religions
½ heaped cup atta wheat flour, 1 tablespoon suji (semolina), ½ cup levelled sugar, 1 ½ cups water and dried fruit such as raisins and apricots.)
After worship everyone is invited to eat together. This meal is usually a vegetarian curry with chapattis. Pupils could make a meal and share together, invite other classes to join in
In the Hindu faith food is used every day in a special ceremony called puja. Set up an area in the class that could be used as a ‘shrine’. Puja a good sensory activity, with touch (flower garlands/fabrics) taste (offerings to the deity such as dried fruits and cooked rice), sound(hymns), smell (incense), ritualised washing for the pupils to participate in and experience.
In Christian Faith food is donated at harvest time – collect non-perishable, in-date food donations to send to the Bradford Food Bank – there are two in Bradford.
- Encounter/ respond to /explore a variety of new religious experiences, for example, involving music, colour, lights, fragrances and incense, food or tactile objects
- Encounter / respond to / explore emerging awareness of activities and experiences
- Encounter / respond to / explore an appreciation of stillness or quiet
Be aware of any food allergies and dietary needs within the group.
Recreate multi-sensory experiences – video/photo playing through projector onto the wall to show a mosque, listen to the calls to prayer(there are lots of iphone apps that do this), have prayer mats pointing to face Mecca ( iphone apps / Mecca compass), the smell of incence, the feel of prayer mats and wearing a Shalwar Kameez, adults to promote a calm respectful atmosphere – sense of awe and wonder.